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#27 Sep 11 2007 at 5:19 AM Rating: Good
699 posts
Wow, such trash. Sorry that had to happen to you bro. This actions alone are garbage, but to come on here afterwards and gloat about it, just shows that these guys pretty much have no class at all.

I am gonna make a link to this post on my own LSWS about this. I think it will serve as a good example of how it takes only a few members to completely ruin the reputation of an entire linkshell. I have heard some bad things about them before, but I only took it as hearsay. However their responses to this post clearly show that they pretty much have no regard for anyone else but themselves and zero class.

and LOL at the fact that Aviax and his boys comes here and say "Its just a game, don't cry over it" when I can guarantee that if the same thing happened to them, they would get equally bent out of shape (if not more). I love people that try to act bad-*** over the internet when they are really cowards and crybabies in real life.

Edit: P.S. Oh, by the way, does anyone else see the irony that their linkshell name is "Facade"?

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 9:30am by galapagosiananna
#28 Sep 11 2007 at 5:32 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 9:32am by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#29 Sep 11 2007 at 5:55 AM Rating: Good
164 posts
Wow... been a long time for some Alla drama.

I don't know much about the perpetrators, but I will make a mental note for sure.

As for the "victims", I too will toss my name in to help tank the NM if need be. I can come as THF or NIN and I have no need for the sword either.

#30 Sep 11 2007 at 6:36 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts

Oh, and Aviax -- you clearly have some anger management issues. I'll just... leave it at that. Please see a therapist before you burst a vessel. You're also shredding the thin defense most people are offering you, which is that Nara and Kyuu are overreacting ;P if I've ever seen a picture perfect example of an overreactive post, it is yours. The idea that societal IQ is dropping because of how someone avoids aggro in a videogame... wow. That's taking things to new heights. At least they know how to use apostrophes occasionally ^^

Aviax is like quite a bit of people out there think being internet bully is funny. I am sure he in RL does not have the balls to confront a similar matter in RL.

E-Pen and E-Bully are made to fail. Takedown's KI signature with a big Defending Ring glaring at my face is most absurd thing ever, just like Stank and crew here :P
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#31 Sep 11 2007 at 8:05 AM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Well said Amanada.

I'm sorry to hear you guys got burned by some prick. Be happy knowing that he'll never receive a bit of help from the BladeSingers if i have anything to do with it.

You should of called a GM and reported this... you may have, idk.

The jerks of this game are the reason i took a long and needed break. People have no respect for each other... its too bad its not just in a game, its in RL as well.

I'm sure Bigstank's mom is real proud of him... In RL i'm sure he goes by Bigloser.

But hey if there weren't losers in the world then who would pump my gas.
#32 Sep 11 2007 at 9:52 AM Rating: Default
u guys make me laugh.. hahaha get over it. crying and posting about it wont gain anything.

anyways i love u all and want to make baby with u.
#33 Sep 11 2007 at 9:54 AM Rating: Default
O and i love how u delete our posts haha
#34 Sep 11 2007 at 10:00 AM Rating: Decent
19 posts
I find it very interesting that their LS is named so fittingly.

Thanks to everyone who offered their support and help, if we need it we'll certainly let you know. We do have the manpower, we just didn't have it during the window, and thought maybe a THF would be a better tank for it.

My blist keeps growing ^^

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 2:08pm by narayu
#35 Sep 11 2007 at 10:03 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Only the mods can delete posts (but the person who posted can edit their own post). If the post seems "disappeared," it got sub-defaulted and your message filter filtered it out (and yes, there are quite a few sub-defaulted posts in this thread, and you know who they are).

You can change your message filter options at the top menu bar.

I also find it interesting that everyone from Facade who had posted in this forum, has removed their posts. Maybe they feel bad? Or maybe they just didn't expect everyone to side with us.

I do not think they care about who is siding is who. They are probably having fun since we bring them to the spot light. They are probably feeling their RL loser's E-Peen being enlarged.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 2:05pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#36 Sep 11 2007 at 12:32 PM Rating: Default
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#37 Sep 11 2007 at 12:47 PM Rating: Excellent
164 posts
Holy Wall-o-Text, Batman!

Allow me to retort:

War and Peace depicts a huge cast of characters, both historical and fictional, the majority of whom are introduced in the first book. At a soirée given by Anna Pavlovna Scherer in July 1805, the main players and families of the novel are made known. Pierre Bezukhov is the illegitimate son of a wealthy count who is dying of a stroke, and becomes unexpectedly embroiled in a tussle for his inheritance. The intelligent and sardonic Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, husband of a charming wife Lise, finds little comfort in married life, instead choosing to be aide-de-camp of Prince Mikhail Kutuzov in their coming war against Napoleon. We learn too of the Moscow Count Rostov family, with four adolescent children, of whom the vivacious younger daughter Natalya Rostova ("Natasha") and impetuous older Nikolai Rostov are the most memorable. At Bleak Hills, Prince Andrei leaves his pregnant wife to his eccentric father and religiously devout sister Maria Bolkonskaya and leaves for war. The first page of War and Peace in an early editionAt the Schöngrabern engagement, Nikolai Rostov, conscripted as ensign in a squadron of hussars, has his first baptism of fire upfront in battle. Like all young soldiers he is attracted by Tsar Alexandr's charisma. He gambles recklessly and consorts with the lisping Denisov. Briefly returning home to Moscow, he finds the Rostov family facing financial ruin due to poor management. Nikolai refuses to accede to his mother's request to find a rich heiress for wife and promises to marry his childhood sweetheart, the orphaned and self-obliterating cousin Sonya. If there is a central character to War and Peace it is Pierre Bezukhov who, upon receiving an unexpected inheritance, is suddenly burdened with the responsibilities and conflicts of a Russian nobleman. His former carefree behavior vanishes and he enters upon a philosophical quest particular to Tolstoy: how should one live a moral life in an ethically imperfect world? He attempts to free his peasants, but ultimately achieves nothing. He enters into marriage with Prince Kuragin's beautiful and immoral daughter Elena, against his own better judgement. He joins the Freemasons but is helpless in the face of his wife's numerous affairs. Pierre is vividly contrasted with Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Tolstoy's intelligent and ambitious alter ego. At the Battle of Austerlitz Andrei is inspired by glory to lead a charge of a struggling army, but is nearly fatally wounded. Rescued by Napoleon, all the visions of his of life are shattered in the face of death and Napoleon's apparent vanity, his earlier hero. His wife Lise dies during childbirth. Burdened with nihilistic disillusionment Prince Andrei is led to a philosophical argument with Pierre – where is God in this amoral world? Pierre points to panentheism and an afterlife. Young Natasha briefly reinvigorates Andrei, but their plan to marry has to be postponed with a year-long engagement. Elena and her handsome brother Anatoly conspire together for Anatoly to seduce and dishonor the young and beautiful Natasha Rostova. This plan fails, yet, for Pierre, it is the cause of an important meeting with Natasha, when he realizes he is in love with her, during the time when the Great Comet of 1811–2 streaks the sky. Natasha, shamed by her seduction, has had her wedding engagement broken off by Andrei. Meanwhile Nikolai unexpectedly acts as a knight to beleaguered Maria Bolkonskaya, whose father's death has left her in the mercy of an estate of hostile, rebelling peasants. He reconsiders marriage, and finds Maria's devotion, honesty, and inheritance extremely attractive. As Napoleon pushes through Russia, Pierre decides to watch the Battle of Borodino near the battle next to a Russian artillery crew. There, he realizes just how terrible and fatal war can be. When Napoleon's Grand Army occupies an abandoned and burning Moscow, Pierre takes off on a quixotic mission to assassinate Napoleon and is captured as a prisoner of war. After witnessing French soldiers sacking Moscow and shooting Russian civilians, including his saintly cell-mate Karataev, Pierre is forced to march with the Grand Army during its disastrous retreat from Moscow. He is later freed by a Russian raiding party. Meanwhile Andrei, wounded during Napoleon's invasion, is taken in as a casualty by the fleeing Rostovs when he is reunited with Natasha and sister Maria before the end of the war. Having lost all will to live after forgiving Natasha, he dies, much like the death scene at the end of The Death of Ivan Ilych. Tolstoy vividly depicts the contrast between the attacking Napoleon and the Russian general Kutuzov, both in terms of personality and in the clash of armies. Napoleon believes that he could control the course of a battle through giving orders by couriers, while Kutuzov admits all he could do was to plan the initial disposition, and let subordinates direct the field of action. Napoleon chooses wrongly, opting to march on to Moscow and occupy it for five fatal weeks, when he would have been better off destroying the Russian army in a decisive battle. General Kutuzov believes time to be his best ally, and refrains from engaging the French, who ultimately destroy themselves as they limp back toward the French border. They are all but destroyed by a final Cossack attack as they straggle back toward Paris. As the novel draws to a close, Pierre's wife Elena dies sometime during the last throes of Napoleon's invasion and Pierre is reunited with Natasha while the victorious Russians rebuild Moscow. Pierre finds love at last and marries Natasha, while Nikolai, whose dilemma between his heart's choices is now firmly set on Princess Maria, is released from his oath by Sonya. He marries Maria Bolkonskaya but provides for Sonya for the rest of her life. Prince Andrei's son is brought up by Nicolai and Maria.
#38 Sep 11 2007 at 12:51 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
Holy Wall-o-Text, Batman!

I ... loled.


Vedder post made to look up Wikipedia entry of the Russian novel... I guess I found out where that text come from :P

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 8:42pm by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#39 Sep 11 2007 at 1:19 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Aviax wrote:
the whole thing with Charydbis wouldnt have happened had your ls not been talking sh*t about mine and talking yourselves up to be something that you werent.

Um.. when were we talking ****? I seem to recall you and stank joke arguing and me adding into it. There was nothing said that wasn't joking, if you really felt the need to do something like that because of a joke then your problems go deeper than I thought.

Aviax wrote:
if you want to ***** about something why not ***** about botters and hackers the thing we did may not have been the nicest of things but at least we didnt have to cheat in order to obtain it.

What you did was most definitely cheating, regardless of your motives, just because you're not a gilseller, doesn't mean you aren't a cheater. And what you did was cheating, no matter how you slice it.

Aviax wrote:
As for stank.... well i told him i wanted the sword and I called Facade out there when it popped with none of them knowing what was going to happen when they got there i told stank to disband and join with me which he did and hence why this all happened.

Regardless of them not knowing what was going to happen, we were fighting Chary when they got into the room, they'd have to be blind to not see that, and if you want me to just point my fingers at you and Stank, that's perfectly fine. Your selfishness led to this happening. It would have been easy enough for you to get the ToD and come back, but you had to cheat your way to that sword. And whether or not those people knew what was going to happen, they still did it, and they still commented after the fact.

Truth is, your own linkshell members go around talking about how you're all a bunch of d-bags. And whether you care or not, your reputation does matter in this game, and people do talk. Whether the whole LS had something to do with it or not, you represent your linkshell, and your actions, just like in real life, reflect on those you work for/with.

Take Care.
#40 Sep 11 2007 at 2:13 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Sorry I was at work all day (because some of us do have lives).Just thought I would clarify on a few things.

One, I realize that nothing can be done about the issue now, the only purpose of this post was to let other people know that you and your LS are capable of pulling such childish antics. Despite the fact that so few FFXI players actually read the forums (which is good for them) there is still a little thing called "word of mouth" which can help people who don't read the forums themselves know things such as Bigstank being a douchebag.

Second of all, we go to ALL our outings prepared. We do thorough research into what we're doing and make sure to prep, we had NIN with us the whole time we had been there, and he proved more than capable of tanking, In FACT Bigstank wasn't anywhere near Chary when she popped, he came into the room after we laid claim, he died the moment he started tanking, and had to be R3'd by OUR WHM. Once he was unweakened and brought to full HP, only THEN did he start to fight, and just in time for your friends to show up. So not only did he A) Not have any right to the monster he B) didn't even help in the killing of the monster to that point.

My GF just wanted to have a backup person to tank, but you're telling me that because someone said yes and she happened to think this guy was okay and wouldn't ***** with us, that it's our mistake? Wrong, but we did learn a lesson from this, old friendships are nothing when it comes to getting a drop for a new LS mate.

As for our two WHM's, that is neither here or there. Our FRIEND who happens to have a pearl decided to replace our Original WHM because he was tired, his FRIEND (who works with him IRL, but is not in our pearl) was also a WHM, they got aggro on the way there and did die, and we raised them, big deal.

I am saddened by your attempts to justify your actions when all you're doing is making yourself seem more like an a-s-s. You openly admit that you did it, you openly say that you feel no remorse and you try to throw people off by insinuating that you're 'not as bad as the other bad guys'. Well I have news for you, a hack is a hack, a cheat is a cheat, and a douche is a douche. Just because YOU don't bot, and YOU don't MPK doesn't mean that you can do something that's 'not so bad'. Would you take candy from a little kid just because he doesn't know better or crying is the best he can do? It's not that bad right? At least, you're not out robbing a bank, eh?

What you did was morally and ethically wrong; You have no respect for your fellow players, and you deserve no respect. Regardless of the fact that the other LS members didn't know what you had planned, they helped, and after words they even defended your actions. If Facade had any respect for itself they would rid themselves of Bigstank, Aviax and Ezeus, to show that they don't approve of the actions taken by them, but they dont, they defend you and therefor they show that they think that it is correct behavior to exhibit on the game. You start with stealing claims, next you'll be botting with the big boys. FTL.
#41 Sep 11 2007 at 3:56 PM Rating: Default
This is beautiful. It's been two days and tears are still flowing? I'm not selfish, I'm gonna be remembered now as a douche-bag, sad face, because I outsmarted people. Shucks. *************** your NIN pal sucked. He claimed with no shadows on, and he couldn't keep hate from me. If he had been as skilled as you thought him to be he would've had hate and this would've never happened. But! He couldn't, suck it up, there's always tomorrow. Someone deleted all of our posts too, it rocks. Facade for life, that's how we roll, back the **** up when we come through. I'm out!

Love you all, see you in game!
#42 Sep 11 2007 at 4:10 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
Again. Your posts weren't deleted, they were rated down into filtered oblivion.

*sigh* You were my first and longest friend on FFXI, Bigstank. What happened to you?
#43 Sep 11 2007 at 4:27 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
Sorry Bigstank, I know you like to think better of yourself, but my "NIN friend" like I have stated before was my little brother who was only a 73 NIN; The truth behind your statement is that he DID claim with no shadows, but only because he saw the BRD had got aggro, so he meant to save her much to his own trouble. When you decided it was worth it for yourself to engage (when he was dead) you shortly died after he was raised. I had to kite Charybdis around by Binding and Gravity until my brother was back to full health. He then tanked until you were raised and you came to fight. You then DIED again shortly after your Dancing Edge; What awesome THF tanking, you rock so hard; Even with double mambo you couldn't stay alive long enough to do anything useful, You died twice. then went AFK long enough to become unweakend and for yourself to become fully healed, then a few minutes later you decided to come back into the fight. My brother tanked the whole time you were down and only died the once(besides the death that happened when he couldnt fight back and your LS had started hitting it; this is commonly known as 'MPK') the SECOND time you got hate was after your second Dancing Edge, then you disbanded. Don't give yourself so much credit, the only thing you did was steal a mob.

Just as an added note, Bigstank(with the help of Pippy the BRD) also MPK'd multiple people 4 days prior by training Guivre to the Altep zone, he was at it for about 2 hrs until he finally got bored; He claimed he was 'drunk' but now I even doubt that was the case. Way to be a loser.
#44 Sep 11 2007 at 4:59 PM Rating: Default
Hahahahaha! That is the biggest pile of **** story ever! I died three times that night. One time I died in your party. And I tanked it for 10-15% of its life while the ninja was becoming unweakened. Aaaaaaaand I wasn't on the floor to claim cause I was looking out of the door to see if it popped there, and I was coming back in, and a Ninja with no shadows can't tank Chary for very long, so I began to poke it with my toothpicks. It's not like I have provoke to grab it from you. And I like how you said you kited it and bound it while I was weakened for the second time. To tell you the truth I don't even remember any of that happening. I sat to the side while I was weakened for the one and only time 'cause Chary does AoE moves, so I waited, just like the ninja did. I also guarantee a 73 ninja didn't take Chary down from 80-85% to 30-40% in the time I was weakened. I tanked that **** until 20% and then disbanded while I had hate. You're gonna tell me a Ninja, provoking and taking off 60% of his health is gonna lose hate to my "2 dancing edges". So maybe you should think back on that night. You probably had too many tears in your eyes to see what was actually happening, or you were getting your hopes up so much cause you thought you were gonna get a new sword. Bloop. I stole that **** like a pro. Eat a **** my friend! And I dunno who your girlfriend is calling me her friend, I don't even know who she is. Shucks darn it!

And as for the MPKing, I was drunk. Screwdrivers, baby. And Pippy and I thought we could actually duo it, but I was wrong I think 4 times. Which I fleed and zoned, whoops. You see a wyvern comin' atcha run *****! How can you type my feelings when I don't even talk to you. Quit trying to get every little punch in you can at me. It's not gonna bring your sword back. Boo hoo! Bye pookie
#45 Sep 11 2007 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
#46 Sep 11 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Bigstank wrote:
Aaaaaaaand I wasn't on the floor to claim cause I was looking out of the door to see if it popped there, and I was coming back in,

Charybdis doesn't pop outside, only his PH does sometimes.

Us being in the UWSE LS wasn't that long ago. Of course my main was Narayu then. Whether or not we were friends, I'm positive I've never done anything to deserve such treatment from you.

And no, with the Guivre thing? Pippy got hate and ran right up to us after you died, in the middle of Amemet's room, nowhere near the zone.
#47 Sep 11 2007 at 5:34 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Julies wrote:

It's Syliana.
#48 Sep 11 2007 at 5:38 PM Rating: Decent
221 posts
As for my GF, you might not have known her on her character Syliana, but you did know her as Narayu; Or so she claims, if not I don't really see how this is the point, as for you not remembering, maybe you were drunk again? I hate to break this to you, but beside your WS you're not going to out DD a 73 NIN hit for hit, I went on a Charybdis hunt as a 70 NIN and was out DDing the THF short of WS damage. Like I said, I like how you think you did so well, but as anyone can see your head is too big (which should be a given as you're a taru). It doesn't really matter if you died 1 time or 100 times, the first time you died (which is shortly after when my brother died: Charybdis at 87%) you didn't get back into the fight until it was 40%, I kited it around for at least the time it took for my brother to be back to full health. I was already soloing the DM manta link by the time you jumped back in. I can't even believe I have to go into it to that point, the point is you're not even denying the fact you did it, so you say you didn't know my GF, she asked you to help, you said yes, and then you did that, but it's okay because you didn't know her? wow.

Your petty insults are so making you look big; I will get my sword when I am ready, like I said, the post was to show how WRONG you were in what you did, not to say "OH MAN I DIDN'T GET MY SWORD" so read before you start flaming. If I had the ToD and the time (but I am at work all week) I would have had it already.

Just to add, we didn't die at any time by your lame MPKing in Kuftal, we were one of the lucky people who had a RDM that escaped us anytime we saw you fleeing through, it was the other people who aren't so lucky that were complaining about you, but we also remarked to you that you were being a tard and all you could do was drool on yourself and say "hahahahahahahhaaahhha."

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 9:43pm by OniNoKyuu
#49 Sep 11 2007 at 5:48 PM Rating: Default
Boo freaking Hoo, ya'll act like this the last time Chary is gonna pop...get ToD, get some friends, and get another sword, Christ~
#50 Sep 11 2007 at 5:51 PM Rating: Decent
19 posts
Julies wrote:
Boo freaking Hoo, ya'll act like this the last time Chary is gonna pop...get ToD, get some friends, and get another sword, Christ~

It still amazes me that you all can say 'just camp it again' so easily without even acknowledging what happened as being wrong.
Before you post something that's been said over and over, read the thread. Because as you can see there's a reason we couldn't just go camp again, we camped the entire weekend because we had time, we have work, kids, school, etc.

The complete lack of respect for other people's work is what this is about.
#51 Sep 11 2007 at 6:13 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
Most of you trying to defend your actions about this whole Charby-stealing thing have said "Just camp it again." Or something to that effect....

Why didn't you "just camp it again"? Why would you take the time they had camped it away from them when you can do the exact same thing you're telling them to do now?

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