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Main Form {Run Away!}Follow

#1 Jun 07 2005 at 3:47 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
Man... what's the deal with these main forum people? LoL I go on Monk Forum (ok so not technically main) to get some info to try to better myself, and I get gang jumped by people that want to say nothing but I'm wrong by imperical knowledge. Hmmmm...

I think I'll stick to my soap opera, "As Cerberus Turns". LoL

Oh.. opinion.. if you were a 42MNK would you start telling a 65MNK what he should and shouldn't be using? That's like me telling Fuertes, Ozzy, Meign, or any of those other 75MNKs that their gear sux. LoL. Some people. >.>
#2 Jun 07 2005 at 3:52 PM Rating: Good
127 posts
{Hmmm.} I go to the WHM forums off and on and it doesn't quite seem like that. Maybe it's because we're a gentle nurturing bunch. We like to complain about Erase, Teles and to-be or not to-be a Power Leveler. Also we sometimes food (and how pudgy we're getting on pies, cookies), and why most of us are females among other stuff.
#3 Jun 07 2005 at 3:53 PM Rating: Good
Leet, i'm a ranger. Low level at that. But I do have something to say.

Your gear sucks! ^^
#4 Jun 07 2005 at 4:21 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Well just because someone is a lower level doesn't implies that he doesn't know about the game, the system, the stats, the job and the gear. So i could identify any gimped 75 Drk anytime you'd ask me, and not just because i'm 70 now but since levels and levels ago.

There are sites, like this one, where you can see the gear and its stats. So if you kinow how your job works, and what stats you need and when you need them, then you pretty much now already what gear you're gonna be to be the ubber xxx. So i think that a lvl 40 telling a lvl 60 that he's gimped is perfectly normal.

Tho i have no idea of what gear you use or whatever, i'm just talking in general.
#5 Jun 07 2005 at 5:59 PM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
DD forums is all about macho for big numbers ;p

White Mage and Bard forums are actually very civil and nice, and people like talk about the game and how people tourment white mages x.x

Ok About "Main" Forum, there you get jumped on or rated down if you:

1) Trying to show not all inflation are caused by gil sellers/buyers.
2) Trying to show most JPs do not invite non-JPs are not related to racism.
3) Be funny (in a subtle manner)
4) Trying to be sarcastic; (3) and (4) are related because people take words by face meaning.
5) Trying to show Dragoons are good.

( wink wink ;) )

But anyway I gave up in the main forum, it does not worth to post usually... There are exceptions of course.

That's like me telling Fuertes, Ozzy, Meign, or any of those other 75MNKs that their gear sux. LoL. Some people. >.>

Monks imo are one of the cheaper DD jobs in the game. Unless you want to be ultra umber (Cross Counters, Scorpian Harness, etc), it is not that expensive to level. You can use AF till 75 (like White Mage, Paladin, Red Mage) (Yes PLD does not "need" Adamn unlike what some people claim, and Adamn is quite ugly especially the head -.-;) I am all about style ;p
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#6 Jun 07 2005 at 6:12 PM Rating: Good
4,475 posts
The main forum is full of posers...

All DD forums think they know everything..

Leetfade don't bother. Most civilized job forums are ironically the mage forums..

I don't care about the main forum or anyone there.
#7 Jun 07 2005 at 7:12 PM Rating: Good
354 posts
The Monk forum is really pretty civil most of the time.

I read most of the posts(going back to read the rest now) and most seemed decent enough.

You got bashed for useing Shiva's Claws, but hey, to each his own.

In EVERY groud there are a few black sheep that think they are better than everyone else, regardless of level, play time, and the truth.

Sorry about, your Monk Forum Experiences Leet, I hope that doesn't discourage you.
#8 Jun 08 2005 at 4:53 AM Rating: Good
1,246 posts
Woooo this looks like the main forum now, getting rated down because of saying that any person with knowledge from the game can recognize if someone's gimped or not, even if the person is 20 level higher

#9 Jun 08 2005 at 5:56 AM Rating: Good
354 posts
Free rate-ups for everyone!
#10 Jun 08 2005 at 7:27 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
LoL I didn't rate you down, Khrno. I've been coming here a LONG time and yes, I've been guilty of looking a higher levels gear and thinking wtf?? LoL. But generally I ask them why vs. saying they don't know what they're doing. Maybe they know something I don't.

But just like I said in the Monk forum, I'm an imperical knowledge person (I believe what I see). I don't get caught up in the, "I have to have this cuz it costs over 1mil!!" crap. I've tried the Spartan Cesti and I've tried the Cross Counters. They are no where near worth the money. They are status symbols.

I will, however, be trying the Feral Fangs and hopefully be running a parser.

Anyone that knows me knows that I'm all for constructive criticism, as most of the people in that forum showed. It's people like that 42MNK that thought he knew it all and more or less saying my gear was crap and "I suggest you read how H2H delay works" that pisses me off. Like I told him, when he gets the 2 more Martial Arts bonuses that I have over him and can try the different weapons then he can make a call on it.

Anyways, I just get frustrated when I see people with the "better than thou" attitude. Generally they are some teenage punk that their parents want nothing to do with so they stuck a computer under them. Bah.. Ok I'm done ranting. :-b
#11 Jun 08 2005 at 10:27 AM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
I noticed that in the monk forum too...

You mention a sub job other then /war and they crucify you. You mention DEX gear having a factor on the game and they jump on you just as quick. But if you post yet another thread praising sole sushi (the 472nd one doing so) you will be rated up. ^^

There is sort of a hive mind mentality in that forum of what is right and what is wrong. This may be due to the fact that monks have a very linear progression through the game becuase our options are a lot more limited then most other jobs.

So 90% of the time the monks there are dead on with their comments. They just arn't very supportive of of people doing "fun and different" things.

Eventually you will be able to get some more diverse gear for situations. Chi blast gear set for HNM, tanking gear set (outside of XP parties I tank a lot), maybe go for insane amount of haste and kicking boots, or overload on +40 str gear and sub thf for scary big SATA dragon kick.. its all good ^^

I think the only time a monk gets to express themself is 65+ sadly, and the forum does seem to respect this. Before then the subjob and gear choices are too limited to do much but assimilate. Very depressing ; ;
#12 Jun 08 2005 at 10:43 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Well I am 65+ now. :-D LoL

So let me get some of the opinion of some of my fellow Cerberan monks. LoL If I could kill DC skeles all day in EN my Dragon Kick would be lovely (1183 DK with 1732 Light bonus LoL) but sadly that just isn't the case.

Here's my thing (for those that read it in the monk forum, just bare with me. LoL). Yes I want to be a great monk, but I don't believe in spending 1mil+ more for 5 attack, or 1 more dex, etc etc. I think a lot of that is just status. If you've got it, flaunt it... I don't LoL.

So I have noticed an attack speed increase from Shiva's Claws, regardless of what they want to say, it is noticable. Is it night and day? Of course not, but it does show.

Now they're praising the cross counters and spartan as everyone always has. 20 dmg, 19 dmg + counter..Blah Blah Blah. Great. I've tried them both.. was HIGHLY disappointed in both. Feral fangs, I'll definitely try them. I'm more than willing to drop 100k to try a +19dmg weapon with less delay than Spartans.

Seeing as how we are a DoT job, doesn't it make sense to hit more often? Seeing as how I'm elvaan, doesn't it make sense to add +8 ACC? Now if the +2 STR = +1 weapon damage is true, then I guess I am a little backwards. I would need +16 STR to recoop the dmg difference between Shiva's Claws and Feral Fangs. If that's the case, back to Venerer and Sniper and on to Feral. I can sell both of my Sun Rings and pay for the ferals LoL.

One thing I REALLY don't want to part with is my Brown Belt. +STR and +Haste is just awesome to me. That and I'm eyeing the Fuma Kyahan again for more haste (which in turn could make up for the delay differences).

I guess what I'm really looking for is some constructive criticism by people who have tried the different weapons. Anyone can read post after post and assume that what someone else says is true. I'd like to hear from people that have used the different weapons. I'd also like some opinions on whether /THF is worth it now that I have Dragon Kick. Does anyone have any number differences on the power output?

I tried /THF pre 65 and the loss of Double Attack and Berserk was just too much for me to stomach. LoL. Counting DoT damage I was down to about 1/3 of what I was doing with /WAR. That's just too much damage loss IMO.

Anyways, thanks for the opinions in advance. Let's avoid the immature "I R Uber, U R {Too Weak}" crap and be constructive about this please. :-b Thanks!
#13 Jun 08 2005 at 2:55 PM Rating: Good
354 posts
Well, for me personally, I also prefer the lower delay weapons.

I have nothing against CCs or Spartans, since total delay STILL is not as high as most two handed weapons (and we hit two to five times in a round with /war).

It's why I think the TM +2s I finally snagged are a god send.

Shiva's Claws? I don't really see the justification, even with the added acc, but I plan on getting them if just to mess around with them. I'm a pretty firm believer that if you can't hit a mob you either have no +acc gear or you're not high enough level wise for what you are fighting.

There are countless posts as to why Fuma Kyahan aren't worth the price tag for monks (I <3 my sig). I generally agree with this statement since 3% haste turns out to be like 8 delay or something close. If you have a lower delay, lower damage weapon, I think any pair of boots that increase STR or Attack would be more beneficial to offset the stats you're missing. I would think haste would benefit a higher delay weapon more.

I hope that wasn't preachy, and my post is on no personal experience of my own, and I know that I'm a lower level ><!
#14 Jun 08 2005 at 3:06 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Here's my thing, Luciendarr. I don't care if you're level 10. If you are constructive in your criticism, I'll take it to heart. It's those people that think their Sh** doesn't stink and they're better than everyone that get me going. LoL.

I had no intention of paying the exorbitant 650k that Fuma are going for currently. I have gotten them on drop before, I can do it again. :-b

Honestly, there isn't much in the line of boots, barring Kung Fu Shoes (we don't kick all that often anyways), Wu Long, or Dune Boots (too low for these). I have a set of Win Kyahan I use on BCNM40 but I'm just not sold on the Attack for Monks. I very well could be missing something there.

If anyone has any good numbers as to why I should go ATT crazy, please share them with me. :-b My big focus has been hitting the mob. Then once my ACC is in line, I go STR as much as I can.
#15 Jun 08 2005 at 3:07 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
I couldnt handle thf sub either... The dragon kick got some big numbers in XP party the few times I tried, but it came with too high a cost.

Now as for those shiva claws, there is a definate use for them in XP parties. If you get dragged along on an IT++ fight and theres a BLM in the party, your goal is no longer DoT but is instead to feed him SC for magicbursts.

If you are with a Rng or Sam you may lag slightly in TP so using a high acc low delay weapon makes sense for the good of the party. Sadly many monks are too proud to let their WS damage drop at all, and so they stick to their +19 or +20 weapon with 100+ delay.

So a solution is to carry both types of weapons and adapt. On the VT-IT transition the heavier hitting weapons are very rewarding, but on the IT++ fights we mnk are really just a SC component and we should do what we can to keep feeding the mages something to work with. Often on IT++ our acc and dmg are shot anyway. It's expensive and ties up inventory, but it can pay off.

Gobbie bags are kind of important to monks... I have 2-3 pieces of gear for most slots and use equip macros like mad. I have a few macros that incrmentally switch between full acc gear and full str gear, so I kind of "tune" my performance for each mob by +5 acc increments. A lot of monks read what "the best gear" is for their given level and have it equipped 24/7. But this game isnt quite that cut and dry. I once had a amcro to switch between pallas > kotes > AF gloves as the situation demanded. (Thats a bit excessive though lol)

So back to the monk forums, the common threads are always "X gear vs. Y Gear" and my answer is usually "both"... Until I see for myself what works in a mix of situations, I kind of reserve judgement. If both have a use and are affordable, I will keep both and macro, and if not one goes back on the AH. In my slightly extreme "kotes + pallas macro" I ended up selling the kotes in the end after a few parties on mixed mobs.

All in all I dont think any of this gear is worth beating yourself up over. Difference between an amemit and amemit +1 wont even show up in a parser, but I kept it anyway. The only overpriced item I have that really made a difference was my pallas, since I am a mithra and +9 str is a significant increase to what I had at the time.

<edit spelling. More to come I'm sure>

Edited, Wed Jun 8 16:18:11 2005 by Thornn
#16 Jun 08 2005 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Thank you, Thornn. I don't know why I didn't just start in this forum. LoL

So here's my PT scenario. I have an SP. PLD, MNK, RDM, RDM, BLM, and recently, WAR/NIN. All are from LS, and most of us have been friends for some time.

Lately, it's been one fight we do Howling Fist -> Rampage, the next fight we do Red Lotus Blade -> Raging Axe -> Dragon Kick (hey it's fun LoL). So yes, my big role is keep TP up with the WAR and create something for the BLM (who is bursting in the 800s so of course our big hits are from him).

As soon as I went to Shiva's, I started pulling hate. I went to 2x Sun Ring and Sole Sushi putting me at +24 STR. My standard hits were not much less than Bone Patas +1 w/ Snipers/Sun, and my WS was relatively the same also. I am building TP faster now as they haste the war and not me. LoL So to me it seems like a decent set up. Am I missing something? LoL

The other thing is some are saying there is no need for sushi. But I'm elvaan. If I can go to Chiefs I would be ecstatic but I don't want to start whiffing again. LoL. Any suggestions?
#17 Jun 08 2005 at 7:11 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
No escape from sushi addiction, I'm sorry to say.

As a mithra I use sushi... race has so little to do with it. At most by L75 I think I only have 12 or so more dex then an elvaan. At best, by endgame a mithra monk has "built in" spectacles with a slightly higher critical rate.

It doesnt compare to the 15% acc bonus of any sushi. Apparently this caps at (depending who you ask) as low as +20acc and as high as +39 according to one report. Sole +1 caps even higher.

The optical hat and a scorp harness will cut back on suchi dependace if you're lucky, but those together only put you at +15 acc more then standard old mnk AF, and that accounts for maybe half of the acc bonus sushi gives. I was partying with Aireiya, a L75 mnk the other night and she still uses sushi just to get the most out of asuran fist.

If sushi really gives +39acc, it takes almost all the gear in the game that a monk can use just to equal it, and that is sacrificing a lot of melee attack and str slots (namely the belt slot). So it is often better to give up and eat sushi and load up on attack and str gear. It is a necessary evil ; ;

I still get to use meat now and then if I'm with a bard or summoner, or if we are fighting VT stuff in high volume. But people have come to expect melees to hit at 90% acc now and you get sushi withdrawl the moment you try going without it.
#18 Jun 09 2005 at 4:11 AM Rating: Decent
107 posts
I stay away from the main forum these days. They're all just a bunch of followers, and if you try to challenge their collective knowledge with a new idea, you get rated down. If you make an obvious joke post, nobody gets it and you get rated down for trying to be misleading. I guess I should be thankful my rating is somehow over 3.00, but I still don't like the lack of intelligence I see often times.

Which of course doesn't apply to anyone here, because Cerberus people are clearly very awesome.

Oh, and another thing I love. When someone gets karma-bombed to Hell and then makes a super-whiny off-topic post about how they got karma-bombed, they ALWAYS get pity rate-ups through the roof. It works everytime, even though rewarding off-topic posts seems like bad reinforcement to me.

Anyway, can't speak too much for the melee forums. Don't visit them much. Although I did get a good laugh the last time I went to the DRK forum. Someone started a thread because they couldn't decide between using a Balance Ring and their Bastok Ring. "The Basty ring is nice, but is that one extra DEX worth it to drop some serious coin on this bad boy?"

But rest assured I won't be judging your MNK gear.
#19 Jun 09 2005 at 5:53 AM Rating: Good
354 posts
You are absolutly right about the constructive criticism.

I used Windurstian Kyahan before I got my AF boots. I immediatly switched to AF when I hit 52 because hey, I just got to wear my first peice of AF. I didn't miss the 3 or 4 attack, hardly new it was gone. The DEX on the AF however, I did appreciate. And I OFTEN find times that I use Dodge in exp PTs, so having it "Enhanced" sounds pretty good to me.

I don't kick enough to spend money on Kung Fu or Wu Long shoes. If I were to camp the Cactar that drops them with my LS, yeah I suppose I would wear them over AF, like you would with Fumas.

And I only met Thornn once, but was immediatly impressed.

We had a nice convorsation in Ordelle Caves, and even tho she totaly beat my *** to claim Morbolger, (I was typing at the time, and felt pretty dumb for doing so afterwards) I left the caves with a smile on my face and a gift of 50k.

As for my gear and what I switch, I have an Aikido Gi for tanking and soloing or anything where I'm getting hit, and a Jujitsu Gi for DD. I carry both dual Sun rings and a Sniper's ring and a Venerer ring (hopefully soon to be dual Sniper's).
I never really thought that two weapons would be needed, but Thornn is absolutly right about the skillchain in the IT++ party.

Oh, and another thing I love. When someone gets karma-bombed to Hell and then makes a super-whiny off-topic post about how they got karma-bombed, they ALWAYS get pity rate-ups through the roof. It works everytime, even though rewarding off-topic posts seems like bad reinforcement to me.

OMGWTFFERZZZ. My Karma on Allakhazam is 3.83!!! I'm so happy and 1337!! Everyone will love me because my name is red and not yellow!!!

I'm sorry for that, I was just trying to make a point. Does anyone accualy take their rating to heart? all? Because for me, you could go find every single one of my posts and rate it down and I could care less.

If I can put a smile on someones face by pressing a few buttons? I'm going to go ahead and do just that.
#20 Jun 09 2005 at 7:18 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
It's nice being able to have an actual discussion about gear and not a I R UB3r fest. LoL.

Yeah I do keep a Sniper, Venerer, and Life Belt with me at all times just in case. Like the other night when we ran out of normal gobs and pulled a Blagger. LoL. Time for some more ACC. O.o

Yeah I didn't get what they were saying that Sushi is overkill and there is no reason you should need them at this level. I guess if you do nothing but power chain every time you level on VT mobs that's one thing. On our server, however, those main spots are overflowing with PTs and powerchaining generally isn't an option.

I'll stick to coughing up 30+k for sole sushi per stack (not paying 150k/stack on Sole +1 LoL) and keep my 4 rings, 2 belts on hand. When I ding 66 I'll try out the Feral Fangs and see what I get.

Luciendarr, if you need help with Beadaux key for your Cyclas let me know. I actually like doing that key because we've had Water IV drop. LoL. If we can get a Fusion opener we'll just go in and do Light all day long on those overgrown turtles. LoL
#21 Jun 09 2005 at 2:21 PM Rating: Good
354 posts
I've had my Cyclas for 4 levels now, its the damn Garliage Coffer that I can't find......Im crownless and sad.
#22 Jun 09 2005 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Three months for that coffer man. LoL. I got lucky and one of my LS mates, Munchkin, just happened to know some people going through that needed a 4th body to open the doors. I got my coffer when we got split up. I wanted to random for it with other people in the pt that needed it, then Lilmullet saw someone rushing up to it so he told me to pop it quick. Thus ended my long struggle with GC. LoL.

GL man. You'll get it. If the BladeSingers have to pop some gates for any reason I'll try to get ahold of you.
#23 Jun 09 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Good
354 posts
I just posted on the BladeSingers website, and thank you for the concideration. I spent three days behind gate number 3, and then ran out of oils and left ><. I regret it much.
#24 Jun 09 2005 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
1,246 posts
Lately, it's been one fight we do Howling Fist -> Rampage, the next fight we do Red Lotus Blade -> Raging Axe -> Dragon Kick (hey it's fun LoL).

Hmmm.. if you pt with a WAR why don't you just do Mistral Axe + SATA Dragon Kick > Light?

The war is more than capable to turn the mob his way so you can SATA on the PLD, if he can't then just SATA on him Utsu and his def will take care off the hate.

That way you wouldn't have to *wait* for the PLD to have TP, and you won't be gimping the WAR and PLD making them use RA and RLB instead of Mistral and Vorpal/Swift Blade.

Just my 2 gils as a Light closer.
#25 Jun 09 2005 at 7:02 PM Rating: Decent
1,072 posts
Leet, I think I just read the posting in mnk forum that started this. From your comments I figured you had been trolled bigtime, but from what I read there were simply a few comments from some people that wern't even sure themselves what they were talking about. I've seen people in that forum get burned before, far worse over far more trivial discussions ^^

The only comment that was made that wasnt very polite was the "I suggest you read how H2H delay works" one. I'm not even sure he was trying to be rude... he just didnt express himself very tactfully.

I think he simply miss-interpreted your comment on spratans/CCs having twice the delay. You were obviously refering to the delay penalty of the weapon, and he was thinking "total delay".

For non-monks who are wondering why weapon delay was brought up as a topic for debate, all monk weapons lists damage bonuses and delay penalties, and not the true attack power or delay like all other weapons in the game.

A weapon of 50 delay isnt twice as fast as a 100 delay weapon. Those numbers are added to your base delay (300 for this example) so really you are comparing a 350 to a 400 delay weapon. The base delay is affected by the mnk martial arts trait. The end result is that it could be around 15% quicker rather then twice as fast.

Leet knew this, all monks know this. The guy making the comment just didnt express himself too well nor back up his statement.

As you get to a higher level, your weapon delay becomes a larger percentage of your total delay because your base delay drops. This is the reason why slow weapons get worse the higher your level gets, with respect to lower delay weapons. It's the reason that monks go wild for wahgs, destoryers, etc at 75 when their final martial art trait is learned. Vishnu cesti and shiva claws also remain solid choices for DoT.

One far less debated factor with weapon delay is of course TP return per hit. If your delay drops below a certain value, you may start to lose 1 tp per punch due to how the math gets rounded down. If your goal is to feed the blm some skillchains, you dont want to go this low. It's possible that dropping delay that extra few percent may in fact hinder your TP gain due to the rounding error. But typically this isnt worth worrying about.

There is a chart on a japanese website I had bookmarked that listed the damamge/delay ratio of the popular weapons at every level, and included the tp return per hit and the true delay.
I'm not at home, but lets see if I can dig it up later.

Anyhow, kind of went off a a tangent there on the delay. The point was that they didnt really drag you through the mud as much as I expected for mentioning a "non leet" approach ^^ There is still solid info in the monk forum and a few good people who really know their stuff and they will back it all up with numbers, parsers, forumulas... whatever you need ^^

But best of all is to see for yourself what does an does not work, and dont take their comments for gospel no matter their rating ^^
#26 Jun 10 2005 at 7:59 AM Rating: Decent
2,021 posts
Yeah nobody's word is gospel to me. As I said on there, I'm an imperical knowledge person. I have to see it for myself. Hence why I will have Feral Fangs on Sunday to swap in and out to see what actually does more.

Hmmm.. if you pt with a WAR why don't you just do Mistral Axe + SATA Dragon Kick > Light?

The war is more than capable to turn the mob his way so you can SATA on the PLD, if he can't then just SATA on him Utsu and his def will take care off the hate.

The WAR is 64. He won't get Mistral until 66 or, trust me, I would be doing this. LoL. I HATE using the tank in SCs. But since this SP is almost all friends, and ALL LS members, we can have a little more fun with it.

I don't use SATA because my total dmg (parsed DoT) is about 1/3 with THF sub. I would much rather have 200 less on WS dmg and 600 more DoT dmg. I am, however, going to try this one night. Just for the reasoning that I want to see what it can do. I tried /thf pre-Dragon Kick and it sucked. LoL. I'll try it with Dragon Kick though and see what I get.

Double Attack is just awesome for a monk. To have Double Attack, Kick Attacks, and Haste, I'll out parse a LOT of DDs. I've doubled the TP gains of RNGs (yes I've been out TPed by them too LoL), I've had my WSes hit harder than them, I've kept up with some really good DDs of other jobs. With my lower delay weapons, brown belt, and RDM haste, I've had a Double Attack + Kick attack kick in (5 hits when you get lucky) and as soon as that was done, I was right into my next series so I popped off 8 hits in a row. What other DD can do that? :-b

The WAR (Mando) and I constantly challenge each other to see who can get TP first and who can do what damage. It makes it more fun and it pushes us to be better. LoL

People underestimate monk horribly. A smart monk that cares about his DoT and his SC ability is invaluable in a party. And we don't just stand there and throw gil at the mob all day. LoL. No offense RNGs, you are still overly powerful, but don't discount the value of a Monk.

Thornn, if you can find that info on TP return I would be very interested to see it. I agree that nobody really went to the extremes on the board, but I was to the point of returning fire on that one and I just want to avoid that at all costs. LoL. I've put those ways behind me. I do think they get way too wrapped up in the overpriced = 1337 crap though. LoL
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