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A plea for helpFollow

#1 Mar 01 2005 at 12:30 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
Being a female gamer in a male dominated game like FF makes it a little bit difficult to turn a blind eye to all the sexual inuendo and stuff that goes around. But it is really hard when you become the victim of harrassment in game.

Today i experienced it personally in the form of a player named arconis. For hours, he followed me around, even after me asking him to stop bothering me, and stop harrassing me. As i was leveling my summoning magic in carp. landing when i would rest, he would force his character towards mine and make lewd and inappropriate comments. I blisted him, and moved. he followed. i went to the airship port, he followed and continued to do the same thing. Sexual harrassment, although laughable to some of you, was really disturbing. I felt victimized and violated and there was nothing that i could do.

i called a GM and it goes without saying that GMs are mostly talk, case in point, is that arconis has done this before, has tried to mpk me when i level, and harrasses me constantly. After the GM call, i thought that it would end, but alas, as i type this, he is still online...

So, i turn to you, my community of gamers on the server, for help on this matter. Please tell/make him to stop the harrassment. I am kinda at a brick wall on this...

thanks for listening,
#2 Mar 01 2005 at 12:37 PM Rating: Good
498 posts
This guy used to be on my friendlist way back in the day and was a pretty cool guy. This is about the second or third time i heard bad things about him since. He either changed dramatically or sold his character, no matter what, it wasn't a change for the good from what i have been hearing. :(
#3 Mar 01 2005 at 12:38 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
/comfort Alethea

I'm sorry to hear you have had an incident like this and that there are actually people like this in the game. Some people will never grow up.
#4 Mar 01 2005 at 12:48 PM Rating: Decent
I still don't believe the stories I've heard here... I know Arconis, and have NEVER seen him do anything foul or remotely questionably foul... I'm starting to think that there's a group of individuals out to destroy his reputation for some unknown reason. However, sorry you feel harrassed... don't know what to tell you except: "Don't take the game so personal."

If you're playing a mithra, or a fem hume... you should more or less expect harrassment, whether you're a female gamer or not. I don't know about Arconis, but I don't have the ability of seeing who or what (gender) is controlling the character I see before me. You could be a guy or a girl... who's to know other than you... Easiest route to avoid this scenario may just be to say: "Dude, WTF?!?!? I'm a guy!" and leave it at that. Chances are, most harassing males will cease and leave once they are told you are not the female they thought you were.

My point is simple... it's a game, and it's text... nothing more. No one ever physically put their hands on you... no one even physically checked you out. There's chat filters to avoid such things as this as well, if you don't like the "I'm a guy" approach. Chances are, IF this really did happen, it meerely happened because you asked him to stop. That's like saying: "Don't push that red button" or "Don't look down" (to a rock climber).

My take on this, if it really did happen, is that Arconis has a younger, annoying sibling that see's no harm in destroying Arconis' reputation. The Arconis I know is much more mature and has better things to do with his time than pester people for no reason. Anyways, there's a dozen other ways you could have handled this scenario rather than posting here.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 12:52:06 2005 by ElvaanKrem
#5 Mar 01 2005 at 1:07 PM Rating: Excellent
2,021 posts
Wow Krem. I'm a little surprised. Nobody should ever "expect" to be harassed. That's complete BS. The whole "it's just a game get over it" has been rehashed so many times that I don't care to get into it again.

From the sounds of it, she tried the other routes; asked him to stop, blisted him, and even called GM. I don't blame her for posting here.

I understand that he might be your friend, and even that it might be someone else using his character at these points, but he is still responsible for that. Nobody has the right to treat another person that way. I don't care if it is the "they told me not to so I have to" motive.
#6 Mar 01 2005 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
No, it's bigger than that... it's apparent to me that the playersOfAvalon have a problem with Arconis and not really anyone else... Here's the last hate Arconis thread

Granted the LS names are different, but I can't help but think what used to be LegacyOfAvalon is now GardenOfAvalon. Dahlgreen is the first outside of this LS I've seen a complaint from. I didn't see Alethea's scene unfold, so I'm not sure to what degree this happened. I do know that my character was "raped" once in kazham by two players flooding rape emotes. I reported them to a GM and they were dealt with... so if the GM let Arconis slide, it couldn't have been as severe as being "raped" as far as sexual harassement goes... or you just got a lazy, incompetant GM.

No leet, I'm not saying "expect to be harrassed", I'm saying in game, it's nothing more than pixels interacting with pixels... text replied to text... However, harrassment is generally done out of spite or immaturity... in either case, if you comment on it, you only add fuel to the fire. So if you've had enough, blist. I don't think there's ANY reason anyone should post on the boards a story of why they blisted someone... let alone a story like this, where the player is unblisted at the end.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 13:27:10 2005 by ElvaanKrem
#7 Mar 01 2005 at 1:23 PM Rating: Excellent
209 posts
Wow, just wow...krem i dont know what to say..I mean no offense to you personally, but i dont see how you can say that. No one should expect to be harassed...ppl play this game for fun and if someones harassing them then that takes all of the fun out of it. Just think if it was your sister. I know I would be HEATED.... And then you have to think of it like this...what if it happened to be a young girl on the other end of the comp? That's just all kinds of f'ed up. Althea sorry you had to deal with this, I honestly hope this issue gets resolved.
#8 Mar 01 2005 at 1:34 PM Rating: Default
1,332 posts
I'll be sure to MPK Arconis the next time I can do so Alethea. PaiMei's got your back.

If you're playing a mithra, or a fem hume... you should more or less expect harrassment, whether you're a female gamer or not.

Um, no.

EDIT: Ah, yes. Rate me down as[b][/b]shole. I'll remember that when you start asking all the NA SMN for Fenrir help.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 13:40:26 2005 by Jeryhn
#9 Mar 01 2005 at 1:35 PM Rating: Decent
GODDAMMIT!!!! I said: "you should more or less expect harrassment"

should and more or less... both meaning the statement is not a definative statement, but a loose warning of caution.

I'm not saying blatently: "Expect to be harrassed, it will happen."

I'm saying: "If you're playing a female character, there's a good chance a lonely basement dweller living at home with mom will make a pass or two at you." Truthfully, if it's only one... I'd be amazed.

As for the harrassment and "How would I like it if ..." well, I've been harrassed and even sexually assaulted. The harrassment I brush off with: "I'm a guy" or just let them have their fun and lol to myself for their pittyfullness. I've only been harrassed to the point of calling a GM once. I was being raped via emotes and asked to stop (fueled the fire) and they started to do it 3 times as much. I blist them and after a few minutes my party starts flaming them. Apparently they still haven't stopped with the flooding of rape emotes... so I reported them to a GM. They were imprisoned and warned.

The minor harrassment offenses just get some new people on my blist. If you blist them already, and you're bothered by someone using their character to follow you, well, I'm sorry... that just sounds rediculous to me. I pay $15 a month, and I don't care who it is, but a single individual will never stop me from having the fun I want to have. He can follow me around and watch me have my fun if that's what he enjoys... However, since there's a good chance he's on auto-follow, just change equip and split.
#10 Mar 01 2005 at 1:55 PM Rating: Decent
94 posts
i am utterly amazed at this:

"Don't take the game so personal."

"If you're playing a mithra, or a fem hume... you should more or less expect harrassment, whether you're a female gamer or not."


so what you are saying, is basically, by nature of being a girl i should "more or less expect to get harrassed"...

WOW... this kind of thinking is really scary. i hope that i never meet you in person after hearing that kind of chauvenistic behavior.. it is tantamount to saying "you should more or less expect to get raped" ...


and yeah, you were not there, you did NOT get harrassed.. you did NOT fall victim to mpk by this person. it terrifies me that you can defend someone like this... sorta like saying "she was not harrassed, you are just out to destroy his reputation"...


#11 Mar 01 2005 at 2:05 PM Rating: Decent
hey, how about you rate this comment down too...

oh, and since you're on a kick for rating me down just for the sake of rating me down, here's some url's from other posts of mine... go ahead and rate those down too... Afterall, just rating my four comments down here will only knock me back MAYBE 0.02 points... after you get thru marking the posts below as aweful, maybe it'll be a 0.15 down... then you'll actually be accomplishing something.

I don't have the time to play board wars with you guys... nor do I have any reinforcements like you guys... so, have your fun, I'm going to go back living my real life, in the real world, outside and away from FFXI.

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Oh and yes... believe it or not... and rate me down for pointing out the truth... but if you play as a female character, you are more likely to be hit on and/or harrassed than if you had chosen a male character. Also, believe it or not, in real life... if you're a female, you'll be hit on and/or harrassed a lot more in an outfit that contains a halter top and short mini-skirt more than you would if you went out in an extra large wrinkly t-shirt with some holy jeans. However, yes... rate me down for expressing the odds of probability in this sexually thriving society.
#12 Mar 01 2005 at 2:09 PM Rating: Good
2,021 posts
I can understand your explanation Krem, and I will give you the benefit of the doubt because you don't strike me as the type to mean something that dumb.

Do keep in mind that everyone handles/reacts to things differently. Some people will be more sensitive to this scenario due to more RL issues. This game does blend over into RL as I'm sure just about anyone that posts on this site will agree.

Nobody should be harassed, in game or in real life.

As far as Arconis, I can't say one way or another. I made my original reply in regards to the situation and in general ignore any negatives directed towards an individual.
#13 Mar 01 2005 at 2:17 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
ElvaanKrem wrote:
I still don't believe the stories I've heard here... I know Arconis, and have NEVER seen him do anything foul or remotely questionably foul... ][/i]

You have to believe it. Cause a female will not lie about such treatment.

But thanks for your relativily cold post.
#14 Mar 01 2005 at 2:22 PM Rating: Decent
441 posts

Edited, Tue Mar 1 14:31:07 2005 by algarofcerebus
#15 Mar 01 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Default
1,332 posts
Algar wrote:
damn is that yall's answer for everything?

Would you like it to be?

EDIT: That's what I thought.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 14:38:02 2005 by Jeryhn
#16 Mar 01 2005 at 2:23 PM Rating: Decent
Do keep in mind that everyone handles/reacts to things differently. Some people will be more sensitive to this scenario due to more RL issues. This game does blend over into RL as I'm sure just about anyone that posts on this site will agree.

Well, I'm glad someone has the patience enough to read my other renditions of what I had intended to originally state... it is apparent that some don't yet understand...

I agree with you in the fact that no one should have to endure harrassment... however, having been bullied and picked from ages 8 to 16, I've learned that it's something that has to be faced time to time and it does have to be dealt with... crying to mommy or running to the big group of friends you have won't help much... well, maybe the big group of friends will go kick the harrasser's ***... but that doesn't help anyone really...

"Don't take the game so personal."

"If you're playing a mithra, or a fem hume... you should more or less expect harrassment, whether you're a female gamer or not."


so what you are saying, is basically, by nature of being a girl i should "more or less expect to get harrassed"...

Huh!? You're confusing my statement in regards to ingame with a real life scenario now... The way I understand that, you think that I'm saying: "If you're a girl, you're going to get harrassed." However, its nothing that simple. You can be a girl or a guy in real life and still be harrassed for playing a mithra or a fem hume or fem elvaan.

WOW... this kind of thinking is really scary. i hope that i never meet you in person after hearing that kind of chauvenistic behavior.. it is tantamount to saying "you should more or less expect to get raped" ...


and yeah, you were not there, you did NOT get harrassed.. you did NOT fall victim to mpk by this person. it terrifies me that you can defend someone like this... sorta like saying "she was not harrassed, you are just out to destroy his reputation"...

Uhm... read one of my previous posts... my character has been raped via emotes... and the GM actually did something... so that tells me there that raping is in violations of the TOS and/or EULA. Your story, however, the GM was unable to do anything, so it suggests to me it may not have been as severe. However, in any case, why was a blist so difficult to use?

Also, I DID and DO get harrassed, on both Krem and Nebz... I brush it off like water beading on my shoulder... why? Cause it's all text and I've got the satisfaction of knowing I'm not as pitifull as that lonely basement dweller trying to get some pixilated action.

Finally, We have met... and even partied with eachother. Also, I believe up until now, you've had no problems with my main character, Nebz. However, do as you wish... if you wish to blist me for thinking you take this game a little too seriously, then go ahead. I'd rather be blisted than be yelled at for making a minor mistake in a party with you. Before you go assuming, I'm not saying you would yell at me for a minor mistake, but those that take the game this seriously usually would."
#17 Mar 01 2005 at 2:39 PM Rating: Decent
441 posts

Edited, Tue Mar 1 14:39:39 2005 by algarofcerebus
#18 Mar 01 2005 at 2:52 PM Rating: Decent
209 posts
"Cause a female will not lie about such treatment."

Haha...omg... {what?} {fantasy} {world} are you living in? {Can I have it?}

Thanks for the rate downs I love you too ^^ but the fact that a female will not lie....? C'mon now...let's be honest with ourselves here.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 17:27:45 2005 by Luciferous
#19 Mar 01 2005 at 2:58 PM Rating: Decent
That is complete and utter scrap Nebz. Harrassment of any kind should be taken seriously. People shouldn't log on to the game and just brush it aside, because it's text in a game. There are real people behind these charaters with real feelings.

With that being said, Alethea happens to be a very good friend of mine, and she would not post this unless she was seriously hurt and offended, and she certainly wouldn't make up a story just to smear someones name. To tell her to relax and let it go is assanine.

Arconis is a complete ***, pure and simple. I was there when he tried to MPK folks in Korrloka tunnel, and if Ale says he was harassing her, he was harassing her. Just because he happens to be your friend doesn't make him a saint.

In addition this is a perfect way to handle this, it lets others on the server know how big a **** Arconis is, and they can steer clear of this asshat, or perhaps better yet, even get him to stop this harrassment.

Anyway, Ale I'm so sorry this happened, but you know I'm here for you. ^^

#20 Mar 01 2005 at 6:01 PM Rating: Good
83 posts
I was originally very upset by what was said and that a friend of mine was harassed. I know the Op of this thread and have always seen her as a rock. She supports me as many of my friends do and I fully support her. Im not going rant about the mentioned player because Im over him and over everything he's done to me. I'll continue to ignore him as Ive done since the other threads inception. I am however, displeased that people cant take it for what it is and just be more sensitive to the situation. Even if you disagree and think opposite of others on a players character, it doesnt mean what was said didnt happen. I know Im biased because I <3 Ale and was in a situation with the person mentioned that was less than happy go lucky. *sigh*

Ale, if you need to talk Im always available. I feel partly to blame, if I hadnt introduced him to you those many months ago he would never have known you. And this incident might have never happened. I have always told you that I respect you above everyone else, and that remains today. Let me know if there's anything I can do. *hugs*

Edited, Tue Mar 1 18:01:49 2005 by WrynOhmsford
#21 Mar 01 2005 at 6:15 PM Rating: Good
433 posts
on nebz's alternate thread, i posted some of my thoughts. i don't really want to type again, and i'm not really good enough with html (and also a tad lazy) to include a link. those who are interested probably know how to find it.
#22 Mar 01 2005 at 6:27 PM Rating: Good
317 posts
I have a few comments about this.

Alethea. Keep persisting as soon as he starts doing actions that can be seen. Tell the GM to pop in and witness it. Don't stop.

Jerhyn- Being an upper lvl player, people kind of look up to you and expect you to follow certain things. You are not the moral upholder of Vana'diel and are not expected to act in such a manner. That is to be left up to the GMs.

An example. Someone is harassed in real life. The police can't find any evidence and therefore, nothing happens. What do you do? Go out and find the perp. and kill him or physically assault him? I didnt think so. Before you go out and whine "OMG, this isnt real life!" think about this. You are getting upset over "sexual harassment" in a game.

Edited, Tue Mar 1 18:31:42 2005 by celantz
#23 Mar 01 2005 at 11:19 PM Rating: Default

I know alethea and she most likely telling the truth about this B.S.

I dont know Arconis and if i do i forgot him.

I agree to some degree if your playing a "female" chr in a game expect to be harassed simply because the majority of people playing these kinda games are male and your living in a society of double standards.

That being said

blah i ran out of gusto to type a marathon speach about whatever it was..

#24 Mar 01 2005 at 11:48 PM Rating: Good

I met Alethea about 2-3 weeks ago, just before I took a long break from gaming FFxi. I've known Arconis for about 2-3 months, even tho I don't speak to him, I've heard enough stories first hand to keep track of his comings and goings.

As mainly an observer to these forums, Alethea makes a very valid claim here, and instead of helping her through this with some advice or suggestions on how to avoid such disturbing encounters some find it easier to push furthur and escalate an already heated argument.

I could care less if you have 1 post or a million on boards, all your words will never justify unwanted sexual comments.

#25 Mar 02 2005 at 12:38 AM Rating: Decent
951 posts
That's truely horrible, no one deserves to go though that kind of crap, I personaly hope that Arconis is baned later on for his actions.

Also Nebz, don't forget, you think this is funny since as a male IRL, you laugh at guys hitting on you thinking your a woman, but female players feel the opposite.
#26 Mar 02 2005 at 2:02 AM Rating: Excellent
134 posts
Ok although i do feel that i shouldnt repond to this post i feel somethings should be said.

One thing to always remember when things are going on in game, everyone in the game is different. Some are more sensitive to actions/words then others. And that goes for male and female, IRL, and in game. Like Nebz, i can just brush things off, in game and in life, but i know that some people cant. The behavior itself its just inappropriate, like many here have said already. Some people dont mind the joke of it all if it is a joke, but if the person asked for them to stop, they should have.
Yes i know that a good portion of the players @$$es and think its all fun and games, or simply dont give a $h!t. So the post doesnt have a point-by-point account of what happend, but for some they might not want recall the incident. Especially if they have had prior histroy IRL of harrassment or worse.

The comment that because she is a girl and so she wouldnt make it up, is totall BS sorry tosay. Women do make up stories of harrasment in RL. But in defence, there is no reason for somone to just make up astory like this and post it.

Now on Acronis. I might be wrong since its been a week but i belive i ran into him while in dunes. And if i am wrong and it wasnt i sorry..but i belive it was him(i'm not here to give any character a bad name). He was fishing and doing /em of licking the female characters in that area. Me being me played it off, got in character and had a /em battle with him for fun. And yes i'm a male behind a female char, so it was easy for me. But those comments of his did offend one of the female characters in the pt. And did keep itup after she asked him to stop. That was wrong of him. I do give him credit for trying to help pt when we had a link of gobs. I thanked him in tell, and he seemed genuinely nice in response. So it shows to me that he has two sides. That doesnt justify the harassment..but does prove that he is nice person like Nebz and others have said.

Sorry if that offends any of you but i tend to look at all aspects of someone before i judge them. And i generally dont like people so..

Alethea, i do apologize that this happend to you. Although i have no bearing in the whole situation, this is something that should not have occured or esculated to. You pay your money to play this game for enjoyment/escape, and this situation took that from you. /kneel

Yes there almost always is two sides to every story, and two sides to most people. For whatever reason the GM didnt do anything is moot and shouldnt be used as a deciding factor if the story is legit or not.

ok i really need to stop posting on serious matters while at work. i belive i stray too much. and for that i do apologize

Edited, Wed Mar 2 02:05:54 2005 by Darkdyweller
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