Let me start off by saying this is not a rant but more like me not understanding why certain choices are made.
Well i always read the "Goodbye, Leaving the game, or 'To whoever cares' threads. These are the threads where ppl say that they are leaving the game and why they are leaving. I can completely understand ppl wanting to let friends know they are leaving the game and saying goodbye to everyone even if they didnt know them. We can then give them a /salute and a goodluck it was nice knowing you =)What i fail to understand is the reasons why ppl quit the game.
Here are some reasons that i can understand leaving the game for (not limited to only these:
1) The person can no longer afford to pay to play the game.
2) The game is no longer fun for you.
3) Parents/guardians feel you shouldnt play the game anymore
(nothing u can do about that but plea to them)
4) I am being deployed somewhere (military).
5) I dont have time to play cause of work/family.
Here are the reasons we mostly likely get in the "Goodbye Thread"
1) I spend too much time on the game.
2) The game is consuming my life.
3) I dont spend enough time with RL friends.
4) My grades are dropping.
Those are the two basic classes of reasons we get. Now what i am saying is that maybe we need to exam this second class of reasons. If you look closely u will see that all them involve them spending too much time on the game. In my opinion they are running from or not realizing the real problem. It seems to me these ppl need to learn moderation and "spending time wisely" more then quiting the game. All the problems in the second class can be fixed by spending less time on the game and not quiting it.
By not fixing the problem you are guaranteed to run into it again later in life. It can be another game or just about anything that u spend ALL your time doing and not doing what you are suppose to be doing.
I offer this advice to anyone thinking of quiting.
First realized whether u are quiting because of a need or because you spend all your time neglecting certain aspects of your life. If it is the second one then you need to limit your time on the game and completely cut yourself off from it. Learn to stop playing and do the needs that you have been neglecting first. Take time out to do other things like homework, housework, hanging with friends, lol whatever it is u feel that u havent been doing cause u having been playing. Please dont pansie out and quit continuing the circle of you running from the problem. And yes i can understand that limiting play can be hard but come one either u are an adult or growing into one either way u NEED to learn moderation and "Spending your time wisely".
Maybe i dont understand something? If you feel i have left something out or am just wrong let me know and let me know why?
I am not trying to start an argument, just trying to let ppl see this problem or let me know why i do not understand it.