Ok, so I took a break from PLD which is like 2k from 63, and I'm having a blast with Ranger, so much so that I don't know when I'll make it back to Paladin....
Untill last night ><... (start rant)
Ranger has been ub3r fun and I've almost never looked back. Last night I get in a PT in CN, and it's very, very, very slow. Thf can't do damage, Paladin vokes when I Barrage > WS to turn mob for SATA Viper Bite... List goes on.
Well the Paladin had to leave (lost power and was running on his UPS)... so we get a 37nin. I was happy (not that I don't like Paladin's, I mean come on mines 62 lol I gotta like them somewhat). So the Ninja gets there and were still goin slow, mainly cause the thf just can not do damage for some reason. The highest SATA + Viper ever did was 226 O.O I don't know why or how.
Well we move on to the nest beetles, fun little bastards. Well it wasn't to noticable when fighting crawlers that the nin was taking a decent amount of damage, (I shrugged it off as she was still getting used to Utsusemi: Ni >< WRONG). She did not even have Utsusemi: Ni, cause "It's Expensive." Her plan is to level to 40 then do bcnm's untill she gets the drop.
Now me being a Ranger, and a well equiped ranger at that asked her what she thought was expensive, and her reply was 150k. O.O my reply was "Thats it?".... Now at this point I wanted to /slap /disband /n00b her ***. I almost said why don't you /check me and then stfu and go farm. 150 wouldn't even get my main weapon, barely woulda bought me 2 pieces of Noct +1 when it first came out.
Here I guess is what I'm ranting about...
Soon after my PT disbanded I got another random invite, and I accepted it, BRD from previous PT was in this PT, which was ok, he was good about prelude and minuet. So I'm just waiting for it, cause I know it's coming... and BAM >< Ninja is invited. So without word or warning I just disband, (I know it's mean).
So about 5 min later I /t the PT leader that had invited me, and I explained the situation and I appologized for disbanding w/o notice, he accepted my appology and all is good. While I wasted 7-8 stacks of arrows, and almost a full stack of meat kabobs, not to mention lots of shihei, the Ninja couldn't do her job because it was expensive.
I am really relieved that White Mages dont use that excuse for "needed" spells like RII, Erase (but thats more of a luxury).
Well, thats it, rate me, flame me, I don't really care LOL... I wasted 4 hrs in a PT that got me 3500 exp (I realize now I should have left, but the White Mage was my friend and I couldn't leave him to deal with it). (End Rant)