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#27 Feb 21 2005 at 10:57 AM Rating: Decent
104 posts
Ok this is where I ask you all to stop, Why make a thread on the net down talking someone?... That is rude and immature. I am asking that you stop posting, why?....because it is just not nice. Period. I could rant off tons of names that do the same as she did to you all. Why would you pick on one?... Ok So PLEASE stop this immature thread. For honest, instead, go make one to complement someone. OK?...good.
#28 Feb 21 2005 at 12:14 PM Rating: Good
542 posts

Edited, Fri Mar 18 11:13:16 2005 by AtimusFFXI
#29 Feb 21 2005 at 12:34 PM Rating: Default
104 posts
I appologize for making my last post out to sound like it was the creators fault. I am just trying to get the people on the thread to stop bashing Josieeee, keep it nice you know?

I am sorry AtimusFFXI but you have to admit people are coming off the wrong foot.

To posters: if all you can do is bash someone, don't post. It really isn't helpful in anyway whatsoever. Keep it nice, thats all I ask. Thank you.
#30 Feb 22 2005 at 8:50 AM Rating: Decent
116 posts
I'm not bashing at her at all, I'm just fairly upset that others that didn't want to get involved just did and I perfer not to have any friction going on in any community that I'm apart in. I also do not want other people to experience what we just went through.

I'm not saying I'm not giving her another chance and I'm also not gonna tell everyone that think negatively at her to give her another chance. But I'm sure we all have our problem people, I'm positive that there are people that put me on the their blacklist for fair and unfair reasons and so on.

There is really not much rude and immature things going on here, just experiences that justifies the mean. If we feel that a certain player is causing friction, we could rant and that is all we can do here. Most of us are civil and we just need to vent somewhere.

I don't know what experiences you had with her Sirgustav, I generally do not care (and I'm not saying that to be mean, I'm saying that to be honest) but there are people that have had problems with her and for some of us, we just don't like it and for some of us, we don't care. Generally I think she is causing trouble for some communities in FFXI and I was delighted to see that she was mentioned her as to see that I'm not the only one to experience it. If you had good bonds with her, well good for you is all I can say.
#31 Feb 22 2005 at 10:55 AM Rating: Decent
123 posts
I was j/w if you have met this person and what your opinion of them were i wont say mine i dont want to accidently offend anyone but people that know me good ingame know my thoughts...   

No offense but starting a thread like this, there are going to be flames. Why ask the ffxi community 'whats your opinion on so and so'? Make your own opinion of this person. There was also an insinuations that the original poster dosnt think highly of this person either, for he dosn't want to accidently offend someone. But the people following his post did the offending for him.
In short, Sir.. take it up with the person who started this thread.
#32 Feb 23 2005 at 9:23 AM Rating: Decent
40 posts
I have to really post my opinion on this, and this is the real story so whatever..

So I kinda liked this person in FFXI, and her friend was Josie, (shrug), and the this person I liked was the owner of the Hume RDM Josie was playing, well anyways, this person I liked we sometimes got into fights and Josie was always there encouraging me in /tells and stuff, so I really thought of Josie as a nice person..

Than one day me and this person just decided to finish it er whatever, and Josie starts threatening to kill me, if she ever found me on the streets she would kill me, whatever lmao.

This person that owned that Hume also uses her, she was leveling her character in exchange for phone calls from her? And one time she made Josie pay her 300k to phone her, and she never did; quite sad story :(

Well whatever, she threatened to kill me, she's /telled me about how bad she wants to kill herself; so whatever B-List :)
#33 Feb 23 2005 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
JOSIE IS NOT A PUSSYCAT! tis a man, baby, a man.. (sounded more like a 12-year-old)
#34 Feb 24 2005 at 1:10 PM Rating: Decent
23 posts
I'd say Josieeeee is a man too... Why would anyone tell something like "I'm a lesbian" in a exp party? Like "she" did in Yhoator Jungle... My experience about Josieeeee is that I don't like "her"...

"She" started calling me a ***** and ******* in Yhoator Jungle because I pulled a mob which was close to the camp and started to sound more like a 12-year old boy, just like noiradle said.

Later while I was looking for party in Jeuno. Josieeeee pops up and starts to send /tell that my armor sucks. My monk armor does NOT suck. I have spend alot of gil to it and I might not have the best armor but I have cheaper solutions which could replace items such as Cross-Counters and Ochiudo's Kote.

I've hated Josieeeee from the beginning and I still hate "her". That's my opinion.
#35 Feb 24 2005 at 2:41 PM Rating: Decent
881 posts
Josieeeee might be a man, i know of another mithra recently, that came out saying he was a man, after going out with a friend on the server for a few months posing as a girl.

it would also make sense because a mithra lesbian, could be a 12 year old boy pretending to be a mithra, but a lesbian so he can still like ze womanz.
#36 Feb 24 2005 at 8:19 PM Rating: Good
She's absolutely out of her freaking gourd. My buddy, Bullrog, once /slapped someone who tail-slapped him the previous day in LS chat. He was j/k, and the slapped person knew this, and they both laughed over it.

But then Josieeee started shouting at him over the LS chat that the other person was her girlfriend (she wasn't), and that she'd kill him for touching HER toy, and get him banned from the LS, and so on and so forth. She got kicked from the LS a few days later, but holy crap!

Something is wrong with this person IRL to do that, be they male or female. So (i'm assuming it's a she) she is on my b-list, and there she shall stay. I've heard nothing good about her over the 6 months I've seen her around. And that's my word on the subject.

Edited for clarity, and for the fact that one big paragraph is a pain to read.

Edited, Thu Feb 24 20:22:06 2005 by Matheou
#37 Feb 24 2005 at 9:07 PM Rating: Default
I have had good and bad experiences with her...

I met her my first time leveling at Quicksand Caves. This WHM girl checked my bazaar and said to me in a tell, "Ooh look at the pretty rose!"

So I said, "Do you want it?" and she nodded.

It seems that Josieeeee knew what was going on and told me in a tell, "Don't you be hittin' on my girl here."

I apologized, even though that was not my intent.

So I gave the girl the rose, who in turn gave the rose to Josieeeee. The girl I gave the rose became friends with me over a certain amount of time...

And not to offend Josieeeee or the friend I gave the rose to, but they are lesbians. Josieeeee was just being protective.

So, any other encounters after that seemed nice enough... Except for the time when I saw Josieeeee sitting on top another Mithra in the middle of Port Windurst.
#38 Mar 08 2005 at 6:48 AM Rating: Decent
Friend sent me here. Thought I'd send a post or something. I met Josieeeee because a friend of mine was taunting her. I figured wtf? Who is this chick? So Being the friend I am I joined in and Pretended to be a GM. I figured it was a lost cause but Low and behold! She believed me O.O After about a half hour of going on about how she rode the short bus and how my friend shouldnt make fun of her for being "Special" she said I wasnt a GM and disbanded the party I had invited her to. Then ran inside South Sandy and proceded to walk up to a Mentor Taru and complain about how we were teasing her to get us in trouble........I'm sorry, But I see how some of you here in this post are talking well about her. And thats all well and good. But shes bout as smart as a brick.
#39 Mar 08 2005 at 11:35 PM Rating: Good
542 posts

Edited, Fri Mar 18 11:11:39 2005 by AtimusFFXI
#40 Mar 09 2005 at 2:53 AM Rating: Decent
241 posts
LOL at one point i remember a similar thread about Opticflash who was the same level monk as me at one point, but with nowhere as good gear... Optic is almost level 70 now...

Now I'm sure Josieeee will surpass me and be wearing Kirin's Osode long before I even get to put on my Spartan Cesti. :/

Maybe it's time i start my own flame thread...
#41 Mar 09 2005 at 9:18 AM Rating: Decent
51 posts
No comment XD
65 BLU 67 NIN 63 RDM
Rank 10 San d'Oria
Sky/Sea: O
#42 Mar 09 2005 at 10:52 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Mar 10 17:28:28 2005 by ShaeShae
#43 Mar 09 2005 at 10:56 PM Rating: Decent

Edited, Thu Mar 10 17:29:42 2005 by ShaeShae
#44 Mar 10 2005 at 9:11 PM Rating: Default
Josieeeee is usually on my LS. I will admit she can be weird sometimes. But other times she's suprisingly nice. IMO, i think Josieeeee is not just one person, but a multiple amount of people. Nonetheless "they" behave themselves somewhat on the LS.
#45 Mar 11 2005 at 5:48 AM Rating: Decent
1,945 posts
OMG, yeah, least favorite person I know.

I was leveling in Garlaige and my fiance was there watching us and throwing in a few cures when we needed them. Hear she comes bringing mobs she could barely control like she was trying to kill us all. Then she started to flirt with my fiance. Jealous as I am, I slapped her and she took offense at that saying how she can flirt with whoever because that is her thing. Well, I went off on her like crazy. She gets all sad and trys to apologize, but I'm not having any of that. I get a few /wave and /hello tells, but I either ingore her or tell her to shut-up and leave me alone.

I was on my mule in Sandy and she starts to flirt with her. Same thing. I yell at her and she tries to say how that's her thing and it was her birthday. I tell her which mule I am and she gets all apologetic on me.

Basically, she is my second least favorite person in this game.
#46 Mar 11 2005 at 6:59 AM Rating: Decent
68 posts
I am not going to bash here, cause i would like to think that others aren't bashing me, plus if I have something offensive to say to a person I will do it to their faces and expect the same in kind. All I'm going to say is my experience with this player.

I was standing sorta afk at the crag of holla, eating dinner in real life, I was lvl 58 wearing all my mnk AF (obviously except the pants) I decided since I was bored I would just blast a bunny with chi blast every 3 minutes while I ate since it couldn't hit me (sometimes I am strange and silly) Then Josieeee saw me. Sent me a couple tells and after finishing my dinner I responded. We chatted about MNK stuffs for a while, then near the end of the conversation just sorta bursted out with 2 things that the only reason they irked me a bit was because of how random it was to our topic we were discussing, "I hope you don't mind, I'm a lesbian in real life" & "Do you want my phone number? I talk with a coupla people on this server and on Ifrit" I don't think I have the exact wording of the second thing, but the first one's word for word. I let it go, didn't think anything of it. Then I later find out she's harassing my friend Agony (btw both me and Agony, both actual female players) and about a couple weeks ago Agony started getting some disturbing tells from her asking her if me and agony were f**king. I don't appreciate the harrassment of my friends, especially harassment as ridiculous as this, me and ag live in 2 different countries. But other than what I've typed above I've never had an actual problem with her, just a creepy feeling whenever she talks to me.
#47 Mar 17 2005 at 8:39 AM Rating: Default
I can feel the waffle comments on the way, every time one of you people starts a flame thread it seems a waffle has to die! ;_; Can't we all just get along?
#48 Mar 17 2005 at 10:40 PM Rating: Decent
I really like josieeeee, she's very sweet.
#49 Mar 19 2005 at 12:55 AM Rating: Decent
Well, to satisfy Eggo:

#50 Mar 22 2005 at 10:17 PM Rating: Decent
I have met josieeeee and sometimes she gets on her sisters name to sometimes. SHes nice but when you get to know her better things get a little awkward. At first we were friends and all but she started to flirt with me and i became a little scared and she didnt have any regard for the fact that my husband was right next to me in the same pt. shes nice but not sureif i am really into a girl hitting on me kind of scary since i am straight ... i tried to be her friend but it just becam uncomfortable and i started to ignore her tells because i didnt know how to say that your nice but i think you are making me nervous... shes nice but obviously into girls.
#51 Apr 09 2005 at 10:33 AM Rating: Decent
I'm sorry....but Josieeee has to be a other way around it. I know lesbians / bi ppl in real and NONE act as agressive as her...I mean OMG its a freakin game right? Who hits on another video game character? Does she prefer Elvaan? Mithra? or maybe Taru? I'm thinkin shes just some 11 yr old boy getting sh*ts and giggles off making ppl think hes really a chick. BTW I have a friend who called josieeeee and he said that shes a dude..sounds like a guy on the phone. So..FYI Josieeeee is still smart as a brick.
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