I'm probably too nice to people, and too soft-hearted...I think I've "loaned" at least 150-200K worth of gil to various people, for various reasons...with the assumption that no one keeps the "promise" to pay me back.
Surprisingly, Shortee actually paid me back. Thanks, Babe!
Of those that haven't paid me back, I only remember the last two: Necrid and Aerlyn.
Necrid was shouting for 2.8K in Windurst Woods one day, and I gave him 3K. Of course, I got the standard "I'll pay you back as soon as I can." His bazaar must not sell much (I always see him in Woods near the main junction)...I mean, how hard is it to earn 3K?
And I loaned Aerlyn (spelling may be off) 30K just after I joined a certain LS. He said he'd pay me back as soon as his armor sold at the AH. As far as I know, it's still for sale...although, when I've looked, he hasn't been on. So, for all I know, he's MIA due to RL issues.
Most of the others have been new players, and I just passed out 1-10K at a time to help them out...I hate seeing a WHM7 with level 1 armor. I don't really expect to see any of it, but, IMO, if you make the statement "I promise to pay you back," then you should. It shows good character, and I don't mean your game character.
EDIT: Typo. Edited, Tue Sep 28 08:48:00 2004 by LordHighWarlock