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#1 Jul 19 2005 at 9:05 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Take it out here.

This is a petition, i'll copy and paste what it's for, and correct the spelling mistakes -.-;

We, the undersigned, request you to solve the issue of congestion during your Playonline and/or Final Fantasy updates. We are paying customers for your service/game, and are tired of waiting hours to days after your updates before some of us can use your service/game. We have prepared suggestions as to help you fix the problem:

1) Make updates available other places besides through the Playonline viewer. A FTP, or http server would be more suffcient.

2) Update servers a couple at a time, not all at once. This will reduce the amount of people updating at once, therefore reduceing congestion.

3) Do not release one large update, rather many smaller more reasonable updates. Maybe spread an update throught a whole week. The first six days are information, and the seventh days update implements them into the game.

This most recent update (July 18th 2005) was scheduled to end at July 19th 3 AM. It was then pushed back to 5 AM. It is now July 19th 8:45 PM and many of us still cannot finish your update. We believe it would be in your best interest to correct these problems in future updates, or else you will suffer an decrease in customers. We thank you for reading this and I hope you solve your problems soon.


The Undersigned

#2 Jul 19 2005 at 9:15 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
My Plants are going to die. I hope they have a fix for that.. the jag-offs!!!
#3 Jul 19 2005 at 9:24 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
>.< this is getting me so friggin P/o'd its not even funny.

I've had it running..oh..

7 hours today, and i still havent had the full download because it'll either just stop, or boot me off.

I've 355 left to go in step 2, and i cant get on to the update screen, been trying slightly frequently for the past two and a half hours, and i cant believe i'm paying for the privledge for my Ps2 to spit in my face and say "No, ***** you, you gotta wait"

Edited, Tue Jul 19 22:24:39 2005 by Shepppard
#4 Jul 19 2005 at 9:45 PM Rating: Default
36 posts
We, the undersigned, request you to solve the issue of congestion during your Playonline and/or Final Fantasy updates.

Come on... you think they aren't trying?

Make updates available other places besides through the Playonline viewer. A FTP, or http server would be more suffcient.

They don't do this for the purpose of security. If someone was to get ahold of the source files they could hack the files. By making it only available through the viewer they keep this from happening.

Update servers a couple at a time, not all at once. This will reduce the amount of people updating at once, therefore reduceing congestion.

Get a girlfriend... Afraid you are going to have to interact with your family and friends during this time?

Do not release one large update, rather many smaller more reasonable updates. Maybe spread an update throught a whole week. The first six days are information, and the seventh days update implements them into the game.

This was a LARGE update with a lot of changes. This doesn't happen all the time. You want them to break it down to multiple updates? Yeah, let's draw this thing out for days! That makes no sense. Why don't you petition Microsoft to release updates EVERY week instead of once a month? Do you know what it's like to work in a company that has deadlines?

This most recent update (July 18th 2005) was scheduled to end at July 19th 3 AM. It was then pushed back to 5 AM. It is now July 19th 8:45 PM and many of us still cannot finish your update. We believe it would be in your best interest to correct these problems in future updates, or else you will suffer an decrease in customers.

Like I said before... do you think they aren't working on this? Of course it's in their best interest, but they are doing what they can. You are so addicted that you filled out a petition... don't think they are going to lose you as a customer, and to believe that there will be a gigantic drop in customers because of this is just ignorant. You need to read the disclaimer again a couple times. I play over 180 hours a month, for 12.95. That's 8 cents an hour. Where else can you find entertainment for that kind of money? You can't. So, you lose a couple hours and your cost per hour goes up a fraction of a cent. I welcome this update because there are many new neat features that are being added and the ability to get some of the items that once were hard to obtain because of camping are now going to be easier because they are Rare/EX.

This is an ignorant post. I'm sure many will agree. Where's the petition I can sign that says "Take all the time you want SE... I want it to be right and will gladly wait so that there aren't 15 other updates in the coming days to fix what was rushed."

Get a life... It's a shame you are on my server.

#5 Jul 19 2005 at 9:54 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Edit: Double post.

Edited, Tue Jul 19 23:01:11 2005 by Shepppard
#6 Jul 19 2005 at 10:00 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
First off lordraul, dont ***** to me, i didnt make the petition, i only signed it.


Come on... you think they aren't trying?

After trying to download the update for 9 hours now, i think this could have been handled a LOT better.


Update servers a couple at a time, not all at once. This will reduce the amount of people updating at once, therefore reduceing congestion.

Get a girlfriend... Afraid you are going to have to interact with your family and friends during this time?

This was uncalled for, Though it's not much to some, i still pay money to play this game, and not being able to play it for over 2 days and still paying for it is a little off to me.

And, where does it say anywhere that social interaction was a problem? i spend time with my family constantly, i dont camp at my computer for days peeing into a jar and living off a bag of cheetos and a 2L bottle of pop.


Do not release one large update, rather many smaller more reasonable updates. Maybe spread an update throught a whole week. The first six days are information, and the seventh days update implements them into the game.

This was a LARGE update with a lot of changes. This doesn't happen all the time. You want them to break it down to multiple updates? Yeah, let's draw this thing out for days! That makes no sense. Why don't you petition Microsoft to release updates EVERY week instead of once a month? Do you know what it's like to work in a company that has deadlines?

Now, open your mind and actually think.

Update servers a couple at a time, not all at once.

I happen to think doing this would be a better option then spanning it out over the week. This solves congestion, so instead of a couple hundred thousand all trying to get on at once, you have about 6000+, making it one HELL of a lot easier.

Like I said before... do you think they aren't working on this? Of course it's in their best interest, but they are doing what they can. You are so addicted that you filled out a petition... don't think they are going to lose you as a customer, and to believe that there will be a gigantic drop in customers because of this is just ignorant. You need to read the disclaimer again a couple times. I play over 180 hours a month, for 12.95. That's 8 cents an hour

A)thats american curency, its about 20$ canadian, and, to those that have a small paying job, and other bills, 20$ is actually a lot more money then you'd think.

And, no, i'm not addicted to this game, i signed this petition to bring the problem to their attention, and dont start about "You cant quit" because its not very hard.

Edited, Tue Jul 19 23:06:49 2005 by Shepppard
#7 Jul 19 2005 at 10:01 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts

I am ashamed you are from my home state Florida.

Of course there are many great and encouraging things in this new update. But for some of us, like me, are becomming frustrated. Where is the harm in those uniting to help ease thier annoyances with a petition. We could just as well have more threads of people spamming how much they hate SE and how P/O'd they are, would that suit you better?

You of course, have your selfish opinion of how everyone should react to the lengthy process of the updates. Along with the endless annoyance of having your PC or Ps2 spit in your face just when your | | this close. I, myself, can't even start the update!

People who come on here just to slam people for wanting to talk to others or take out thier annoyance through the power of free speech -typing- are crude.

All in all, I don't believe SE is doing what they can to "fix" this problem. Seeing as this is the same problem we have every time they have a new update. Of course, we should be accustomed to this -BUT- some of are just plain fed up.

People who have to "Quote" reply "Quote" reply are just nit-picking weenies who obviously have nothing better to do. Perhaps one day you will get a life and over your small **** syndrome, grow-up, and realize you don't have to bash unity; just because you are a lonely old fart and no body wants you.

Edited, Tue Jul 19 23:03:12 2005 by Nymia
#8 Jul 19 2005 at 10:03 PM Rating: Good
69 posts
Yea, im pretty pissed to, this is the only week where i can slack off a little, and i cant even get on the damn game.
couldnt even skate today cause it was to hot, so now im even more pissed. And my pool just got shocked, so i cant even swim >.<. im gonna crawl into a corner and die for a week, then im gonna try to finish the update.
#9 Jul 19 2005 at 10:04 PM Rating: Default
36 posts
$20 (canadian) isn't a lot of money for the entertainment you are receiving. Think about it. What else can you do for the cost per hour that you pay for this game?

Anyways... my update just finished. I'm going to play. {Take Care}
#10 Jul 19 2005 at 10:12 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Alright, i get paid 7.14$ an hour.

My Hours work out to about 12-16 ever 2 weeks, because i can only work part time.

This makes 532$ per 2-weeks, max (taxes taken away, its a little less)

Each week, i pay 50$ rent (i have to pay my electric, and a share of cable, dont ask why)

about 300$ a month for car insurance

50$+ weekly for meals (Lunch's, dinners, ect.)

i make 1064 monthly (if i'm lucky)

These bills together cost

700$, and i'm also supposed to be saving up for other things like a car, and school after highschool.

Now, once again, tell me that 20$ isnt a lot of money to me

Edited, Tue Jul 19 23:19:07 2005 by Shepppard
#11 Jul 19 2005 at 10:23 PM Rating: Good
881 posts
Oh, and i'm getting this now, i see it as a partial lie to try and smoothe things over a bit

This is a follow-up to the previous news regarding Congestion issues with the version update occurring since jul. 19, 2005 2:00 PDT

We have confirmed that there is a continuous DDoS attack underway, which has hampered our efforts and slowed the recovery process.
Our technicans(they spelled it like that) are still investigating the issue and considering all possible options to bring this matter to a speedy resolution.

If you continue to have errors during the version update, please wait a while and try again later.

We deeply apologize for the inconvenience
#12 Jul 20 2005 at 2:04 AM Rating: Default
36 posts
Know what... I don't really care what you think of me. If you are ignorant enough to believe that SE is sitting there doing nothing to help then I don't know what to tell you. You know what the DoS is? It's all of you morons hitting RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY RETRY over and over again. Give it a break. Sure it's frustrating. I had the update get 90% complete 5 times on me, and then POL-1106 (or something like that) on me. I had to start over again and again. I didn't spam Retry, I just simply clicked on it every once and awhile between checking out this board and the tech forum I moderate. If you want to attack me, go ahead. I see what this board does to people they don't like. I could care less if you have hundreds of posts and you think you are some kind of veteran here.. your opinion is no different than mine, it's just that you can't believe that you would be wrong. I was a systems administrator for nearly 6 years and I can completely understand that it may be one thing after another. Do you believe you are helping by complaining? Do you think that SE is going to get your little petition and go "Fix the issue? OMG! We never thought of that! Get the IT department down here now! I want some heads to roll!"
#13 Jul 20 2005 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
143 posts
petition is pointless. it's not like SE intentionally does this. after reading that, all they can possibly do is shrug their shoulders and say "we did all we could"

i do feel they can make the updates more organized... like only allow a certain number of people to d/l at any given moment and que the rest of the people on a first come first served basis(sorta like kazaa). this system will eliminate tens of thousands of people trying to d/l at the same time. then again, what do i know... i'm a computer dummy.

not playing for 2 days isnt going to change anything(though i feel bad for people with plants). in a week, you wont even think of this anymore.
#14 Jul 20 2005 at 10:51 AM Rating: Decent
498 posts
Yesterday I was trolling around KI and saw that someone had posted a site to a program that would "bot" the retry button while the user was at work or busy doing other things. I couldn't believe what I was reading, I made me sick to see this person advertising this. He was showing people where to find the program that was causing the DDoS attacks, this coupled with the people who are hitting the Retry button over and over again is what is causing the DDoS attack, not upset people who got booted from the game.

I, myself, opt'd to hang out with friends at the bar, read some books, catch up on my anime and RVB, played some Halo 2 and talked to my lady via Yahoo Voice Chat. I have yet to touch my New Harry Potter book so I can weather this storm quite well. ^^
#15 Jul 20 2005 at 11:31 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
*sigh* Ok kids. LoL. Yes it's very frustrating, and yes sitting back as a Network Engineer/Programmer I can see things that could have been handled differently to make this process more efficient, but I understand about being in the thick of it and how some times you just have to weather the storm.

Whereas I agree with a lot of your points Lordraul, there is still no reason to present it in a disrespectful manner. Sheppard has every right to fill out or even create a petition if he feels the need to do so. It his right to voice his opinion in a non-aggressive matter.

Yes when you've been on the other side of it and all the end users are causing the issues, but don't realize it, and want to keep blaming you, it's frustrating. I can empathize with SE through a lot of these times, but I'm not going to flame others.

You made a lot of valid points and I would bet that many had no clue that continually hitting retry between thousands of people serves as a DDoS attack, but still, there's no reason to belittle people because they don't have the same technical knowledge as you.

Yeah it's troubling to see people with some programming knowledge creating programs to continually hit that reset key. They should have enough sense to know what it is that they're doing.

SE has put a lot of time and effort into making this game what it is. They do a lot of maintenance and upgrades to keep their paying customers happy. There is no way, however, that everyone can be happy. If they didn't do these updates, the game would be buggy beyond belief and probably would have died by now.

Could they do things a bit differently? Sure. I try to avoid complaining, however, due to what they have done to help. So let's just all relax, we'll get it as soon as it's available, then it will be back to FFXI as usual. Just with more toys. :-b
#16 Jul 28 2005 at 2:21 AM Rating: Good
64 posts
i agree with leet

i know that this is a big deal to a lot of ppl. i play between 20-40 hrs a week its like a second job. anyway not getting to play can be frusterating, but a petition telling them you are going to quit may not motivate them to move faster.

venting can make you feel better, but you are still going to be stuck waiting because they are doing the best they can with the method they chose. the part about updating servers at diferent times sounded like a constructive idea, however i cant agree with your ending the petition with a thret. (maybe i misread it)

anyway the gist of what the other guy said was go catch up on somethings else while you wait. its a very good idea. i actually got kinda lucky and was moving at the time so i didnt have to fight anyone. then when it came time for my masive download i just started it as i left for work and when i got back it was done. another way is start it when you go to bed. oh well things should get interesting when xbox 360 comes out cya around all
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