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can i get a woot woot?Follow

#78REDACTED, Posted: Aug 27 2005 at 10:17 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Like I said, i'm here cause its a boring Saturday night. So I decided to toy with the lonely geeks... but anyway, i'm outta here like in 5 minutes, so what else you wanna say b4 i go? Hurry up, get it all out!
#79 Aug 27 2005 at 10:18 PM Rating: Excellent
881 posts
yea.. go to the most ferocious part of the hurricane and see if you can out-last it.
#80 Aug 28 2005 at 1:24 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
No. This is the people with dignity and respect vs. Cetranne.

I've been at work all day, so I haven't been able to watch what's been happening on here during the day.

All I have to say to you, Cetranne, you dirty *****, is that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Smitz has, now, admitted many, MANY times that what he did in the past was wrong, and he sincerely and explicitly expressed remorse and apology over his past actions. Can he take back what he did? No, it's in the past and done. But he's done the best he possibly can, and sincerely and unconditionally apologized.

To those of you that can't seem to accept it, think of those times (usually with a significant other) that you did something out of anger. Thinking about it later, alone, brought you to a realization: what you did was wrong. You go back and tell them, you're sorry, you're sorry, you're really, really sorry for what you did. While the apology does not take back the action, you have done the most you can possibly do and given your sincere remorse for your actions.

If you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, or husband, or just someone you truly, deeply care about, then place yourself in the shoes of the person in the situation. If you don't feel vicarious guilt when thinking about it, you're not trying hard enough.

Smitz did the same to all of us, only with less of a preceding emotional attatchment. He's sincerely apologized for what he did, and has given no reason why we should not see him for his word. Anyone who thinks differently needs to step back and take a look at themselves first.

IF he does do something again to show us that he's insincere about his apology, then YES, I go against no one that will call him what they will.

BUT! He has NOT yet done anything wrong. Read the posts from an objective view. He has only yet defended himself against attack. So NO one has ANY good reason to still be lighting their torches.

I will not stand by while people crucify someone that has acted in such a way. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

#81 Aug 28 2005 at 1:43 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
Oh, and Cetranne? If your "friends" have XBox Live, let me know which screenname you're on? Because I'd LOVE to blow your goddamn face off a few hundred times.
#83 Aug 28 2005 at 5:36 AM Rating: Decent
PsylockeCetranni [8:22 PM]: I look at it as my grand exit before leaving ffxi

Can we get a date for when that happens please?
#84 Aug 28 2005 at 9:13 AM Rating: Good
104 posts
For some 'odd' reason, I doubt it ever will happen.

Waffles anyone?
#85 Aug 28 2005 at 10:37 AM Rating: Default
47 posts

Imo i think your all idiots anyway ^^v
Im sitting here with my popcorns and 3D shades because this reminds me of some wierd powerstruggle betwean.. err.. evil vs evil? :>

anyway its still fun keep it up!

/em synthezised 10 plates of waffles
/em wishes to trade with you.

Oh.. and not to say im a good friend of Smitz lol (i think were used the most slap commands in the history of ffxi on each other) but.. Cet you stink like.. {Um} .. {Hmm} .. overused catsand.

#86 Aug 28 2005 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
That guy got you all fooled.

Edited, Sun Aug 28 14:04:21 2005 by Zaleshea
#88 Aug 28 2005 at 11:32 PM Rating: Default
ok.. i havent posted on here for awhile..and my post number is quite low..maybe..1..or 2?

But..Smitz..i wanna know why you tried to MPK my party the other night In Yhoator Jungle? Just because you were mad at 1 person in the group and demanded we kick him and we didn't, Does not give you the right to ruin an XP experience for 6 people..heck everyone right there at zone was in danger. I died to protect everyone just because you were mad at 1 person. I really wanna know why because i don't appreciate it. I may not be widely known on our server but i have been around since the initial release in the US on PC a few years back. I just don't see the point of MPKin people to get at 1 person. I really don't.
#90 Aug 29 2005 at 12:23 AM Rating: Default
yes..sleeping them..then saying f*ck no when we go off to xp away from you and warping out was nice. Especially as the goblins awoke as you But..whatever..i just don't like getting killed because someone who said they turned over a new leaf was mad at 1 person. But that's all i have to say..just like you..figured people should know. ^^ Usually a person who says they wish to make amends..don't do things such as this. ._. Bad Karma yanno?

Good Day
#92 Aug 29 2005 at 12:48 AM Rating: Default
lol..lifetime victim..and self pity.. i don't feel the need to get pity for the act. But i figured should be brought up because it was what happened regardless. ^^ you have your view and I have mine and we probably cannot change one another nor do i feel the need to. So again i say this subject is done over with..its been posted and that's that. Whether people wish to believe your side or mine is entirely up to them :) But this is the last post im making on the subject.
Again i say good day..or rather night. Eitherway. See you all in game tomorrow after mantinence. :D
#93 Aug 29 2005 at 1:16 AM Rating: Default
figures.. as i said, everything smitz says is a big steaming pile of ****. he's so pathetic.
#95 Aug 29 2005 at 2:30 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
I am deeply ashamed in everyone I see still berating this person that has now apologized for all he has done.

In the last 24 hours (roughly the time since the aforementioned concession), I challenge anyone to tell me how Smitz has done something against what he has said in that time.

Any responses must NOT:

1. Be referring to his defense of himself over that time. He did not attack until he felt that he himself was being attacked.

2. Refer to ANYTHING that happened before the time period started. That's about 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, which I -think- is GMT+7. If it didn't happen AFTER then, then you have no standing to use it in response to myself.

If anyone can give me an undeniable, well-documented account of how Smitz has broken his apology since given, then you have every right in the world to be angry, and I will no longer stand in between you and Smitz.

If not, then it's very, very simple: Shut the hell up. I'm sick and tired of seeing someone being attacked for APOLOGIZING. You guys are acting like goddamned children, and at this point, anyone still going after Smitz without any current cause is in the same boat as Cetranne.

Smitz has freely admitted that what he did in the past was wrong. No one has disputed that, not even Smitz himself.

It saddens me that I occupy the same server space as some of you.

#96 Aug 29 2005 at 3:45 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Shepppard wrote:
You can get off your pedistal cetranne, i doubt many people except Elathia take you seriously now. I lost all respect from when you stoll millons of gil from my friends.

whoa there. elathia didn't do anything except express her opinion that smitz has something up his sleeve. considering smitz's track record, i think it is entirely plausible to at least be cautious of someone who claims to have a 180 degree change in character over the span of a few days. i.e. let the actions do the talking, not just words.

personalities take years to shape, and changes are rarely immediate nor effective for the long haul.

elathia and i may have had a falling out before, but it was over a minor matter--powered by her strong views on affairs. it was her actions later that i considered valuable in discerning if she was true to her word, not just 1 act of apology. nothing ever as serious as manipulating others in game powered by greed for gil which hints at major character flaws.
#98 Aug 29 2005 at 4:06 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Speedly wrote:
I am deeply ashamed in everyone I see still berating this person that has now apologized for all he has done.

In the last 24 hours (roughly the time since the aforementioned concession), I challenge anyone to tell me how Smitz has done something against what he has said in that time.

Any responses must NOT:

1. Be referring to his defense of himself over that time. He did not attack until he felt that he himself was being attacked.

2. Refer to ANYTHING that happened before the time period started. That's about 7:00 PM Pacific Standard Time, which I -think- is GMT+7. If it didn't happen AFTER then, then you have no standing to use it in response to myself.

If anyone can give me an undeniable, well-documented account of how Smitz has broken his apology since given, then you have every right in the world to be angry, and I will no longer stand in between you and Smitz.

If not, then it's very, very simple: Shut the hell up. I'm sick and tired of seeing someone being attacked for APOLOGIZING. You guys are acting like goddamned children, and at this point, anyone still going after Smitz without any current cause is in the same boat as Cetranne.

Smitz has freely admitted that what he did in the past was wrong. No one has disputed that, not even Smitz himself.

It saddens me that I occupy the same server space as some of you.


seriously, i am the first to appreciate an apology.

i'm not going to bash smitz for his apology. i sincerely applaud his effort, and respect him for his guts to actually do a public apology on alla. however, i am not about to lend him any equipment just because he says a few words (more like paragraphs now, in rebuttal to cetranne).

how long has smitz played? how many bad incidents had he engineered? how many other players had he made unhappy? does he have any more tricks up his sleeve? is there a reason behind his seemingly innocent apology? and he seems to discredit cetranne more than he really needs?

24 hours is hardly enough to pardon a murderer (mpks are like pre-meditated murder). 24 hours is not enough to even compensate for some of the pain that he has caused others (think combined hours of xp loss, or the enjoyment of gil that isn't his). if anyone is to blame for the beratement, i opine that it really should be on smitz himself. he DID reap what he sowed. *shrug*

i'll reiterate, in case my point is mistaken: i appreciate smitz's apology. but words are sometimes not enough. i say wait for smitz to show by living what he preaches, i.e. through actions. lastly, smitz has himself to blame for all the negativity.

advice to smitz: don't expect to be forgiven. ever. when it comes, it will. if it doesn't, at least you won't have hoped for nothing. ^^
#99 Aug 29 2005 at 4:22 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
i say wait for smitz to show by living what he preaches, i.e. through actions.

Less words, more action... Even if past allegations may not be 100% fair, there is only really one way to clean one's name -- show others what you are made off. War of words really mean nothing here.

And to others, keep an open mind to Smitz. What happenend has already happened, and is best to move on instead of getting stuck with the past. If someone proofed himself, proper credits should be given -- this is a lot of harder to be done than said, but everyone should try.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#101 Aug 29 2005 at 4:35 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
Smitz wrote:
More people to troll here, I see. Enthuz did you not read my apology or are you just purposely being an ***? I never claimed to make a 180 degree change in character in a few days. The incident in MK happened in May. I quit in June, and didn't play for the entire month of July and nearly half of August.

I have something up my sleeve? I think you need to grow up and then reread some of my other posts about how I said I won't ever ask Speedly or anyone that actually accepts my offer at friendship to borrow their items, gil, or equipment. What the hell could I possibly do with that eliminated? I don't blame or dislike you for not trusting me, but for trolling about how I am up to no good and am planning some form of deceit.

I think the worst thing someone can do is to post about something that is unrelated to them and to act like they are perfect and completely justified for doing so. You will never see me post about someone I have never dealt with in the game unless they decide to post about me with some ********* You are yet ANOTHER person I have never talked to or met in the game, and you have something to say. You either find entertainment in sticking your nose in someone's business or bluntly rude on purpose.

Please don't bother posting again, Mr. Psychic/Perfect, because like I said I don't know you and you don't know me. I can expect people from MK would post here, but not some ill-advised troll.

i merely voiced my support that elathia may have a reason to state what she did. she can be extremely spiteful and vengeful maybe, but her actions are usually motivated by some conviction.

you're right, i don't know you. i didn't come in to trod on your apology. i just stated that it's one thing to apologize, and another to do something in compensation. the first takes a few moments, the latter takes time. why must you take it as a personal offense? it's rather generic. and you've done good so far in apologizing. the rebuttals at cetranne seem a little overdone, but i've had no reason to refute what you've said yet, only impressing that you need time to prove your promise. so why are you fighting ME for? >.>

you question my maturity. i would like to question yours. by your own words you're unravelling whatever minute credibility you've gained in the past 24 hours. seriously, you expected any less of a showing from the public after all the bad publicity? you expected to be put on a pedastal and forgiven and treated like an angel after all that you've allegedly done? (note: i state "allegedly". please check before attacking this statement.)

advice to smitz: don't "troll" on someone who is asking you to prove your claim. if you were sincere (like you say you are), it won't be long before these people will sing your song (i.e. believe you). save that energy for someone who is refuting your claim, or discrediting your claim (of which i have done neither).
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