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Gil Seller "crisis" breeding racismFollow

#1 Aug 18 2005 at 12:19 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
You wouldnt believe how thrilled I was when SE adjusted the V. Emperor, stroper chyme, and the other exploited mobs to drop rare/ex. But sadly this had the same effect as throwing rocks at a wasp nest. The gil sellers are agitated and are now out of control, far more agressive then the past.

MPKs seem to be at record highs, and the forums are flooded with "Our world at war" type threades (more so on KI). The gil seller infection has spread to sky now. Sky is the home of a lot of important rare/ex and crafting items, and is traditionally one of the focal points of endgame. Their presence here was not well recieved... lol.

Hiyuxang/Flying are a particularly agressive bunch. Their presence means an alomst 100% MPK on any encounter, even if you're just an XP party in their area.

The result of this, a lot of players are picking up bad attitudes:

"MPK any Chinese player on sight. Guilty until proven innocent, but they can't speak english, and are therefore guilty"

"Do not party with a Chinese player... Ever. Under any circumstance. You are breeding a future opponent".

Very unfair. This is called profiling. In the real world my Middle eastern friends complain of harassment in airports. It's not fair, but its a natural reaction. (Luckily in real life my Chinese friends arnt called theives or gilsellers ^^)

99% of gilsellers are of the same ethnic background
99% of global terrorism comes from one religion

What is especially unfair to honest Chinese players (and there are many) is that the people managing the gil farmer sweatshops are often from America. They have set up these gil farming operations in the lowest cost labor pool in the world, and in doing so have branded an entire country as online criminals.

Now what are SEs options here? Consider this quote from an article:

"The Chinese online gaming market generated RMB 2.47 bln (USD 304 mln) in sales revenue last year and is expected to see RMB 10.9 bln (USD 1.34 bln) in sales revenue for 2005, according to China's General Administration of Press and Publication. It is dominated by massive multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG)"

These arn't all gil sellers, but with the current setup they are all going to be treated very badly in game by NA players (and JP, who hate them more then we do, since they share the same prime-time).

SE cannot afford to have an in game "race war" harm a billion dollar industry. I have been very impressed with the last few updates with regards to SE trying to hinder the dirty tricks gil sellers try, but I think its time we have another massive round of account deletions. GMs just arnt cracking down hard enough on these guys.

#2 Aug 18 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
143 posts
there's nothing wrong with profiling. if an arab guy who has never shaved is boarding a plane with no luggage and a one way ticket, i want him checked out.

if a chinese guy is at level 60, fighting with level 10 equipment... it's a fair deduction that you might not want to PT with them.

but yeah... it's wrong to assume someone is guilty solely based on race.
#3 Aug 18 2005 at 12:47 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Sometimes I dislike branding gil sellers and profiling them as the ultimate cause of the problem is the "normal" players themselves. If Real Money Trade is not a profitable business, businessmen will not invest their time and money into this. It is obvious to see who is really making RMT profitable.

Instead of examining themselves, players resort to profiling and scape goating when things are not in their favor. I myself am a Chinese, and is part of a fairly prominent Taiwan/Hong Kong player LS. A lot of player in my LS have mixed into the JP player community and sometimes not distinguiable apart from regular Japanese players. There are people in my LS has strong belief that the coming of NA players bring all this RMT with them as NA players want to look "big" and like to show off. Although I do not neccessary agree with such thinking, but I tend to see more rude and greedy NA players more than non-NA (Edit: probably related to the average age of NA players being lower compare to the non-NA counter parts) (bad JP players are common too, so I am not profiling). And the desire to catch up the 2 years JP players got ahead, gil buying becomes a short cut to catch up.

Instead of profiling others first, I belief people should examine their own behavior first before others. This is a very hard thing to do -- who will incrimite themselves when they can lay quick blame on others. All of the current problems are brought by human nature itself.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 13:48:11 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#4 Aug 18 2005 at 3:40 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
Amanada is right that a lot of NA players are to blame for keeping IGE in buisness, and in turn keeping the gilsellers in buisness.

But Gil sellers never really bothered me until recently. Most just seemed to mind their own buisness, and were more or less just seemed like extra greedy versions of you or me. They followed the ToS, generally, and some were even polite. Sure they frustrated some players on the lower tier NM and the luxury items, but players could simply do ENM or BCNM40 or other things to get great gear and/or money.

This wasn't meant to be just another bitter gilseller rant about inflation or anything. I could care less about that. This is about the new breed of extremely rude and disruptive players that just happen to be gil sellers. It's their tactics and rude behavior that brough about the irrational "just nuke China" comments that I am hearing more and more of.

Hiyuxang (Formerly Flying) have pretty much declared war on anyone in proximity to any of their HNM. This includes a lot of XP parties caught in the cross fire. And now that they entered sky they are disrupting absolutely everybody. Sky was bad enough even before we had to watch out backs.

People can only be pushed so far. And with the common perception that GMs don't care, we are going to get some vigilante action happening (its actually already started). And I doubt these angry players will care if they accidently wipe an innocent player just because he couldnt reply in English or Japanese.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 16:53:24 2005 by Thornn
#5 Aug 18 2005 at 4:22 PM Rating: Decent
Amanada, that is well said. I salute you. Just to let you know that I want to destroy in Ballista purely on the basis that I think I am better than you at BLM :P

Seriously though, I agree with what you say. I know some people that generalize all chinese people as gil-sellers...ignorant NAs can also put at least some blame on ourselves for continuing to support the gil-sellers by being gil-buyers.

People need to stop taking the quick and easy way to the top. Not to mention, I really dont see any more reason to spend more than the monthly fee on this game. If you spend more than what you pay for your account on this game, you obviously suck at this game.
#6 Aug 18 2005 at 5:05 PM Rating: Excellent
The problem isn't just that NA player buy gil, the fact that they think they need to is a problem. The point of a game such as this is to have fun earning your way to the top. If you don't have the time to invest getting a big ticket item you don't deserve it. The more people with "uber" gear the less meaning it has.

The fact that big ticket item are not "personal" and can be lent to friends or sold for money (gil or cash) is the biggest issue here. If people had to earn their Astral Rings, or Jujtisu Gi, or Emperor's Hairpin (yes I know this one is fixed) then it means so much more. The one item I always wished I could get and would mean the most to me would be Carbuncle Mitts. I'd know they were worth the effort, I didn't just buy the gil for em or run a bot for a week to get it.

SE's on the right path making free-roaming NM drops EX, and putting non-EX ones in BCNMs or having some sort of condition/quest to pop. Now the EX NM drop is a personal trophy that says "I earned it" while the BCNM version requires spending of seals and player skill to get. The general "profile" of the gilsellers is one of unskilled "gimp" players afterall.
#7 Aug 18 2005 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
845 posts
Anyone who would let a game influence the way they feel about another race is either ==> (a) A Racist, or(b) Extremly Ignorant.

#8 Aug 18 2005 at 5:22 PM Rating: Decent
845 posts
ExTaCee wrote:
us NAs can also put at least some blame on ourselves for continuing to support the gil-sellers by being gil-buyers.

People need to stop taking the quick and easy way to the top. Not to mention, I really dont see any more reason to spend more than the monthly fee on this game. If you spend more than what you pay for your account on this game, you obviously suck at this game.

#9 Aug 18 2005 at 6:44 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I actually know players that are known gil buyers and they are very nice and good players. And some do has some legitimate "reasons", they have RL work and yet want to enjoy the game the way they want -- which is not neccessary a rush to 75.

The people who think he/she has to buy gil in order reach the top are the ones do not understand playing skill and reputation cannot be bought. The real FFXI attraction is its community bonds (that is what keeps me from quiting >.> even I tried a few times), not reaching level 75 and camp HNMs everyday. However, badly skilled players do not well as well HNMs, and rushed players may have a hard time to get the connection to get into the good LSs. Flashy gear never gets you anywhere when you do not know how to use it.

The fact that big ticket item are not "personal" and can be lent to friends or sold for money (gil or cash) is the biggest issue here.

I think it is important to strike a balance to between capitalism and uncontrolled greed. The reason why things are not ALL made personal is to keep the an alive game economy (so game world can be realistic). And gil actually means something in the game universe.

However the game universe does not have the tight trade laws like in RL. That is where all those item stealing, gil sell/buy, Jeuno casinos become uncontrolled. And there is really nothing a GM can do about that. It basically work on honor system -- SE trusts the player to not to foul play each other, or to resort gil buy/sell. Despite how idealized the honor system (I myself like it), it does not work, because it is human nature to be greedy. Greed is not neccessary a bad thing; greeds drive development and prosperity -- when communist China and Russia emerge from communism (China is not really communist nowadays), their people are poor and backward compare to American, European, Far East capitalist counterparts. And we have trade laws in RL to contain harmful greed -- if you run illegal casinos or steal money from your company -- you go to jail. Without strict rules to contain it, human greed is nearly impossible to check.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 19:51:29 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#10 Aug 18 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
But Gil sellers never really bothered me until recently. Most just seemed to mind their own buisness, and were more or less just seemed like extra greedy versions of you or me. They followed the ToS, generally, and some were even polite. Sure they frustrated some players on the lower tier NM and the luxury items, but players could simply do ENM or BCNM40 or other things to get great gear and/or money.

I think that fact SE is changing NM claims and making more items Rare-Ex is affecting these players ability to make money. And also I think more businessmen realizes the potential of making real bucks. More farmers, less item = more competition = more foul play
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#11 Aug 18 2005 at 7:29 PM Rating: Decent
i agree that the racial profiling of chinese players is getting somewhat out of hand, everyone i know who is chinese is offended by it. but thats mostly the fault of ignorant players who seem to think all gil sellers are chinese and all chinese are gil sellers.

the profiling itself is not the problem, if your a rank 1 lv60 character in lv20ish equipment that sits in 1 zone 23 hours a day, and doesnt speak any of the languages that the game has been released in, chances are your not a regular player and need to be checked out.

its not really racism against chinese players, so much as people know that the game has not been released in china, and if your playing it in china you should be able to speak either english of japanese, because otherwise how could you understand the game and play it. if you happen to live in china and are playing the japanese version and speak/understand japanese or english, people arent gonna think your a gil seller once you talk to them, unless they are idiots. when you cant speak anything but chinese, its kind of obvious that your not interested in the actual game or its story, because you cant read the launguage that its writen in.
#12 Aug 18 2005 at 8:38 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The problem isn't just that NA player buy gil, the fact that they think they need to is a problem.

There are quite a few people who I know in the game always say money making is a problem for him/her -- in fact there was a thread here recently about that. Some does not mind being poor, and just as happy as usual. But some are not, and it is those may be most tempted to try buying gil.

Money making is not an impossible task if research is put into making money. Just like in RL, if you want to live a life that is fiscally feasible, you have to plan for it. Hehe I sometimes blame that to the credit card culture, just show the plastic over the counter, and you get what you want --- at least for now, and then the big bill comes _-_ .
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#13 Aug 18 2005 at 8:45 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
scchan wrote:
Sometimes I dislike branding gil sellers and profiling them as the ultimate cause of the problem is the "normal" players themselves. If Real Money Trade is not a profitable business, businessmen will not invest their time and money into this. It is obvious to see who is really making RMT profitable.

Instead of examining themselves, players resort to profiling and scape goating when things are not in their favor. I myself am a Chinese, and is part of a fairly prominent Taiwan/Hong Kong player LS.

Wow, I'm friend with yet another chinese player. That makes 3 lol. My first LS that I owned was chinese dominant, with me being the only american. They all speak good english and well mannered. Don't act anything like the gil sellers we know. They live in HK so maybe that explains somethings.

And a long time ago I wanted to buy gil.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:59:08 2005 by Zaleshea
#14 Aug 18 2005 at 8:51 PM Rating: Excellent
scchan wrote:
I think it is important to strike a balance to between capitalism and uncontrolled greed. The reason why things are not ALL made personal is to keep the an alive game economy (so game world can be realistic). And gil actually means something in the game universe.

Ah but that's the thing, gil has no real value when prices can be controlled in such a way. "Gilfarmers" I would not consider a bad thing... but I would not consider camping one NM for one item and MPKing over that "farming". Simply put these people are creating a monopoly. SE is the "government body" here and should be promoting fair trade. They have more power than a real-world tradoe commission too. I'm not going to complian because they are taking action and they aren't rushing it. Sweeping changes to the game's economic mechanics could be more harmful than any MPKing Gilseller.

I left FFXI a year ago because WoW looked to be better than FFXI in many respects. I'm coming back to FFXI for the community (I hate playing solo). I don't wanna start a WoW vs. FFXI thread, but after seeing that econ in action I think I can see where SE is going here....

Making items Bind to a player helps with the NM issues. ENM fights are a great fix as well, no fighting over a NM spawn. Limits on ENM fights prevent abuse and binding the items makes it impossible to use them for monetary profit. No "gilfarmer" will touch an ENM fight, yet it's reat for players to get items they'd find useful.

Okey I guess I should stop ranting... what I'm trying to say is... any item that requires long hours to get is not a "necessary" thing. Any player that's willing to put in the time deserves something nice as a reward. As it stands, these items might be "uber" and "cool", but due to the extreme flood of them in the market, the item's "sentimental value" is worthless. It might sound really dumb, but this game is about effort and "the long haul". A player that doesn't have time to farm nice gear is by no means a bad player and can have a ton of fun with the right people. A player that puts in hours and hours to get one item should be proud they did so and treasure the item. Any player that spends real money to buy some big fancy item because they "need it" is a sad sad person. Someone who buys gil so that they always have pie and juice on their char becaule they work 60hr weeks and just want a bit of time to relax, that person's just fine.

In the end it's the players that are buying their way to the top that are the only ones who don't win the game.

Edited, Thu Aug 18 21:51:29 2005 by tekkub
#15 Aug 18 2005 at 8:53 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Proud to be a Chinese :3 We actually have a quite a few Chinese posters here too....

Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#16 Aug 18 2005 at 10:44 PM Rating: Decent
Amanada, that is well said. I salute you. Just to let you know that I want to destroy in Ballista purely on the basis that I think I am better than you at BLM :P
#17 Aug 19 2005 at 12:01 AM Rating: Excellent
scchan wrote:
Proud to be a Chinese :3 We actually have a quite a few Chinese posters here too....


Take your funny squiggly language and... uhm... go... something... panda...

Wait you mean there's Chineese people who play games for FUN not MONEY?!?!?!

Okey I got my sarcasm out for the day ^^
#18 Aug 19 2005 at 1:45 AM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
Lol. I got Karma bombed badly on this one as expected... I am sorry if I offended any Chinese players, but it was kind of inevitable.

Mainland China is unique in that you have a mix of modern telecommunications with 3rd world poverty. It was the natural choice for North American companies to pay people to farm a few hundred k of gil a day and pay them in pocket change.

NA players created the situation, NA companies profit the most from gil farming, and yet in the game Chinese players in general suffer for it. It is a very unfair situation. But it has been here since the game launched and it will be a problem with every MMORPG till the end of time.

Hiyuxang/Flying are the exception to this though. They are the real enemy here, no matter what background they are from. Gil seller or honest player, NA, JP, Chinese, or Oompa-Loompa... None of that matters. It's their actions that are causing the rise in tension and anger.

#19 Aug 19 2005 at 2:15 AM Rating: Excellent
Thornn wrote:
Hiyuxang/Flying are the exception to this though. They are the real enemy here, no matter what background they are from. Gil seller or honest player, NA, JP, Chinese, or Oompa-Loompa... None of that matters. It's their actions that are causing the rise in tension and anger.

You hit the nail on the head. Gilfarmers aren't the problem, gilsellers aren't the problem. Players that break the rules for their own personal gain are the problem. It doesn't matter if they use the loot or sell it, this kind of behavior can't be tolerated. I remember what Ordelle's was like a year ago when I quit. We had Chyme farmers trying to train on us while we were there for RSE keys. They were preemptive in their attempts too, we never showed any indication we were even after Chyme.

GMs need a mechanism to detect if a player trains more than x amount of mobs and what actions they take (death, warp, zone, escape). Take a 3-strikes rule on trains in "hot spots" like popular NMs (not areas like the Khazam zoneline or Crawler's nest). It shouldn't be too hard to tell if someone is leveling off the mobs that got trained or if they were camping an NM for 2 hours and then mysteriously trained 12 mobs, died in the middle of a large group of people, right after the NM spawned.
#20 Aug 19 2005 at 4:52 AM Rating: Decent
124 posts
amanada wrote:
Proud to be a Chinese :3 We actually have a quite a few Chinese posters here too....



/licks amanada

/sticks a chopstick in a Gilseller's eye
#21 Aug 19 2005 at 5:02 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Lol. I got Karma bombed badly on this one as expected... I am sorry if I offended any Chinese players, but it was kind of inevitable.

To be honest and a little speculative, I think you (and me) do not get karma bombed by other Chinese player. But by people who are unwilling to accept the real problem.

Mainland China is unique in that you have a mix of modern telecommunications with 3rd world poverty.

China is an extreme country. Compare to 30 years ago, the average living standard of China has improved a lot. I will think China right now is like Britian in the middle-late 19th Century. There are rich people, and unlike its real backward pass, people now pick up money making and profit taking. However, very poor people still exist. And those people are poorly educated, and still believe in the "American Dream" -- not by mean going to America, but it is the unrealistic ideal to be rich and propser thru migration. China is also full of robber barons -- not just Chinese robber barons, but robber barons from another country. And some of them are the gil selling companies. These robber barons only interested in the money making oppurtunities themselves, but not the social consquences of it.
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#22 Aug 19 2005 at 6:24 AM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
The real problem is SE.

"American dream" - to be rich and prosper through migration.

Don't know what that means..

#23 Aug 19 2005 at 7:02 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Off Topic (about China):

IMO "American Dream" in spirit -- is move to new land and get prosper. A lot of rural people in China believe moving to new land -- cities or even to another country, your living will improve. This is a misconception in a lot of ways as a lot of such migrants are the people who pay big bucks to be take a dangerous trip as an illegal immigrant or homeless people in big Chinese cities.


China may be economically a lot stronger 20 years ago. The average living improves significiantly. And at least most people have enough food to eat, and the current China is mostly absent of social upheavel which had plagued the nation from 1830-1970s (basically from Opium War to death of Mao). But labor rights and political freedom, and the rule of law are still undeveloped. When people see money (like working as gil sellers), people will do it because the real only way secure personal security in China are money, political connection, and guns because of the rule of law and government cannot offer enough protection.

China is a prisoner of history -- people are still recovering and obessed from 150 year of strife and conflict. Everyone should learn something about modern Asian history ^^;;;

Edited, Fri Aug 19 09:04:40 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#24 Aug 19 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Default
Personally I believe that some ppl are getting to worked up over gil sellers...(Flying Excluded) They have been here since day one. I have encountered ppl saying ************* chinese gil selling ************* at Serket months ago, I had never seen these 6 chinese ppl before, and come to find out that they are NOT sellers, just regular players like me trying to get a 5-10mil drop.....but in MANY ppls eyes(NA) if you're Chinese and camping a NM then off **** you're a seller, this kind of thinking is PURELY racist PERIOD. If you automatically assume someone is so&so solely based on color, creed, or nationality then you are a RACIST.

That having been said I have NO prob with any of the gil sellers in Necropolis, they have always been kind, and funny while camping NM. Chengang is my boy lol, I don't understand a WORD he says, but his /emote are funny. However Flying are a new breed of scumbags, and Amanda I'm some what dissapointed in you, usually I am silently cheering you on cause I agree with what you say but on another thread dealing with all this craziness you somewaht defended there actions, saying hey have to MPK to meet there employers quota, and that doesn't make them bad. That very may well be true, but it doesn't make it right, so in my eyes they are scumbags(The rest of this has nothing to do with Amanda).

They have NO respect for this game, the many hours it took ppl to get there LVLs. When you do a MASSSSSIVE MPK like they are becoming famous for on LOW LVL EXP ptys........OMFG are you serious? WTF kinda threat do lvl 40s pose to you on a HNM. The simple fact that these ppl have not been baned is contributing to the ignorant hatred of Chinese players, but you can't even blame that on SE, sure they should ban these ppl but if you have it in you to blame an entire nation of ppl cause you got MPK by a few douchebags then I'm glad your *** got killed. That being said **** SE FOR NOT BANNING THOSE **** BURGLERS!!!!1111!!!11ONE

#25 Aug 19 2005 at 11:07 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts

The definition of right and wrong is really a relative thing and is never really absolute. Something may be wrong to someone, may actually be good or neccessary evil to someone. It is best to hold one's opinion while open to possible opposing opinions. It is easy to say "This is good and that is evil." The world is never truely White-and-Black.

It may be to true univerisally to say "To steal is a sin" -- a majority of people may agree including myself. But what happens that person is poor, homeless, and unemployed -- may be theft is really the best he/she can do at this time. He/she will still go to jail if caught stealing, but that is because "common sense" thinks stealing is wrong. But sometimes if you have no food no nothing, I am sure you will go steal too.

Let say in this case, you have no job, a gil selling company say I give you a job to make virtual money. Boss says "You better have so-so amount of income in say 3 days or you are fired." What will you do? Do you go MPK to save your job or do you take the risk to be fired? I am sure to a lot of people that is an easy decision. I am not saying MPKing is correct in game rules. TOS gives a standard of judgement from a specific view point. You agree to that standard and use that as a frame of reference to say MPKing is wrong.

World and humans are not simple, and better not be treated in a too simplistic manner -- complexitiy of social background is as simple model of human society as you get.

Edited, Fri Aug 19 12:11:53 2005 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#26 Aug 19 2005 at 12:35 PM Rating: Excellent
The employees of gilfarming companies are no different than "normal" americans putting in their 9-5 doing whatever their company pays them to. No they don't have respect for this game... it's not a game for them. These people are just putting food on the table, and when you're placing real world needs against a needs in a virtual world, well yea I think you can agree that you'd fight harder for food than for a +12 AGI item...

Gilfarming companies that push their employees to extremes are the evil here. The sad fact of it is that because of that the Chineese players and gilfarming employees are in the direct line of fire... not the CEO of the company. He probably doesn't even know HOW to play the game, it's just another profit venture to him.

Oh and about that "Ameriacn Dream"... yea this is it to a T. You noticed what we do? We move in to a new land, take all it's resources, take control of it's government and install people that support us, and move on. One could argue that that's what's happening here, just it's not Americans doing it (or maybe not directly). I find it amazing that Americans can't handle our own tactics truned against us and still completely miss the fact that we do that to others.
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