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Why do we mpk?Follow

#1 Aug 26 2005 at 5:57 PM Rating: Default
Ok it is down.

I received a POL message from a beastmaster asking me to remove the post on this forum. I know him and will respect an agreement we had made when he left our linkshell. He does not want to give me a bad reputation by saying who I am. He does not want me to blame him for my reputation being ruined if someone finds out who I am but he said if I did not take down the post that he would give away my name. I also was asked to apologize for any harm I may have done so I am sorry.

Sorry Jav but now keep your end of the agreement and I remain nameless.

Edited, Sat Aug 27 13:37:38 2005 by AnonBeastmaster
#2 Aug 26 2005 at 6:23 PM Rating: Excellent
Shut the **** up, you are a fool and I'll be damned if you tarnish the reputation of BST's.

What this guy says is utter ********* That's fantastic that 90% of his 2 person LS aggrees with MPK'ing, but it doesn't's against the ToS and the average BST will NOT resort to MPK'ing people.

The truth of the matter is that BST's can go many places that parties can't. There is no shortage of monsters for us to XP on.

What this little prick is saying is that he thinks he's "high and mighty" and that you'd better not "mess with him" because he only knows the normal places to XP. He has no idea where else to go, so he's going to XP near you...and that means you should worship the ground he walks on.

Don't take a word of what this guy says for granted, because it's all ********* The majority of BST's are outstanding people, and would never resort to lowering themselves to this guys level.

When a party accidentally takes a BST's pet, it's just that, an accident. No party wants a half damaged mob that they can't gain any xp from. And as for "stealing his pull", welcome to the game. If it goes white, it's not yours *****.

I would love to see you attempt such a thing as MPK'ing my pt, because I'd have your *** thrown in jail so quick you wouldn't believe it.

Edited, Fri Aug 26 19:30:26 2005 by Stunted
#3 Aug 26 2005 at 6:45 PM Rating: Excellent
633 posts
The first one is to educate people on Cerberus as to many beastmasters mindset.

Let's not generalize BSTs. Call it YOUR mindset... or the mindset of YOUR LS. When you say MANY BSTs. you include me... and I'm not very fond of your mindset at all.

If you truly believe that your mindset is justified, respectable, etc... then there is really no need to hide behind the "anonbeastmaster" post and there should be no shame in listing your LS.

As far as MPK, it's NEVER acceptable...

With that said, I DO agree with your post regarding the things that tend to **** off BSTs... and why. BUT... education is one thing.. MPK is another. There are a number of acceptable ways for BSTs to defend their camps... A sophisticated BST LS would know this and implement such methods, not resort to MPK.

Its BST like you that make the rest of the BST community suffer for your rationalized justification for MPK.

If you want your concerns to be taken seriously... If you want it to be heard... Post with your REAL account... and we can discuss it. Otherwise, don't make general statements about the BST mentality on Cerberus.

Edited, Fri Aug 26 20:13:25 2005 by Mujuru
#4 Aug 26 2005 at 6:50 PM Rating: Excellent
792 posts
"AnonBeastmaster," eh?

If I were spewing that load of crap out, I'd be /anon to the boards too.

Read the first two replies to the OP. That's all that has to be said.
#5 Aug 26 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Excellent
1,349 posts
AnonBeastmaster wrote:

LITTLE KNOWN FACT is that when we release our pet two things happen.
a. The mob we are fighting goes from claimed (red name) to unclaimed (white name).

This was changed recently. Bsts no longer lose claim on a mob when they use {Leave}. However, they still lose claim 5 seconds after they use {Charm}.

Just saying... :)
(f;,,;)f (/o.o)/
#6 Aug 26 2005 at 7:32 PM Rating: Excellent
419 posts
I just wanted to agree with the first 2 replies as well.. MPK is never acceptable, in 66 lvls now I've never had to do it...nor will I.

Igonore what this ****** says, 99% of Beastmasters are exceptionaly nice/friendly people. ...don't believe me? Check out the Beast boards, you'll be suprised. XD
#7 Aug 26 2005 at 7:33 PM Rating: Excellent
372 posts
The truth of the matter is that BST's can go many places that parties can't. There is no shortage of monsters for us to XP on

other than this i agree w/ all of the posts except for the op's of course. the only time i would ever justify mpk is when trying to get a rightfully claimed nm back from being stolen. Some say gilsellers are ok, but i won't do it. I won't mpk a party or farmer that has attempted to steal my mobs/camp, but I will sure make their life hell until they leave.

the sad fact is that we bst have a much more difficult time finding lvling areas that pts do. Yes we lvl in many areas that pt's don't ever enter, but thats b/c lots of people refuse change, even for the better. Some lvls are a bst playground and we can choose from a multidude of zones to lvl at. Others are grind lvls where you only have 1-2 zones to lvl at and you still may get crappy xp.

bst camp

When looking for lvling zones, we need EM to DC pets. and to make it easier, make them non agro, not always possible, but its always helpfull this way. Then we need T-IT mobs(depends on family) to fight. Pets and prey also need to be w/in a relativley close distance of each other. Finally we need a place to fight. I alway try and pull my fights somewhere that i can melee and cast magic safely at.

party camp

All you need is VT-IT mobs and a place to set up camp. There are places like this everywhere for all lvls. Just get some people that aren't lazy and don't mind change. In fact I've found a ton of areas that would be great for party lvling, but nobody ever wants to go. I don't understand why everybody is ok w/ going to CN or Garlaige, and then complain about all the people training mobs. Go somewhere else, its fun.

P.S. if you go to camp, and find a beastmaster there, please don't attempt to camp on top of them, instead send them a friendly /tell asking what you can do for each other so that everybody can have a good time. For example, i have on request only used bats as pets against bombs in the basement of garlaige, even though beetles make better pets. The pt got the beetles, i took the bats as pets, and everybody was happy.
#8 Aug 26 2005 at 8:09 PM Rating: Default

Edited, Sat Aug 27 13:38:47 2005 by AnonBeastmaster
#9 Aug 26 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
You MPK for the dumbest reason I've ever heard, you're the type of person that gives BSTs a bad reputation.
#10 Aug 26 2005 at 8:46 PM Rating: Default
129 posts
There are no set rules in this game, and you'll see no love from bsts for these let alone any set rules for party-beastmaster interactions.

While some of this actually has facts most is misguided at fronting Bsts > All. (I believe it, but I certainly wouldn't say it so vehemently as the original poster.)

I know plenty of Bsts who when in the heat of battle with a NM that was just stolen say MPK along with a tirade of cusses. I have only known one who has went through with it (unsuccessful though, but regardless it was an attempt.) Every Bst I've known in duo/trio/chat has gone out of our way to make safe xp spots for us, and any adjacent parties. My figures tend to conflict with the original posters 90% LS. This quote tends to point at an exaggeration in my opinion:

Let me break it down for you why we do mpk (those of us that do mpk). Even though many bst disagree with mpking there are many that do.

If you're going to tell people how we pull, fight, charm, or what have you then why start with saying "NEVER steal a beastmasters pet," or "NEVER take a exp pull from a beastmaster". Why not skip the excess garbage of threats, and say something oh maybe like:

Beastmaster's Pet:
We survive through our pets. Many times Bsts will convert a zoo into Decent Challenge or Even Match pets (5-15 minutes if we're lucky). After level 35 every Bst I've known uses the same pet over and over except against suicidal bombs. Taking a bst's pet can kill the beastmaster especially if we are forced to hot swap to another pet and its not there.

If they want information point them to the Bst forum. We've had many posts from newcomers as to how helpful the community is, and we generally keep it that way. The most inflammatory thread I remember seeing was /whm, or /nin.

Rule #2 flies this way and that so I have no true idea what the original/wanted intent is. If we're pulling a mob from a linking group then we will only have the hate of being acknowledged by the mob. Our target darts away from the linking group, with little more than intent to kill the pet's previous owner. Even a whiff of an arrow has pulled this off me. If it's mid-battle then there's a chance of it sticking to me longer. This is of course if Bsts didn't run a fine line of hate management. We keep our hate line to a minimum especially around any linking mobs (I've never known otherwise, but I'm sure there are some risk takers who play differently).

The exact opposite has occurred many more times than what was posted. A passerby will send a friendly cure only to have to tank the pet for 30+ seconds because we can't put hate back to our pet (Sic is iffy when fighting amidst other mobs). I myself have never been killed by someone trying to pull my target off me, and hate still being on my character. Then again maybe I'm not that unlucky to have that experience.

2. The second method of pulling is to charm the mob we want to fight. We take it to our camp, release the mob and charm our pet. Then we begin the actual fight for the exp. This method is quite often used more when it is a long pull. This allows us the guarentee there will be NO link keeping us and you the party safe in that zone.

Informative and it is virtually free of any threats, or snide remarks. Nice job. This is also our method of power leveling on charmable mobs called "Power Pulling".

Whether you like it or not we are solo and we have little defence to the partys, farmers that are around us. Believe me if I could I would lvl somewhere all by myself but that is impossible to do.

It's not little defense when you're prompting parties "I will wipe you out if you ruin my exp." Secondly if you have the skill-up parties, coffer parties, and farmers invading your space then why not look harder for alternative xp spots. I know it can be frustrating at times, but many times it's needed to settle for second best. Bombs in Garliage's basement or Skeletons in Toraimarai Canal comes to mind from my experience. Virtually empty zone w/ 9 (NINE!) coffers popped solely by me while leveling in the Canal because I left the basement. This is when you'll see my post for Toraimarai Canal in the Bst Anthologies. As such The Bst Anthologies and Durginn's threads are not Bst bibles as of yet. They still need input on current/future solo/duo spots from adventurous Bsts.

Every Bst, AND party I've known through lower levels has dealt with farmers. Some farmers don't care, and others *shudder* listen to reason. Many times while leveling solo at lower levels on Bst, Thf/Bst, and Nin/Bst I've /telled farmers politely to please let me exp too. Many have accepted, and obliged. It won't work with every farmer, and if you're faced with a persistent farmer that won't quit I've either found a new exp spot locally or even /pol-logout, and made something to eat. If they might be verging on harrassment call a GM. Farming is one thing, but trailing someone preventing play of the game is another.

I too have helped many a coffer seeker, or raise needer, but never have I put that same burden onto players not related to the ones I've helped. Just because you helped others doesn't mean your magnanimous reputation is announced when you zone everywhere.

Why must there be Party Etiquette, and Bst Etiquette? I'd say there's only player etiquette, and be done with it. We all pay the monthly fee to play the game. Why treat anyone else differently because of job, race, or sex?

If every bst acted out as rashly as the original poster I'd have a lot fewer friends on my Flist. Every time I've xp'ed in a party prevelant zone I'll come away with a slew of questions by at least one person who's extremely curious about this job, out job. I have met a non-Bst before I had to take a break from the game for a couple months, and when I come back I get a /tell "I don't know if you remember me ... I'm now a 55 Bst." Why ruin this by tainting every Bst with

Why ruin the reputation of every bst I know by claiming 90% of my LS ergo majority of Bsts can and will mpk at the drop of a hat? Why? Because you are here to complain, grumble, and find sympathy.

With this being said I have no answer to the title. I've never mpk'ed, and don't plan to.

If you're trying to be anonymous then I'm afraid you've likely failed. This Bst LS appears to likely be a rather large section of NA Bsts. There is a sticky in our very own Bst forum for Bst LS's by server found here. I hate one thing more than mpk'ing, and that's anonymous Bsts. Be proud of your job, and let people know who, and what you're about. If you don't like being branded mpk then why cause any confusion. Stick your reputation to your name, and be proud of what you've done.

In the end they'll all turn Bst. /sea all bst is much, much higher than it was when I was a level 1 Bst.
#11 Aug 26 2005 at 9:23 PM Rating: Good
1,677 posts
i think i know who you are anonbeastmaster... ill see u ingame tomorrow, i want a chat with you.
#12 Aug 26 2005 at 11:26 PM Rating: Good
633 posts
Anonbeastmaster... Your point that non-bst will wonder "is he the one?" is precisely the reason I object to your post. You adversely effect the entire bst community on this server.

As stories of incidents on this server begin to spread via job forums or what have you, it begins to effect all servers.

As you can see from posts above, many bsts from other servers have come here and taken time to reply to this thread. I posted a link to this thread @ the bst forum as this type of abuse is a poison to us all...

We don't need the paranoia that you are trying to instill in people. If you really wish to have people understand BSTs and establish some understanding, your post clearly does the opposite. Your actions and attitude only confirm peoples misconceptions of BSTs... The same misconceptions that so many of try to dispel...

You ARE that bst that people so often mistaken all BSTs to be...

Diamondis.. If you discover who this BST is or know already... I do believe that he should be branded accordingly... I just hope that he is not part of BestienMeister or, if so, that you deal with him swiftly. I have a great deal of respect for your LS as a whole and know a number of your members... I would be greatly disappointed...

There are not many BST LS' on cerberus... And certainly not many with 40+ members... Its certainly in the best interest of all BSTs to know who the bad apples are....

Please let us know the result of your chat if nothing more.... But I certainly would want to know who this person is once confirmed.... And I'll be asking around as well...
#13 Aug 27 2005 at 2:11 AM Rating: Good
2,347 posts
Behold the scratch on a beastmasters reputation!
it is like a monkey with razor sharp claws, and unbrushed clown teeth.

with the toenails of an elderly man, it scratches on the backs of a beastmaster, digging into his furry skin with their keratin-grown evil, when misinformed people who have only read THIS stuff and immedietly give BST's a bad time!
#14 Aug 27 2005 at 2:37 AM Rating: Good
Yikes. I saw this over in the BST forum. I can't comment on the BST personality as I only recently picked up BST a couple weeks ago right after the 18hr maint actually. (Funny how 18 hours of nothing makes you really think.)

I also can't make any generalizations about the op since obviously I don't know him. I will say that since you are anon you must be ashamed of your own feelings.

What I will relate to you is what happened today in my ls. A poor guy was trying to level in Kuftal Tunnel as a THF. And he was MPK'd 3 times by 5 different people (presumably). He deleveled. Anyone who has leveled THF knows this is throwing salt in the GM's didn't do anything, and the MPK'ers didn't say much. Just wanted em out of their favorite spot was all we could figure out. They didn't use the auto-translate to taunt them. Maybe it was a personal vendetta against another person in his party....who knows.

Either way, point is that MPK'n someone cause they made ya mad is just opening a door for them to do it to someone else down the road. Maybe even you. And not everyone deserves that kind of treatment. There will always be as[b][/b]sholes in the game and in RL, but you still gotta have some sort of morals to live by. Seeing you as anon makes me think you are ashamed of those morals right now.

Edited, Sat Aug 27 03:44:49 2005 by kiksmage
#15 Aug 27 2005 at 3:39 AM Rating: Good
43 posts
Just to set the record straight, I am Pwa of Bestienmeiser (bst 74/whm37), and i am part of bestienmesier since i was lvl 25 (just a few weeks after it was founded).

I can say in all honesty and conviction that it is not tolerated in our ls to mpk. We do not condone it, we do not do it period. Accidents of course happen, (and i mean the real ones), but mpk is intentional, and not by accident.

My guess is that someone is out to give our ls a bad name (or the bst job in general).

#16 Aug 27 2005 at 3:51 AM Rating: Default
Rule number 1: NEVER steal a beastmasters pet.
I'll take whatever mob I want :3

Rule number 2: NEVER take a exp pull from a beastmaster.
Sorry, But If It makes a chain I'll take it ^^
#17 Aug 27 2005 at 4:04 AM Rating: Default
221 posts
I just hope that he is not part of BestienMeister

Well though I hate to point it out, the fact that he said his LS is "All BST" and has "more then 40 BST" pretty much leaves it to BestienMeister's pool of members, however; My father runs that LS and he would NEVER agree to this post nor does he share opinions with this person; He does not care for MPKing nor does he want anyone who MPKs to associate with him.

We all know it's never justified to MPK, no matter what the reason, weither they stole your claim or they MPKed you first. I do however understand where he feels he is justified.

That being said. I feel (and though my father doesnt share this view 100%) that BST should try to avoid normal EXP areas at all cost, why? Simple, this is an well known area where 'normal' PTs know they can get decent exp, and if a BST is there it kills the PT's exp, that being said the BST's exp is also killed at the same time. But a BST has another area he can exp, as the PT has limited areas at that certian level; So who should leave? I think it's quite clear. This is somewhat the views of my peers, however they just dont like BST, they think they have no business in the area, thats a bit draconian, but I think that they should be using different mobs for Pet's and to EXP then the PT's all together as to avoid complaints or arguements, however some BST feel they have a "Right" to be there because they are EXPing just as well as others, as that might be true; It's still a hinderance on the normal EXPs who dont have places they can solo exp.

Oh well I've babbled for long enough ":3
#18 Aug 27 2005 at 4:13 AM Rating: Good
633 posts
Pwa... Glad to hear BestienMeister's stance...

I know when I was level 33 and given a pearl to BestienMeister, you were in the LS... And that was 5 months ago, or so^^... So if you say that isn't the mentality of your LS, I believe you.

I have to admit that at first glance, your LS popped to mind. So I'm glad you piped up!!! Others were probably thinking the same...

But I am still very curious who this person is... But my guess, is that he won't be around too long... Most of these types of people build reputations for themselves very quickly... And it comes back to haunt them... As it should.

Anyways... thx pwa.
#19 Aug 27 2005 at 7:29 AM Rating: Default
Okay I am not hiding and am not he person who posted this message. Mpk is not tolerated by our linkshell and if you document proof of such an event you may contact us. We have a committe that will deal with that issue. Our rules are simple
1. Equip your pearl as much as possible when doing bst job (as that way we know who is so we may be able to team up or where they are so we dont travel there to find out a bst is already using this place to exp).
2. We do not allow people talking bad of other members or other linkshells as we have members from many linkshells and that could cause many problems.
Now to address when you are going to change a pet on and NM or any other mob this is something a bst may do to not lose it is to Dia the mob and that way you wont lose the mob as you are actually still attacking.
Here is how our linshell asks our members to deal with an issue of a party taking over their camp.
1. Speak to leader of said party explaining that you were there first and if they could please move elsewhere (if it was a full party and not just a bst it is quite a good chance they would never do that).
2. Ask the party leader who is the leader of his linkshell and try to contact that person and see if linkshell leader will help with the problem.
3. Contact the Bestienmeister committee member to see if one of us can solve the problem.
We do not condone Mpking and our members do not want to retaliate in that fashion and any that do are talked to and we try fix the situation within the linkshell.
Now I have witnessed this with my own eyes as well as other bst and it is the mpking of people by said gill sellers.
We know their names and watched them kill an entire party and take over Serket, (bad move for them as they died and I wont say how).
The next party killed Serket and did not even say thank you let alone offer to share the drop.
Our linkshell also witnessed same gill sellers mpk another linkshell but GM was there to bad for said gill sellers with names such as Gamegirl,Zoome,Redfos,Thin,Liner and some others who seem to have mysteriously disappeared from server a short time later and I have not seen them since (they were members of Huiiang led by Renuu, so beware when you see this shifty chararacter in the area).
We all play this game for fun and the ones that play to make a living are ruthless. They have no honor and in my mind are scumbags.
Bottom line is I think that annon bst is just trying to make is feelings heard and may have misworded his message as typing can do that and I am sure if in our linkshell he is not a bad person.
One last thing, any beastmaster that joins us that has done the wrong things before he was a member we do nothing about as all deserve a second chance and they know what can happen if they do bad things and I feel that these people would not do this to another linkshell as we have our guidelines for everyone not just them (in fact some of these same people have done a lot for the linkshell and still do).
We do have a different way of helping a bst who has been bullied by a party and it does not involve mpking anyone but he will be gauranteed his share of mobs and pets. We are a very tight knit community.
PS you would be surprised how many white mages got help from us and were bsts the next day and working hard to become members in our linkshell.
All good people are welcome but please obey the rules.
#20 Aug 27 2005 at 10:13 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
AnonBeastmaster wrote:
Rule number 1: NEVER steal a beastmasters pet.
This is how we survive. You do not know if this is the only Even Match pet we can find. We typically use the same pet over and over and over post lvl 35 unless we are hunting bombs. Takeing a bst's pet can kill the beastmaster especially if we are forced to hot swap to another pet and its not there.

try not releasing a pet near an XP group. do you think an XP group wants to take what was your pet for chain 5 and find they got NO XP? a lot of things are going on in an XP PT. cant concentrate on the mob and look around at the same time to figure out what bst is releasing what.

you sir, are an idiot

Edited, Sat Aug 27 11:21:47 2005 by robification
#21 Aug 27 2005 at 10:21 AM Rating: Default
Can we please kill this thread? Anonbeastmaster, your a really stupid guy. What level is your bst, like 20? lol, stfu and post something like "how to MPK with a BST w/o getting caught!" now, i'll read that. otherwise, stfu.
#22 Aug 27 2005 at 10:50 AM Rating: Good
I am Javolin from Cerberus and in the same bst linkshell as Pwa and Bearclaws. I havent posted on this forum in so long that I almost forgot my password to get into this thing LFMAO!!! I actually quit ffxi for almost 5 months but am back now and was given a pearl to join the beast link last month. (By the way once you have a newborn baby it takes away before you can play again lol)

I have not been in the same link as all these other bsties long but after talking to everyone I just dont think that anyone from our link posted this. There are a few other bstie links out there on the server, I was in two others and quit because of this kind of mentality.

As to /anon bstie that posted this message up here I think I may know who you are but I dunno for sure bro. If you are who I think you are that is why I quit your link. Hey man everyone gets frustrated with party's and crap. I have only mpked two times in my time playing beast and both were accidents. All of a sudden the next week I have this big rep in CN as a mpking beastie and even that has followed me around. People dont forget. Even though you say a gm will do anything call them if you have a problem. I call them every so often if a group is giveing me problems. Just send them a /tell saying you called a GM and usually that is enouph to stop whatever they are doing.

Anyway sorry I havent been on the forums in forever but have a job, buisness, wife and baby to take care of these days LOL! Im always reading the post though keep up the good work guys!

Oh btw I dont know of ANY bstie link with over 40 members. Hey Pwa ours doesnt even have that many does it? I think a lot of what this guy said is a load of bs.

Javo in the house!

Edited, Sat Aug 27 12:11:10 2005 by JavolinRdm
#23 Aug 27 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Default
40 members, we have over 100 members, Japanese and english, in fact one spanish bst. We have from lev 25-75 lev, as 25 is min to get in. Obey the rules and dont be a jerk in or out of the linkshell and you will be welcomed with open arms. Beastmasters are loved in our linkshell. This linkshell Bestienmiesters is on Cerberus.

Edited, Sat Aug 27 14:19:08 2005 by Bearclaws
#24 Aug 27 2005 at 12:24 PM Rating: Decent
ok i heard MPK everywhere wtf does it mean
#25 Aug 27 2005 at 12:33 PM Rating: Default
I received a POL message from a beastmaster asking me to remove the post on this forum. I know him and will respect an agreement we had made when he left our linkshell. He does not want to give me a bad reputation by saying who I am. He does not want me to blame him for my reputation being ruined if someone finds out who I am but he said if I did not take down the post that he would give away my name. I also was asked to apologize for any harm I may have done so I am sorry.

Sorry Jav but now keep your end of the agreement and I remain nameless.
#26 Aug 27 2005 at 1:27 PM Rating: Excellent
205 posts
AnonBeastmaster wrote:
He does not want me to blame him for my reputation being ruined if someone finds out who I am but he said if I did not take down the post that he would give away my name. I also was asked to apologize for any harm I may have done so I am sorry.

Sorry Jav but now keep your end of the agreement and I remain nameless.

I certainly will not be accepting an apology that was only made because you were too cowardly to have your name released. Had it not been for this guy basically blackmailing you, you would have kept this thread up.

You sir, are stil an *******. Apology rejected.

Edited, Sat Aug 27 14:34:43 2005 by chemicalpenguin
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