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Peeved off MinersFollow

#1 Aug 17 2004 at 12:02 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Hello everyone,

The miners of the Grotto have a serious problem. For many months we have all mined in this place never having a problem with stealing each other mining points. Everyone is always courteous to each other and even helpful if someone needs an extra fire crystal.

BUT, as of last night the "Hero Clan", they all have teh same neam really, herothief, heroelder, herolionking, etc., have invaded us and are stealing our mining points. We all tried talking to them but they say "so what". Mintie and I told them we are going to report them to the server forum boards, they say "so what".

This is really bad, and very frustrating, we arent having as much fun as we used to. They steal mobs from under people trying to lvl, they auto-follow the miners to steal mining points. What are we to do.

Thanx all for listening to us,
The miners of yugotto grotto
#2 Aug 17 2004 at 12:37 PM Rating: Decent
This is a phenominon that is happening on other servers as well. On Pandemonium server a guy that I swap a lot of information about the game with says he has seen a group called Zoo. If you do a /sea all zoo there will be a list of 20 or so like ZooHero, ZooBlue and so on. They contantly camp out dunes for the hairpin and also the Grotto farming and such. I find it interesting that now on cerberus there is another group although useing a different beggining name following the same pattern.
#3 Aug 17 2004 at 12:50 PM Rating: Decent
52 posts
Yes, we have all tried to talk to this person and truly is seems that all the chars have the same "mun". They move in a sort of robotic way throughout the mines also, camping the nm, stealing the key dropping orcs, and hitting mining points they find on their own, which is rare, only once then moving on.

I also find it interesting that they seem to be all the same lvl, rank 1, and one runs back to town to sell the loot, while a new one returns shortly thereafter.

I know that proving they are bots is hard, and the gm's could care less about them stealing, but in the user agreement it states gm's watch out for activities that is generelly regarded as socially unacceptable. This is socially unnaccpetable and the gm's are not following playonline user rules, regulations, and guidelines.
I personally don't knwo what to do. But I sure hope for suggestions.

#4 Aug 17 2004 at 12:56 PM Rating: Decent
50 posts

I have been wary of the Hero gang ever since Herocrystal (who was soloing at the time) pulled an Orc into our level 9 party in LaTheine, getting us all killed in the process. He deliberately went out of his way to run to our camp, and then sat there until he died, allowing the orc to aggro us. I sent a few tells asking why they did that, but never got a response. Grrr.
#5 Aug 17 2004 at 1:09 PM Rating: Decent
What lvl are these guys?
#6 Aug 17 2004 at 1:13 PM Rating: Decent
101 posts
I remember these guys a couple weeks back lvling in the dunes. They were lvl 23+ killing pugils. I found it really annoying because my party was trying to do the same thing. So we have to move camps. I tried telling them that Qufim is a better place to lvl but I got no response.
*about the auto follow thing just unequip a piece of gear and then re-equip it to cancel their auto follow.
#7 Aug 17 2004 at 1:21 PM Rating: Decent
HHmmm perhaps all the people out there buying gil online has funded a few companys a way for them to make the gil themselfs rather than buying it off of other players. I have to check into this group now Im pretty curious. If they are in the lvl 20's I can follow anywhere they go. This could be interesting indeed.
#8 Aug 17 2004 at 1:27 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Unequipping works but only for a short time. Their are ALOT of them, and the reason they don't respond is because the mun is either 12 years old, or is a complete idget. I /telled one, herolionking hoping to find out the leader of their clan and to talk to them, heroelder responded to me, I felt like I was talking to an 11 year old. After a couple of minutes I never got a response again. I say it has to be one mun, who plays the whm, lvl 32, and keeps his bots healed in teh grotto. That is the only thing I can think of. I mean I know I would not drop my main char, pay to rename a char Hero****, just to always be rank1, and the same lvl as the others. (most likely gil sellers)And now to hear that it is happening on other servers, with nearly the same "clan type names" is very disturbing, and I can bet there is nothing we can do about it but bite, take it, and deal with it. ::cry:: But I garuntee as they lvl up they will soon infiltrate Gusgen, and Ifrits, and teh higher lvl nm's that we all try to, ::tooth grinding::, camp.

Edited, Tue Aug 17 14:28:10 2004 by Nymia
#9 Aug 17 2004 at 2:02 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
There are 3 groups on this server that are gil sellers I know of so far

Cn gang
I personaly think these guys are botters, after camping a NM in Castle Oz. I ran across them, to see WTF was up with them after someone on my LS told me about them, later on I noticed they were around 45, so Yag. Oracles and such did aggro them, what I found funny was however NO ONE fought untill one of them did, even the WHM took a few hits before any action was taken.

I later read on about a bot that you can get that works similar to what they did, after one person attacks, ther rest do

Cool gang
There are quite a few of these guys around, I'm not sure who exactly is all in this group, since about 7-8 show up on /sea all

Hero gang
More gil sellers, without a doubt

There are 4 more I've seen that go by these names


If you're around 58ish and they're in your PT, disband, they suck, the RDM (Meau) didn't use convert when MP was low in a fight, the THF (Samsang) is the worst puller I've seen, pulled with provoke, and SA/TA's off the Monk (Multiscan) I tried once to let the MNK voke first, Samsang wasn't even CLOSE to behind me, more off to my characters left side

Haierbaby at that time was the only one besides me and the WHM that had our SJs higher than 20, everyone else's was around 12-18ish, I later read somewhere else about them, since someone thinks they're also in the gil selling area since Multi booted him after he asked him to help camp a NM
#10 Aug 17 2004 at 2:09 PM Rating: Decent
More information on this gil seller/botter topic. I just found out from the guy on Pandemonium that this Zoo clan that is on Pandemonium a friend recognized the name from Socom 2. They are a clan that utilizes bots/cheats/ and other forms to aquire and sell (in this case gil). So the Hero group on Cerberus may be linked to them or another group like the Zoo clan. I am working on trying to find a clan based website on these guys since with Socom 2 clan based sites were very popular. I mean we might not be able to really do anything about it but cheating just pisses me off and if I can do something even if its file a complaint with SE every day I will.
#11 Aug 17 2004 at 2:29 PM Rating: Good
1,632 posts
Corrderio wrote:
Cn gang
I personaly think these guys are botters

I don't think they're bots. I remember hearing a lot about them and being Chinese players. I saw them in Garlaige Citadel while I was partying. They came and camped near us. They were too low level to be in that bottom part.

They were around level 45-46 trying to kill beetles and bats. They called for help a good bit. When we helped them, they would thank us in very broken english. There was even one time, they got too close to us and we asked them to move. They did, and apologized.

So no, I don't think they're bots.
#12 Aug 17 2004 at 2:36 PM Rating: Good
951 posts
Well, I also herad other people use these accounts, so mabey one person(s) is using a bot, ther other(s) aren't, since it seemed funny that the CN people would just let the yag attack them and do nothing untill one of the WARs started to fight it
#13 Aug 17 2004 at 2:48 PM Rating: Decent
141 posts
Okay Update:

My Husband spoke with a GM just a few minutes ago. He explained the situations that have been occuring. During the GM call one of my mining buddies /telled me that one of teh heros was on auto follow and wouldnt stop poking her in south sandy. I told my Husband, who told the GM, I guess the gm checked on my friends situationa and immedietly the hero vanished. (Prison?)

Well anyways, the end result, the gm seemed pretty annoyed, and said that this particualr clan will be closely watched for botting, and selling gil online.

I hope something happens and the gm wasn't fibbing.

Let's all hope.
#14 Aug 17 2004 at 3:26 PM Rating: Decent
WHOOHOO busted... I hope. Maybe they will watch that group now and do something about them. I fed this info back to another forum so players on other servers could get a grip on this thing before it gets too out of hand. I hope.
#15 Aug 17 2004 at 4:17 PM Rating: Decent
274 posts
The Cool group might be another that isn't botters but instead a group of chinese players. Awhile back I think I was chatting with a Cool-something and found out she was from China. Then again, this was awhile back so I might be incorrectly remembering her name as containing Cool.

Too bad Y. Grotto is getting bad. I used to love mining there (I haven't for awhile so I haven't experienced this yet). :/

Edited, Tue Aug 17 17:18:41 2004 by Nezha
#16 Aug 17 2004 at 9:24 PM Rating: Decent
Hi Nymia ^^ you remember me... I was talking to you in Bastok Markets during one of your many bazaar trips ^^
Yeah, I've seen them... Heromage, Heroelder, Herolionking... etc.
But, I don't mine, so I don't know, but I saw them when I was leveling my SAM in the Dunes *shudder* they were all about level 20, without subs, and they were just killing damselflies (our mob of choice...) and sheep and stuff. Looked like they were EXPing, and I just assumed that they were friends IRL that decided to play the game together. Meh.
Anyway, just tell them to stop, and report it to a GM or try another spot for mining... sorry I couldn't be of more help... ; ;

EDIT: AAH, ok, I just read your post now Nymia =P good thing that your husband called a GM, otherwise, well, I can imagine that things wouldn't look pretty...

Edited, Tue Aug 17 22:28:48 2004 by Asra
#17 Aug 17 2004 at 10:11 PM Rating: Decent
154 posts
I saw the Hero gang when I was searching for Horlais Peak yesterday. I think it was Mintie thats was being attacked by an Orc train (which afterwards I felt silly cuz she had what looked like a Dark Staff on o.o). Herolionking stepped in to help out, but afterwards me n Mintie bowed to eachother, while the Hero ran off. I also noticed ALOT of the Hero names around, like Herocrystal. It sucks to hear that bots can actually be coordinated enough to run around mining. Provoke bots seemd a big thing to me, so this is like WOAH ... goodluck to you honest miners ^.^
#18 Aug 18 2004 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent

I personally have never seen the hero "clan" as i would like to call them. But through my LS i have heard many frustrating things that make you wonder. I dont see what makes someone need to do this, the game is suppose to be fun, and you are suppose to make friends not foes. So i would just like to say if one of you hero clan members sees this or any other post about this please have the consideration to think about what you are doing to others and how you are affecting their gameplay. To ruin such an amazing game like Final Fantasy for others is low and inhumane.

O and by the way. SOLOING AVATARS SUX!
#19 Aug 18 2004 at 9:56 AM Rating: Decent
225 posts
The CN players are chineses. (.cn is china) It's way for themselves to recognize other chineses and be able to communicate in that language. I partied with some of them in the Dunes.
#20 Aug 18 2004 at 10:13 AM Rating: Good
1,973 posts
Interesting, considering I've heard that the Chinese govt. has the FFXI servers blocked. (Remember, they're a communist country, and yes, the government there can do that.)
#21 Aug 18 2004 at 10:26 AM Rating: Decent
514 posts
Coolbirds is my least favorite. I partied with her in the dunes... Dunno what she was, she had /anon on, but I'm pretty sure she was subbing DRK, since she has a high level one, but she was in Valkurm partying with us.

She invited me, I accepted. Noticed that I was a level 14 Samurai I believe... there was a level 10 White Mage in the party. He left. She invited a level 15 Monk, which was too high for a level 12 player in our party. Getting fed up, 3 people including me left.

I wander, wait for invites, get some crap from some know-it-all saying I shouldn't use a SAM/RNG combo... she invites me again, with nary a word prior to said invitation. I decline, explain to her that I'd prefer some sort of communication before being invited.

More waiting. She invites me again. Sighing, I reluctantly accept, and notice the party has a decent level span and job selection. Okay, whatever. We head to the beach to murder the crab population. Goblin aggroes us, so we have to run to Selbina. Well, a high level player took the Goblin, so we're sitting there healing... what does Coolbirds do? Cast Stone on a Damselfly. CTRL-ESC, and a few seconds later I'm playing UT2004. Forget her.

Edit - Oh, I've seen the Hero clan around Yughott. I like to farm the Orcs there (being considerate of the key-hunters, sometimes I'll join them and help them find their key so I can keep killing the Orcs ^^)... I noticed three Hero folk running around aimlessly, going in circles, until one of them would stop and go mine. Weird. I guess they're gilsellers?

Edited, Wed Aug 18 11:27:57 2004 by Anfini
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