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Player Warning - RucaFollow

#27 Oct 05 2005 at 7:58 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Deleted.... Combined with last post..

Edited, Wed Oct 5 13:01:40 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#28 Oct 05 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
I'm willing to bet all my gil it's the OP nuking people's karma because he got caught being a punk and crying himself to sleep when he was in the wrong rubbing his **** on Alla over this.

What a little *****.

Excuse me?

No, I'm not nuking anyone's Karma on this thread, except yours for being an ***. In fact, when I posted it several days ago I received one of the lovely cluster errors from I didn't think it even went through and posted.

Given that I was extremely frustrated and upset, I thought it was better that the post hadn't gone through. I just recently noticed that it did.

#1. No, what happened was not the end of the world. But I had reason to be upset. I'm over the incident now, but I still do not have a good opinion of this player due to what happened and how they responded to my being upset about the issue. I will not party with people like this (unfortunately there are a high number of people that leave when they level or when they get a merit at this level).

#2. Ruca does not speak English, she said so many times using the translator. If she does speak English, (s)he was claiming ignorance so (s)he didn't have to respond.

#3. Yes of course I know people have schedules, and that real life is much more important than FFXI. But what you don't seem to understand is that I was looking forward to reaching 72, and I was on the absolute cusp. To see someone stay later than they said they would only to level and then leave regardless of everyone else is incredibly rude.

#4. As I'd said, we couldn't find a replacement because it was very late, and we were all tired. Ruca leaving meant the party was disbanding because others were leaving when (s)he did.

#5. No, the "Time for Work" excuse is NOT always BS. But when someone gains a level or whatnot immediately before or after they say this, it of course draws suspicion.

#6. Contrary to what a lot of people think, getting XP parties at 71+ PLD is NOT an easy thing. Reason being is that there are an insane number of high level Paladins, many going after XP buffers and others going for Merit Points. Remember that the cap is 75...there's nowhere to go afterwards except other jobs. I spend more time seeking at 70+ than at any other level.

I wasn't really in a hurry to get 72, it was the fact that I'd been 71 for awhile (due to seek times and my schedule) and I really wanted to advance. Does this incident mean Ruca doesn't know up from down, how to Skillchain, or how to do anything else in game? Of course not. Does this incident mean Ruca leaving immediately after she leveled was rude, inconsiderate, and only for their personal gain? Yes it does.

And in closing, shut the f[i][/i]uck up confucion.
#29 Oct 05 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
276 posts
Ruca is by no means a bad player of any sort. She/he is an extremely well equipped player who knows how to play. If you call that a bad player. Regardless of what you were expecting to gain within that 15min span, you surely were not getting your level. There is no reason to post a rant thread because of these types of things. To report a bad player, you're destroying their reputation within a society (virtual as it may be..). There's no need to be hasty when it comes to leveling, patience will be your best virtue.

If you don't get Lv70 today, nor tomorrow, you eventually will, unless you lose all hope @1100 TNL. People have been disgraced by other players due to name calling, actions in game etc. That's a reason to rant about a 'bad player.' Simply not gaining your level that night and complaining about a player who invited you to join their PT just shows how selfish you can be. I'm not trying to trash talk you or anything, but realize the full scenario of a situation before you try to type a half page essay about your bad experience points PT.
#30 Oct 05 2005 at 3:14 PM Rating: Good
She/he is an extremely well equipped player who knows how to play. If you call that a bad player.

Notice my previous post:

Does this incident mean Ruca doesn't know up from down, how to Skillchain, or how to do anything else in game? Of course not. Does this incident mean Ruca leaving immediately after she leveled was rude, inconsiderate, and only for their personal gain? Yes it does.

Simply not gaining your level that night and complaining about a player who invited you to join their PT just shows how selfish you can be.

I do not owe anyone anything for joining a party, I am 1/6th of the party, just as important as any other member. If you re-read my original post, you will see that I said TWICE that I understood that (s)he needed to leave, and that it happens. I only got upset when (s)he stayed late just to get a level, then immediately left.

If I said anywhere that Ruca was a "bad player", please show me where and I'll correct it. I made the post to warn of his/her playing attitude/style, not their skill level. I would personally not want anyone I know to enter this kind of a situation.

I didn't expect jack from the party. But when (s)he said they needed to leave, I expected them to leave and we'd all go on our way. Not keep the party together until the moment they leveled, then leave.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 16:27:25 2005 by Stunted
#31 Oct 05 2005 at 4:02 PM Rating: Decent
I'm posting this to warn you of a selfish, spoiled, and rude player named Ruca on Cerberus.

First of all, you're posting libel about someone who can't defend themself, so here I am doing it for her.

As many people would be, I was livid. She'd made up an excuse to leave immediately after she leveled. I couldn't believe people that were this @#%^ing selfish actually made it to 70. As she was asking for D2, I disbanded the pt, did a /angry, and warped myself with a scroll (it was late to be looking for a replace). Afterwards I /tell'd her saying "{Black list} {You can have this}". She only responded with "ty". After which I of course /blist'd her.

So be warned: Ruca will get what she wants from a party and leave when it suits her. Your XP needed to level doesn't mean a damn thing. Avoid this person like a diseased monkey, she isn't far from it.

Now, in the same post, you're being insulting. You're acting like a child over something that wasn't really in anyones control but your own. All it says in your post is "pity me, I'm a victim! Waaaaaaaaaaaa."

#2. Ruca does not speak English, she said so many times using the translator. If she does speak English, (s)he was claiming ignorance so (s)he didn't have to respond.

No, you are obviously ignorant. Let me explain something to you about japanese people, which also applies to the JP players: Japanese people are very self-concious, especially about their ability to properly speak english. This is why you see so many "JP Only" tags on /seacom. JP players like to be able to chat and communicate efficiently and comfortably. As a freind, Ruca is comfortable chatting in LS with me and some other NA, with total strangers she is probably uncomfortable. So now, you're a bit wiser on the subject, You're welcome.

Does this incident mean Ruca leaving immediately after she leveled was rude, inconsiderate, and only for their personal gain? Yes it does.

I do not owe anyone anything for joining a party, I am 1/6th of the party, just as important as any other member.

I didn't expect jack from the party. But when (s)he said they needed to leave, I expected them to leave and we'd all go on our way. Not keep the party together until the moment they leveled, then leave.

Ok. So you have completely condradicted yourself. You are the selfish, rude, inconsiderate child. Maybe if you grow up someday life will go a little easier. And even if by the offchance Ruca was being malicious and selfish - You deserved it. You're a moron. You're sitting here crying about 1.1k tnl in an xp pt? GL trying to get into a reputable HNMls. What a little *****.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 17:15:29 2005 by confucion

Edited, Wed Oct 5 17:16:33 2005 by confucion
#32 Oct 05 2005 at 4:07 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
I rarely post on threads like this because there is always two sides to a story. After reading your posts' {stunted} and the replies from the others I'm left wondering why you didn't 5 man for your last bit of xp.
The party layout was BRD, RDM, BLM, WAR(her), MNK, and PLD(me).

Also I noted that this was Rucas party?
She asked me to party (as my 71 PLD) and I gladly accepted.

It also looks as if Ruca gave warning that he/she was leaving soon.
Well when I'm about 3K tnl, she says they will be disbanding in about 15 minutes because she has work. It sucks, but no big happens, I understand that.

With what you yourself have said, why in the world would you post a "Player Warning" thread here?
Just my thoughts on this. I dont know you, and have only played with ruca a few times. But really, did this player deserve a player warning thread because they stayed what 5-10 mins longer to get 1000-1500 xp before they had to go to work.
I'm posting this to warn you of a selfish, spoiled, and rude player named Ruca on Cerberus.

From what your side of the story is -unless there is more- Ruca didn't deserve this. Confuction is in PM with Ruca, I believe confuction is the owner/leader. All confuction is doing is sticking up for a ls mate that is getting blasted for nothing.
#33 Oct 05 2005 at 4:26 PM Rating: Decent
GL trying to get into a reputable HNMls

Been in one of the best for over a year kiddo :).

Now shutup you worthless troll, I'm sick of reading your idiotic flames.

Getting on to a real post:

After reading your posts' {stunted} and the replies from the others I'm left wondering why you didn't 5 man for your last bit of xp.


I already said...other members of the party were going to leave when (s)he did. Even if they were willing to stay, it would have been too slow-going in Moon to fight weapons with just 5 members...and I wouldn't have wanted 4 other people to stick around for crap xp just for me.

did this player deserve a player warning thread because they stayed what 5-10 mins longer to get 1000-1500 xp before they had to go to work.

Not especially, which is why when the post errored the first time I let it go...because I was frustrated and just decided to note what happened and move on. Since I noticed that the post DID go through, I'm responding to the replies here.

While I stand by what I said...that it was a rude thing to do (it was), no it is not the worst thing anyone can do by far. All in all, I wouldn't have been very upset about it if they had just freaking acknowledged it.

From what your side of the story is -unless there is more- Ruca didn't deserve this. Confuction is in PM with Ruca, I believe confuction is the owner/leader. All confuction is doing is sticking up for a ls mate that is getting blasted for nothing.

Ruca played her job just fine, I did not say ANYTHING to the contrary. That is not up for debate here. I'm not pointing an accusatory finger at him/her, this was a rant about how they behaved at the end of the party. By all means, get his/her side of the story...but it's not really going to be any different.

The Facts:
1. (S)he said they needed to leave in about 10-15 minutes.
2. (S)he didn't leave until 30-45 minutes later.
3. (S)he left immediately after leveling.
4. I was as kind as possible throughout the party. I was dissapointed when (s)he first said that they needed to go in 10-15...nothing more.

If anyone else here was in the same situation, I'm sure they would be upset as well.
#34 Oct 05 2005 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
1,332 posts
Stunted wrote:
If anyone else here was in the same situation, I'm sure they would be upset as well.

They also probably would not waste everyone's time posting about it.

Edit: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your ratedowns will never hurt me!

Edited, Wed Oct 5 18:24:33 2005 by Jeryhn
#35 Oct 05 2005 at 5:37 PM Rating: Default
Stunted if I had to make an observation about you I would have to say that you are very childish and agree that you are very selfish. I am in the infamous BestienMeister linkshell so let me share something from my experiences. Of course we level solo so I am sorry that you could not do that for your last tid bit of exp. Yet we also die more than any other job if only due to mischarming alone. What does this have to do with you? Patience. I have been in MANY linkshells and know many players by playing with them that are in these godly HNM linkshells. Truely I can say that within the confines of our ls we have the best players on the server imho. Now that statement is subject to opinion I know.

When I look at a player or a linkshell I look at how they handle situations such as death, or if they were mpked, or if they lost a mission or quest based fight. (This next statement is true of life as well not only this game) Those that rise to any occasion through failure to achieve thier next goal (in this case your next level) do so with no arguing or issues with other people are truely the great players (people in life). You have clearly shown how this is not the case with you in that you look to blame others for what has happened to you. You cannot deny that statement your first post shows it very clearly. It WAS NOT AND NEVER WILL BE RUCAS responsibility to level your job.

By the way based on your post with the vulgarity in it as pre discused before that does in fact represent what kind of person you are. Oh by the way your being in the best HNM linkshell... quite often I see a lot of overpriced armor on mediocre players that cry too much in HNM linkshells these days. I thought you guys were suposed to be the best of the best huh? I guess BestienMeister will have to take over then lol. Ok im just j/king about the linkshell thing bro lighten up.

Edited, Wed Oct 5 18:45:53 2005 by JavolinRdm
#36 Oct 06 2005 at 1:31 AM Rating: Good
Been in one of the best for over a year kiddo :).

Now shutup you worthless troll, I'm sick of reading your idiotic flames.

lol you mean you don't have anything to respond to my posts with but more whining.

So what LS?

Calling shennanigans on you because for someone who's been in "one of the best HNMls for over a year," you're acting mighty pissy of 1k xp at level 72.

The people I know from the top HNMls on the server ( mine included kthx ^^ )rape sky for about 10k xp an hour. Soooo... since you're in "one of the best" for "over a year now" why is some pissant xp pt in Ro' Meave making your yeast infection itch all over again? I mean surely someone of your high regard in an HNMls for that long this should npok.

Well, since I busted you on your BS remarks, you're pretty much naked now kiddo.

Like I said GL getting into a "real" HNMls, and Roc, Simurgh, Serket aren't the HNM's I mean lol. Panzy.

Edited, Thu Oct 6 18:54:06 2005 by confucion
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