I recently attained lvl 32WAR/16NIN in Yhoater Jungle, and xp began to decline for my party; particularly, they said, due to some members having lvl'd to 34. So we all headed for Jeuno to regroup, then it was off to Galiage Citadel, where we took two mobs that stressed us to the max before the third one killed a member. Deciding it wasn't worth the pain, we headed to The Crawler's Nest. Much to our dismay, this proved to be even worse. We were linked 3 times. We fought there for over an hour and died 5 times; the whole party twice. Some speculated that it was due to a 31 lvl RDM we had, while others said it was an inexperienced WHM. But the man who raised us continuously said 32 was too low for The Nest. Is this true? And if so, where is the best place for rapid xp? 100+ per mob with chains, if possible. Thanks for your help.