>>Reg I'm on let's Static Party!
<<Menkros hmmmmm. You sent me and Missie both messages that
you couldn't SP today with us.
>>Reg Huh? I said I MIGHT not be able to pt today!
<<Menkros Oh, We already rallied and have a replacement for you.
You are the highest level in SP Reg, wait for us to catch up a level to you. ok?
>>Reg Fufufufufu
<<Menkros What did you say?
>>Reg I Said F*ck You then!
<<Menkros omg....
/blist add Reg
/L Hey everyone Reg won't be in our sp anymore ok.
/L >>all Oh thank god I hate that dude LOL
/L >>about time that (child).
/L ok let's find us a good RDM and SP :)
remeber that reg. I know you regret saying those things but those are the consequences you lost 5 friends when you told me that.