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Maat Fight (Monk)Follow

#1 Sep 07 2005 at 7:35 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Ok seriously.. I've had about enough of this old man. Can anyone help me with beating this SOB? I'm 0/3 on him and about 500k in losses. I'm beyond sick of going back up to Castle O to see every other test drop on the first or second mob and Monks take 15+ kills. ><


Anyways.. anyone have a really good strat for this? I tried Thornns last night and got screwed.

Here's what I did.

Walked in with no gear on, re-equipped and started boosting.
After 3 boosts I popped carbonara and 2x hi-pot. Started boosting again. After 6 I popped my Persikos Au'Lait. I walked within chi-blast range and turned around. I hit my 2hr, chi-blast macro which re-equipped my spike necklace. Threw my tiger mask back on and started fighting (yes I forgot to actually activate my blink band. ><).

My gear was: Tiger Fangs, Full AF, elusive earring, dodge earring, Brown Belt, Amemet Mantle, 2xSun Ring, Tiger Mask, Spike Necklace, Fortune Egg.

First thing, he runs basically RIGHT on top of me and it says I can't see him. All the while he's punching me (of course). All of the sudden, I start whiffing like crazy which has yet to happen on any previous fights with him. Of course this throws EVERYTHING off so I try to rush and throw my life belt on. In the process I only unequipped my brown belt. I had to go back into equip and put life belt on.

By this time he's right around 50% so I chakra. All the sudden I'm getting hit like crazy. He decided to not do the 2hr animation and just go at it. I threw off a Raging Fists, popped an elixer, and went to my wing. By then I died. I only got him to 30% health.

Ok obviously forgetting to activate the blink band was my fault. Him standing right on top of me so I can't "see him" is BS and the sudden whiff fest is ridiculous. What else can I do to beat this SOB? I've tried the rushing in there, sleeping to 100, Hundred Fists, Raging Fists, wing, Raging Fists. It just helped me die faster. Any help will be GREATLY appreciated because I'm at my wits end with this fight.
#2 Sep 07 2005 at 7:42 AM Rating: Decent
If it'll help, you can use my Peacock Charm ^^
#3 Sep 07 2005 at 10:15 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
I'm trying to figure out how the hell Thornn did it with no meds and 1k hp left. :-/ I guess I'm going to use SH next run for another +10 evasion. I might even go back to Navarin for even more.
#4 Sep 07 2005 at 10:36 AM Rating: Good
951 posts
This is the tips I found from Mystery Tour

- Focus on attack, use Meat Mithkabob.

- Sleep to 100% only, do not sleep to 300% or Maat will use 2 hour shortly after your Weapon Skill.

- Icarus Wing Immediately afterward your first WS, and use WS again.

- By this time Maat will use his 2hr, make sure you have your Hundred Fist macroed and use your Hundred Fist immediately after the 2nd WS.

- You should be able to use your 3rd WS one more time before Maat is beat

Or another...

- Sleep to 100% TP with Opo-Opo
- Boost to around 999 Atk
- Focus and Dodge
- Engage turned around so not to hit him
- 100 Fists
- Chi Blast
- WS
- Wait for TP from 2hr hundred fists
- WS
- TP wing
- WS

Pretty much both people that submited these say you can beat him without any meds

Edited, Wed Sep 7 11:48:34 2005 by Corrderio
#5 Sep 07 2005 at 10:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Tried that. It's a good way to die faster. Thanks for help Corrd, but that strat is much worse than Thornn's. :-/

When I did that way I got laid out fast. LoL
#6 Sep 07 2005 at 10:44 AM Rating: Good
951 posts
Where did it go wrong at?
#7 Sep 07 2005 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
If you do those methods, he does his 2hr immediately after first WS. My 2hr hasn't done enough dmg to be worth anything by then. His 2hr, however, does 100+ dmg per hit (which is complete bs LoL).

If I take Thornn's method and use the DoT strat, I conserve my TP and let the Hundred Fists whittle him down. When he hits 50%, I have a lot of TP so my Raging Fists does higher damage and I have a wing in the waiting. I'm going to retry this using a Scorp Harness and some more eva gear, and filtering out all damage as it caused me to miss when he 2hred. I'm also going to go ahead and sleep 100 tp just so I'm closer to 300 when he does his 2hr so I can unload on him. I also make sure to use my blink band this time. ><

I'll keep you updated. LoL. I'm FRAPsing every fight to study my errors so sooner or later I'll post a link to a success. :-b
#8 Sep 07 2005 at 11:39 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Ok Monks I have another question. I just watched a video of a Maat win and the Monk popped Counterstance right when Maat did Hundred Fists.

Now I know CS increases counters at the cost of def, but does it help eva also? Is it worth it to use this? I know my dmg I take near doubles when I use CS. LoL.
#9 Sep 07 2005 at 2:40 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Wow.. I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble.

In the mnk forums the DoT method and the "do 1500 in the frist 10 seconds" methods are both hit and miss.

What has become clear is that there are several versions of maat. He spawns with a random lvl around 70, +/-3 it seems. This is the only reason anyone could come up with on his varying power levels.

The first time I fought him he countered me many times (without counterstance), hit for over 200, and never missed once.

Other attempts he hit for 70-80, never countered, missed a lot, and died quickly.

When I beat him with over 1k remaining I am pretty sure I had the lesser maat. Likewise when he killed me in like 8 seconds on my first run I had "uber-maat".

The only reason I reccomend the DoT method (done at 70 ONLY) is that it is ultra inexpensive. I too blew hundreds of K on him with the "sleep X4, vile +1, wing, and a prayer" method.

Almost every monk I speak with took 3-6 tries. There is so much luck involved in this fight. Vile elixers help, but they only buy you 5 extra seconds (maat can do over 200 dmg per second when hes below 50% health).

The myth that he matches your gear, stats (and even level) have nearly been disproven on the mnk forums. With identical setups maat is always easier at 70 then 66, and even at 70 he just demonstrates far too much variety in power.

I wish I could offer more help, but all I can say at this point is "keep trying", and I know that is a very unsatisfying answer (I heard it a lot on my maat ordeal, and again on my blackbelt ordeal.)

Edited, Wed Sep 7 15:47:44 2005 by Thornn
#10 Sep 07 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
So you think I should quit blowing gil on the excessively expensive elixers and go in with a food and a wing? I almost had him the second run but I tried the kite on 2hr trick and that cost me. I think I had the "lesser" Maat then and I blew it. ; ; That Navarin seemed to help with causing some misses though.

I'm trying to weigh navarin for misses and more personal attack over carbonara for the extra 200 or so hp. :-/
#11 Sep 07 2005 at 7:21 PM Rating: Decent
105 posts
perhaps, make two sets of equip, one for +dammage and one for +EVA...

ill loan you a earth staff for -20% dammage

that way, you can kite him manageably through his 2 hour...
#12 Sep 08 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LOL Not kiting. And switching to staff would only cost me TP. Good thought, but it's WAY too short of a fight for that.

I'm giving him another round (or 2) tonight. We'll see how it goes. I'm anxious to wear my new Melee gloves. :-b
#13 Sep 08 2005 at 11:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Ok.. got another question on this (surprise surprise I know). I just watched a vid of a monk maat fight and the monk did raging fists for 250 dmg when Maat had about 45% health left and he won.. WTF? I've had maat at 30% and lost. So do you have to get him to 0.. or just to a certain percentage? It wouldn't surprise me one bit if I was about 1% away from beating him >< LoL
#14 Sep 08 2005 at 12:43 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
All Maat fights have certian requirements to win, Blackmage must do 1500 magical damage, THF must steal successfully and WHM must survive. I don't know what MNK's requirement is, but I am guessing based on your information that it's not to get him to 0%HP althought I am sure that if you got him to 0%HP you wouldnt lose. So really there are two ways to win.
#15 Sep 08 2005 at 1:16 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Thanks for the he... well.... that didn't help. :-D LoL j/k

I've got some ideas for that old ******* tonight so we'll see. Hopefully tommorow this will have the link to a vid of me whoopin his old ace.

Thornn, Nako, Meign, etc... (HL Monks). I know it's said to not waste time with boost before Raging Fists, but that's during his 2hr. What if I had 2 macros, one with a boost/wait1/RF to do right before he does his 2hr, then one w/o boost to do after icarus to quickly finish him?

One time when I fought him, I boosted first and it did 600+ dmg. That just seems like that I might be able to skip his 2hr altogether if I do that at say 55% or so. What do you think?
#16 Sep 08 2005 at 2:24 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Thanks for the he... well.... that didn't help. :-D LoL j/k

It wasn't really meant to help, you asked a question and I simply answered that question.

So do you have to get him to 0.. or just to a certain percentage?

Edit: Added question quote.

Edited, Thu Sep 8 15:34:07 2005 by OniNoKyuu
#17 Sep 08 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
I guess you missed the "j/k" part. I was just messin with ya. LoL
#18 Sep 08 2005 at 3:36 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
I guess you missed the "j/k" part

No I saw it, I just like to have the last word D:
#19 Sep 09 2005 at 2:48 AM Rating: Decent
470 posts
Hey leet
about your question.. i think think there is probably a hidden requirement of some sort...

i've had a friend who did maat as a ninja and Maat gave up on him after he got him down to like 50% hp. showing that he didn't hafta kill maat after all, just like the video you watched.

thinking about it, like whm, it is possible (err.. mayb Incredibly Tough) that you can kill maat just like any other jobs to win, but you can keep making yourself alive until he gives up.. but the amount you hafta heal seems to differ from each person. so, there again seems to haev a hidden requirement with a certain random-ness.

so.. i don't know, but it does seems like you dont' hafta kill maat and win.. somehow ^_^

hoep this helps :S lol
#20 Sep 09 2005 at 4:41 AM Rating: Decent
304 posts
D: Punch Maat in the face for me! (b'')b
#21 Sep 09 2005 at 7:41 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Maat is dead! :-b

This old man though.. let me tell you.. LoL. I did a Boosted Raging Fists as soon as he hit 2hr, followed by an icarus wing and raging fists that took him to like 10% health.. and he kept going! WTF??? I had to use a Vile Elixir and a Vile Elixir +1!! 200k just to keep my ace swinging. LoL. It doesn't matter.. he's dead and I'll be doing Asuran Fists tomorrow!!

Even in his death, however, he taunts me. I went to check my vid of his demise when I logged off, and it didn't accept my F9 button press. >< Now I don't have my trophy of killing him. *sigh*
#22 Sep 09 2005 at 8:16 AM Rating: Good
70 posts
Grats Leet!
#23 Sep 09 2005 at 8:21 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
/bow Thank you ^^
#24 Sep 09 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
#25 Sep 09 2005 at 1:53 PM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Grats on the maat ordeal!!!

So you got him to 10%? Thats insane... For me he gave up after a single raging fists the moment he started his 2 hr (at 50% life).

All we can conclude is that its a horribly random fight.

#26 Sep 09 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
241 posts
Hey Leet I was in Ru'Lude when you made the announcement. WOOHOO!
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