I just want to give a big thank you to everyone I partyed with this weekend, its been probably the best - in terms of fun and productivity - weekend i've had since starting this game:
1. Completed Genkai 2 (Thanks Sabotendar for setting this up I had great fun).
2. Hit lvl 53 as bard.
3. Got my Bard AF1-2 from Eldeime Necropolis (Thaks to Pusspuss and other members of WindurstSpecialForces who helped).
and on the other end of the Karma scale:
4. Helped get 5 members of WSF get their Papyrus for Genkai 1 and
5. Helped a Paladin (I forget name) get his AF1 from Ordelles caves.
I am so happy, anyone who needs help with anything this week send me a /tell in game, as long as it isn't too late GMT then I will help any way I can (except give you gil lol, I'm broke).
Edited, Mon Oct 11 06:27:43 2004 by kubrell