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Huixiang(Flying) actively hunting XP partiesFollow

#1 Aug 20 2005 at 4:35 AM Rating: Good
1,072 posts
Huixiang have had a lot of attention lately in competition over HNm and their foray into sky.

But tonight lets pretend they arnt gilsellers. Just asshats out to ruin FFXI for all players at all levels. No financial gain, just spite.

In quifim I had a fun 19-20 party form up in jeuno. Mostly good people except for one real quiet drk who wouldn't SC. Fine. At this level I'm not surprised. Plus he had a power leveler with him, so the party figured it was worth it.

But as we hunt worms at the cave exit, our powerleveler pulls a gigas right on top of another worm hunting party and its aoe pummels them. At first I though he was just bored and it was an accident, but he was following them. We had the good camp all to ourselves again, but this was dirty. Quite a jerk, but we were moving to the pond so no big deal.

Wrong. We get to the pond and there's another party here doing crabs. Our PL goes and rounds up every single crab in the pond zone and calls for help. He still cures us and he simply lets the CFH crab convoy follow him around. This completely shut down the other party.

being Friday after a long week I was tired and we were hitting chain 5 for 250, but I had enough of this behavior.. Then it dawned on me that I know this 75 galka paladin named Thin. Huixiang shell was even equipped on him and his little up and coming gil farmer friend Blub the 19 Drk, and I hadnt even noticed.

Here they are MPKing rival XP parties over control of the good camps. I can almost understand being aggressive at HNM like they usually are. There is real world money at stake for them. But this was a laid back XP session and here's a L75 wiping out party after party in the most common L20 Xp spot in the game.

We agreed to kick Blub but we knew the moment we did that we would be MPKd in a heartbeat. I called some LS help for backup and when it was safe to do so I said "Flying Gillseller <party> <no thanks>" and he was booted.

Blub went back to lfg without a word, and Thin followed us for a solid hour across the entire zone pulling every crab in sight and calling for help. He was glued to us and his only goal was to punish us for kicking his co-worker. We did a shout warning people not to invite them, and to report all MPK to a GM. My party leader also reported Thin's harassment and the way he stalked us.

The GM showed up an hour later, Thin had already moved on, and simply got a quick summary of the story and did nothing.

About an hour after this some shouts started appearing in qufim. We're 23 now and killing pugils. "Leave us alone" and "stop killing our mobs. Don't you have anything better to do?". I sent the people shouting a tell and they confirmed Thin was back at the Qufim crab pond ******** every party over again.

I asked them to call the GM... again. Hopefully with enough complains against a 75 pld MPKing and harassing people in a L.20 zone this would have been dealt with, but when I left the tower at 25 after a good gigas hunt, Thin was still there ruining XP parties for the "benefit" of flying LS/Huixiang.

Inexplicable. Despicable.

So sorry for "yet another flying rant", but this one is different. It's not about rival LS or gil farmers. No money or NM was at stake. Just a sample of what these players are really like with no LS propaganda or agenda at work.

It doesn't matter if you're in valk or in sky, watch your back. They are everywhere. They are no long just harmless gil sellers out to make a living. Thin and Zoome and their gang are "anti-players", in the same sense that the antichrist is everything that Jesus... isn't.

Report ALL abuse to a GM at every chance you get. Please. They have to be stopped.
#2 Aug 20 2005 at 7:54 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I really hope GM will do something to them, but it may take a little time before action is taken -- it sucks to say this as taking exp mobs and calling for help is not offically written as against ToS. So GM may be handcuffed to take action on site. So I hope GM can do something about it as another way -- like harrassement etc.

Best thing to do right now, I think is to either not just invite the people align with the harrasser into party, and to ask your friends to come and play big brother buddy. This is not hard for Qufim Island, but more tricky in like Kuftal Tunnel.

I think if action does it taken against them -- it will be toughest one -- deletion and forever account ban, but such punishement may take a little time to hand down >< Best thing is to continue calmy complain to GM and customer service whenever a harrasement (just a realistic accessment).

For future long time goals, it is good idea to encourage your friends and LS-mates not to buy gil. I think that MPKing LS just now think they are like gods that can go uncheck, they will not go unchecked.

I know I did not say something new -- but there are only so much can be players or GMs can do. I hate to say this, but may be a little paitence is needed.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
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- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#3 Aug 20 2005 at 8:49 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
So, Blub is one of them. PTed with him in Valkurm yesterday. I didn't notice his LS, that its colour was the same as Huixiang, or pay much attention to him saying (in broken English) that he speaks neither English, nor Japanese, or the fact that his tarutaru "PL" buddy only seemed to pay attention to healing him, even after I finally managed to get hate from him and his super voke pull. The very thought that I was that close to one of them sickens me. This rampant increase in Huixiang/gilseller aggression and stupidity is becoming...annoying, for lack of a better expression.

Ama, as much as I'd like to think that not inviting these people, or advising others not to buy gil would have any impact at all on the daily actions of these fools, it's obvious that the only real possible threat to their current livelihood is authority (SE itself) eventually cracking down on them.

And we already know how useful GM calls are 90% of the time.
#4 Aug 20 2005 at 3:39 PM Rating: Decent
Is it possible to call a GM and inform him ahead of time that an MPK might occur if Blub is levelin again?
#5 Aug 20 2005 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
354 posts
And here I thought "The customer was always right."
#6 Aug 20 2005 at 10:09 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
Blub is now 27 in Kazham, as a drk/whm. Been lfg all day saturday.

The odd thing is that blub has a 75 job already. With some amazing HQ gear. When you look at it, the Flying gang have some exceptional gear. SH+1 and other hot stuff.

Are these really gil sellers? They are on 24/7 with shared accounts, but their behavior and the fact that they are leveling multiple jobs on single characters seperates them from the normal profile.

The way Thin followed my L20 party through Qufim the other night really got me thinking. Gil sellers are supervised and likely have quotas they have to meet in their little sweatshops. Thin took time out to harass us with absolutely no chance for financial gain.

Is there a chance that this is an actual functional LS, with some financial motivation on top? Full time players that do some dirty work on the side? Is flying the online version of a Hong Kong street gang?

#7 Aug 20 2005 at 10:39 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
PTing with a Powerleveler is cheating in the first place.
#8 Aug 21 2005 at 7:48 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
And here I thought "The customer was always right."

The problem is even MPKing "players" are also a "customer". And pulling everything and call for help, and training stuff around without openly stating the purpose is hard to apprehend. Yes, it is 99% chance harrassement, but may be the GM rule of conduct requires a 100% argument. I am not trying to defend GMs, but just trying to see from a GM prespective. GM plays the game, and GM is just as difficult as a lot of disturbed player.

About power leveling, even through Valkrum Dunes that a power leveler is NOT needed. The one thing I really hate is power leveling a PT as that messed up the party mechanics and creates bad player. If you really want to be power leveled, why do not do that in a personal level instead of messing with everyone's playing experience?
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#9 Aug 21 2005 at 8:26 AM Rating: Decent
101 posts
Why is it so hard for a GM to say "We've received numerous complaints about your actions. Continuation of that type of behaviour will be considered harrassment and appropriate action will be taken."

If you're not 100% sure tell them to continue it will be an action to make it 100% sure. Seems simple enough.

#10 Aug 21 2005 at 9:13 PM Rating: Good
Powerleveling USED to be getting a WHM to help keep you healed so you could get thru those rough levels of 6-12ish. Since the EXP changes it is a lot easier to get thru those levels fight mobs that used to stop giving EXP.

In the dunes PL to me is just having a WHM friend hang around to toss out a raise when needed or take a link down. If the PLer is activly healing your party... yea that's just disrupting the normal learning curve.

As for the GMs, it's hard to know what they're doing about it without a big "sting" opertion and an announcement. Remember when they banned some 800 accounts for MPKing and selling gil about a year ago? Before the announcement players were really pissed of cause there was no evidence anything was being done. If we knew, the people being watched would know.

Give the GMs a little time and encourage every player who sees stuff happen to take names and details down and report it. The more solid compliants get lodged, the better the chance of faster response by GM.

And yes, I do believe the GM chain of action is Harsh warning, temp ban (3 days), permaban for TOS violations.
#11 Aug 21 2005 at 9:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
Lol this topic has been hijacked into a powerleveling debate...

I was never a fan of PL in parties, because I agree it builds bad players. I was leveling a whm the night Thin showed up out of the blue PLing us because Blub was with us. As a whm my role in the party is kind of nullified by a PL. It makes for a long and boring evening (I became a debuffer).

And I have no idea why, but 6 of my last 9 parties under 40 end up with a PL. Even one in crawler nest. But if they are there, I generally won't chase a person out of a party because a L60 whm is following him. And I have never called any high level help before, except when Thin was after us.

Back on topic: Blub is now a 33-34 drk/whm as of sunday night. Despite being a horrible player with the wrong sub, he has gained 15 levels in just 2 nights. Give him 2 weeks and prepare to see him as a 60 drk trying to MPK you at Amemet.

Quit partying with these guys... Please ^^
#12 Aug 22 2005 at 1:54 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
Yeah - especially as a DRK/WHM. Anyone who would willingly invite this to an EXP party should be taken out back and hit with a shovel.
#13 Aug 22 2005 at 2:19 AM Rating: Good
881 posts

I think i sent him a /tell when i was lvling mnk, he was lvling whm..

his whm/mnk...for the MND boost...


Yea, i believe that was him.

Theres no way in hell this person is actually playing the game for leisure, i'd say he just didnt wanna lvl blm/rdm because he didnt want to spend that extra, what, 10k on spells to get from 1-20
#14 Aug 22 2005 at 2:32 AM Rating: Decent
Before I went to sleep I was in Cnest doing escort quest...
Saw blub and his plvl Renuu

Blub is almost 37 drk I think >.>
#15 Aug 22 2005 at 4:56 AM Rating: Decent
154 posts
The only reason I can think of these people lvling multiple jobs is to increase job class availability inside the linkshell. Instead of a few people becoming tanks and a few others becoming mages, everyone becomes tanks, DDs, and mages, so that no matter who is on, they are able to get something together.

As far as their gear goes ... just think of the amounts of gil they can have at thier disposal. Ofcourse their gear is going to be top notch.
#16 Aug 22 2005 at 5:46 AM Rating: Good
291 posts
I used to play on cerberus as a 73pld. I remember blub. He/she has a high lvl rdm. Prolly lvl 75 rdm now. I diddnt read all the posts cuz im just scrolling through but... incase this hasnt been put together yet this might hold key value in piecing together a cause here. Blub is lvling drk for Chainspell Stun =O
#17 Aug 22 2005 at 6:03 AM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
I think Blub was lvlin DRK to sub it on his RDM for Stun against HNMs and stuff, so i'd say that these ppl has being doing their work learning some game mechanics.

And not to defend Blub or anything like that, but just wanted to say that a Drk/WHM pre-30, when Berserk and Sneak Attack are not available yet for /war, /thf, it's a great sub for DRK that makes its MP mp pool more usefull for the party.

But anyway, the GM at least should give 'verbal warnings' if they receive different or multiple complains against some individuals
#18 Aug 22 2005 at 8:04 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
These guys are pretty sophisicated >< Yes a lot of high level Red Mages (74+) will have Dark Knight leveled to Chainspell Stun -- a helpful sub against monsters that also uses Chainspell. And Monk/White Mage set is used mainly on Chi-Blasting.

Edited, Mon Aug 22 09:18:01 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#19 Aug 22 2005 at 9:51 AM Rating: Good
NO WAY!! , Blub is not sophisticated in any shape or form.

I felt like an idiot that i actually accepted an invite from his gay rank 2 *** at lvl 71 with him and his ************ idiot Zoome.

These guys suck and even though its "probably" different people playing the character. thats pretty shallow to MPK someone in Qufim but hell if the MPK war has begun, be the best MPK'er that you can be against flying.
#20 Aug 22 2005 at 3:38 PM Rating: Good
20 posts
what is the use of GM's giving verberal warnings when the Gil Sellers can't understand any laungue that the GM's are using and are playing in a country where online gaming is illegal.

I have and will continue to MPK gilsellers. Nobody can ever change my mind on that. I was MPK'd by them 3 times in one week. I will have the rest of my game time for revenge.

I don't go looking for them but if I see them in my site I will make a point to cause some grief.

The entire server needs to stand up against them and punish them for the high prices and the many deaths they cause.

I have now seen my rating on here drop because people don't like that I take revange on Gilsellers. Well I have called a GM 3 different times and was told since they didn't witness it they would "investigate". there is a log of everything that happens in the game. they need to handle this situation and quickly. Oh and for those who rated me down I DON'T CARE. Those who down rated me are people who have never had to deal with being MPK'd by gilsellers when you were exping. SO DEAL WITH IT!

Edited, Mon Aug 22 17:25:15 2005 by Samiex
#21 Aug 22 2005 at 6:10 PM Rating: Decent
Just did a /sea all blub.

came up as


Checked again, came up as a 75Rdm/1rng

he's rank 6 now btw,

but jesus.

Edit: Wanted to confirm this, just did another /sea all blub, sure enough 75rdm/37blm in gustav tunnel

Edited, Mon Aug 22 20:48:23 2005 by Rambozoh
#22 Aug 23 2005 at 2:41 AM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
They are all suddenly rank 6. It's a requirement for sky, as is a halfway competant party.

So blub was leveling drk for fastcast stun? Yea it all makes sense now. I heard they had trouble with sky farming. Repeated wipes when they actually tried to pop stuff. L60 drg/thf just didnt cut it anymore.

I noticed they havent been active up there this week. It seems that they were "humbled" by the experience and realized they need more time to prepare before they can rape and pillage up there.

So for now its back to amemet and upper delk tower (on top of the nightly sim/roc/serket fights).
#23 Aug 23 2005 at 8:48 AM Rating: Decent
356 posts
It may be that these guys are not sweatshop gil sellers as we know them. It is entirely possible that its just a bunch of kids banding together to make money by selling gil to IGE. I mean, try to remember what it was like when you were 13 years old. You most likely didn't have to worry about food or shelter, but your allowance wasn't enough to buy pokemon cards or whatever. So you tried to find ways to make a quick buck. So insted of mowing lawns for money, these guys play FFXI and sell gil. If they can make 100 a month (completely possible) each, thats alot of money for a kid.
#24 Aug 23 2005 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Actually I have met a Fenrir "gil seller" in RL in Hong Kong (Fenrir has one of the largest Hong Kong player base across all servers). He is not sweat shop worker or whatever... He is a owner of a legit console game retailer in a well known electronic shopping mall in Hong Kong, and he owned that store for as long as I remember -- say at least 10 years. He just plays FFXI when he has no customers in his store.

From my brief conversation to him, he sells gil himself -- not through IGE or whatever. He even sells other PS2 games to other Hong Kong players over FFXI -- I saw a /tell to him with some asking him what is his price for Winning Eleven 9 o_O;. He has full God gear, umber rich (few hundred million gil), rank 10, 100 on a craft, in JP LS etc. So gil sellers come in all flavors.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#25 Aug 23 2005 at 6:29 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
scchan wrote:
Actually I have met a Fenrir "gil seller" in RL in Hong Kong (Fenrir has one of the largest Hong Kong player base across all servers). He is not sweat shop worker or whatever... He is a owner of a legit console game retailer in a well known electronic shopping mall in Hong Kong, and he owned that store for as long as I remember -- say at least 10 years. He just plays FFXI when he has no customers in his store.

From my brief conversation to him, he sells gil himself -- not through IGE or whatever. He even sells other PS2 games to other Hong Kong players over FFXI -- I saw a /tell to him with some asking him what is his price for Winning Eleven 9 o_O;. He has full God gear, umber rich (few hundred million gil), rank 10, 100 on a craft, in JP LS etc. So gil sellers come in all flavors.

So it's fair to say he's not MPK'ing people? Which is what the problem with these guys
#26 Aug 23 2005 at 6:54 PM Rating: Default
359 posts
So it's fair to say he's not MPK'ing people? Which is what the problem with these guys

Nope he is just ruining the integrity of the game... its the just as bad.

Will you people stop talking about GM's please? They are irrelevant and they cant do anything if a violation isnt recorded in the violators chat log. Flying doesnt type out "/l lets go mpk some legit players" They communicate with the same cheating programs many players who think they are legit use (Teamspeak anyone? Teamspeak is the main reason GM's are irrelevant now)

Rate up to the people that aren't afraid of doing something about MPK'ers instead of just calling GM and whining about it. (Well... i guess thats just Samiex that gets a rate up)

Thornn wrote:
And I have no idea why, but 6 of my last 9 parties under 40 end up with a PL.

You have no idea why???? Ill explain it to you. Because you dont care. Plain and simple. You cheat with no remorse. If someone brings a powerleveller to a party that I'm in they either leave or I leave. If i get invited to a party with a powerleveller i decline. Whats the part you "have no idea" about? If you think it doesnt hurt anyone then you have'nt really thought about it. You facilitated Blub's levelling. You ruined other parties in quifim's Exp parties. You taught members of your own Party bad party mechanics. You ruined the integrity of the game. Really who didn't it hurt?

Edited, Tue Aug 23 20:12:35 2005 by NOiSEA
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