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#1 Sep 10 2007 at 3:00 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
The last few days My linkshell and I have been camping Charybdis to get some Joytoy's for our loyal members, within the 3 days we only laid claim 3 times, and got the drop 2 of the three due to a untimely pull which resulted in a wipe for our 3 member party. We were camping Charybdis last night with the ToD without any competition, and we felt the need to possibly get a new tank as our previous THF had bailed, so my GF asked an old LS friend named Bigstank to do the honors; He showed up 1 hr into the window, we had since then asked my brother(73NIN) to attempt to tank it for us and we had two WHM to back us up (WHM WHM RDM BRD NIN). About 3 hours into Charybdis' window, he popped, we started to slowly kill him. It was late in the night, and the last sword we needed, most of us had work and needed sleep; So needless to say we weren't prepared for what followed.

Charybdis was about 20% til death when my girlfriend remarked "Oh look, Bigstanks LS(Facade) came to watch." At that point in time I thought it a little odd that 3 people would come to watch an NM die and just to get the ToD; Already one member had shown up (Aviax) apparently for the ToD, or so we assumed, so this behavior seemed a little odd, when it suddenly dawned on me that something was a little too fishy, and that Bigstank; should he feel the want, could steal hate, disband and then reform with his LS's Party. And that is how it happened, Bigstank did exactly that and so 5 members of the Facade LS stole our Charybdis. They proceeded to kill it even though Bigstank died 2 or 3 times (much to our delight).

When we told them how we thought that it was pretty low we received remarks back from Ezues saying "You guys are the losers, this is just a game, get over it."

Now I can't argue that this isn't a game, it is. But people are putting their time and effort into it, sometimes staying into the late hours for a NM or to help their LS with things, it's highly stressful and a highly time consuming game, when I put 72 hours into an NM camp and you steal it and expect me to "get over it because it's a game" it's a little much; I didn't show up and 5 min later kill an NM, I am sure that took a lot of effort so it's very easy to tell me to get over it.

The tactics displayed by the Facade LS (Members: Bigstank, Aviax, Ezues, Hrdcormofo, and Pimpinous) are no different in my eyes than tactics displayed by gilsellers and mpkers. I've heard many complaints about the LS in general about them being ********* and whatnot, and I never try to judge by a few rumors, but this post and rant was just to let you fine Cerberus players to watch out and I hope this doesn't happen to you.
#2 Sep 10 2007 at 3:10 PM Rating: Excellent
6,631 posts
First thing: If anyone need help with Joytoy NM, I will be willing to help as long as I am free. And I am "free agent," so no need to worry such things will ever happen.

Back on topic: Do you know why I write so much rant threads here too? Experience like you, my friend. People forget this a freaking game and will pull off the worse crap ever. There isn't much to amend the situation, which is why people will pull this type of thing of. Honor system goes to crap.

I still do not understand... why being a cheater or an intentional jerk is fun?

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 4:46am by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#3 Sep 10 2007 at 3:59 PM Rating: Good
25 posts
Wow, this is the kind of thing I saw and had to hear about that ultimately led me to leave ffxi for good. It's disgusting that people can treat other people with such behavior and it is the principle of the matter. Yes, it is a game, but being an ******* for any reason is unacceptable. May the fleas of a thousand camels infest the crotches of each person responsible for this act.
#4REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2007 at 4:25 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) <3 Stanky he is the man!
#5REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2007 at 4:34 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Actually your remark to me was I hope you all burn in hell for this. I then replied. You are Losers it is a game get over it. Post the facts.
#6 Sep 10 2007 at 4:53 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
I didn't really NOT say that, but I didn't disclose the remarks that were merited to you, I don't think anyone blames US for OUR reaction.

I like how Mr 1 post comes in with his retarded comment though <3 seems like Bigstank had to make a comment on how he rocks. Lose.

Furthermore you said "you guys are the ones who LOOK like losers" which is a really retarded statement when you guys were being the losers. Yet you don't seem to be denying the fact that you all acted like douchebags.

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 9:01pm by OniNoKyuu
#7 Sep 10 2007 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Actually it was me that said you should rot in hell, and that was after you said something along the lines of us looking dumb.
Don't get me wrong, I feel dumb, for spending all that time trying to get a drop for someone and then having it stolen by a bunch of idiots.

And Stank is not the man, he was a pretty cool dude when I knew him back in the UWSELS. But things change.

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 11:33pm by narayu
#8 Sep 10 2007 at 5:14 PM Rating: Good
221 posts
And just to squash some dumb rumors, I live with my GF and I would have known if there was a plan to 'set me up'(I can read her screen) you people should grow up.
#9 Sep 10 2007 at 5:50 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
*UWSE, Narayu =P

And... damn, Stank. I expected better of you. That's not how honorable people work. =(
#10 Sep 10 2007 at 6:07 PM Rating: Good
166 posts
Agreed with Speedly. And if anyone is absurd enough to claim that ******** people over is part of a game, they need a brain check.

There's a lot I could say to rip Bigstank and his LS friends a new one over this but I know it won't sink in, so just consider me one more person who thinks they should be avoided, now. The server has lost another respectable player it seems.
#11 Sep 10 2007 at 6:56 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
Edited Speed ^^ sorry, was typing fast, didn't check for typos.

Edited, Sep 10th 2007 11:33pm by narayu
#12 Sep 10 2007 at 7:50 PM Rating: Default
Hahahaha. Keep it comin', lovers. I feel flattered. Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'll help on your next one. I just like Aviax more than you guys. Sorry! What would you like to say Vhailor? I don't think a dude I will never meet, nor do I ever talk, is going to hurt my feelings. FFXI isn't my life, so if I have a few haters, actually a bunch now, it makes me giggle. Keep flaming though, you guys look tough.

I love you,
-The one and only, your favorite, Bigstank
#13 Sep 10 2007 at 7:55 PM Rating: Default
All of you just need to get over it its video game gear. If your life is honestly that dull that you need to cry over game gear which does NOTHING for you in rl then you need to get a life. Say what you will it doesnt matter you are ******** on a forum people will forget **** happened and it will all be in the past. Stop crying and ******* get over it.
#14REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2007 at 8:15 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) Tuh wats.
#15 Sep 10 2007 at 8:18 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
The point isn't that it's just a game because we are all well aware, but as Kyuu pointed out, even though it's a game, it takes real time to play and a lot of real time was spent planning something and 5 minutes it was taken away.

I'm not upset about the game, I'm not upset that you guys took something in-game away from us, I'm upset that I camped an NM for MY linkshell members for a lot of real time and it was taken away by YOUR linkshell members in mere minutes.

Your joytoy is undeserved, if it's so insignificant of an item you could've waited till the next window to get it. It obviously mattered enough to you for you to not only make enemies, but cheat your way to it.

So the whole point of this post is not to complain that we lost game gear, because it's not the first time we've lost the claim. But that it was rightfully ours, and our time was wasted because you thought you deserved it more for whatever reason.

And no, Stank, I don't want your help. 3/4 people got their joytoys this week, and the one person who didn't is probably the one who deserved it most. He'll get it, it's just really crappy that we had to go through your BS first.

I'm sorry I invited you to help, my own bad judgment, but hey it's not the first time. I'm more sorry to find that the things I've heard about the people in your LS are so true, maybe that's why I keep getting requests for pearls for mine from your former members for reasons like 'I'm just so sick of everyone in Facade being such a-holes'

I guess a linkshell can change a player, and it's a shame because the linkshell I met you in doesn't deserve to have their name tainted by your bad rep. Obviously you didn't follow their lead, pity.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 12:22am by narayu
#16 Sep 10 2007 at 8:20 PM Rating: Good
19 posts
And yeah, we will camp it again, but at the moment we're all busy people, which is why we spent the entire weekend, while we all had off work, camping the ToD. Some people have other responsibilities to take care of and can't spend all day camping NMs.
#17 Sep 10 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
202 posts
If it's "just a game" to you guys then why would you bother to steal an NM, obviously it matters to you guys if your not going to take the time to respect the time someone had put into it. The fact of the matter is, it is a game ruining other peoples playing experience is childish. You could have easily gotten the ToD and came back the next day, but instead you feel the need to hurt another players gaming experience. If in your eyes another persons time is less important than your Joyeuse, you really should look at how you think about other people, instead of acting like little kids.
#18 Sep 10 2007 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good
I'm gonna say this one time.

There's around 10% of players reading Alla or KI so all your hate tells will fail.

w/e bigstank is a jerk or not will not pass for the reason that people don't care about it anymore.

But if you want my info both sides are wrong.

Oni is wrong for the reason that, he invite someone else (who needed the sword for his friend) to help kill something you had no chanced on. This is sad because with all the corruption this game have now, the only persons you can trust now is LS mate (if you know them well, RL friends and yourself)

I know you worked hard for the tod but if you had no competition you could simply wait and try to find a tank in your ls that you trusted.

Bigstank is wrong, because he thinks that betraying a friend in a game is fun.

Actually ******** people can be fun, but on my side i stopped ******** because it affected me in RL. you can believe this or not but this game shows more about yourself the nyou think.

Im sorry if it sounds hard for some people but it's true

Have good day all

edit if you need a tank next time i can come if im not busy i can be PLD/WAR or PLD/NIN to tank it.

and i don't need that Sword i got it.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 12:31am by finalff

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 7:59am by finalff
#19REDACTED, Posted: Sep 10 2007 at 8:31 PM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) mhuahahahahaha
#20 Sep 10 2007 at 8:43 PM Rating: Default
Message has high abuse count and will not be displayed.
#21 Sep 10 2007 at 9:52 PM Rating: Good
If you need help with it in the future just look me up, I've straight-tanked him on PLD/WAR and PLD/NIN, and I've kited him, be glad to help.
(If nothing else I Cure and Flash, so if the tank goes down I can tank or kite till they're back up)

I got one, and you can ask around, I'm not gonna ***** anyone.

Not gonna get involved in the drama.
#22 Sep 10 2007 at 9:56 PM Rating: Good
Not sure if first post went through, its not showing so if this is a double, it's a double.

If you need help with Charbs, just look me up, I've tanked him on PLD/WAR and PLD/NIN plenty of times, and if nothing else I can cure the tank and kite/tank if the primary tank goes down, it's easy enough.

You can ask around, I've had one for a long time, and I'm not out to ***** anyone.

Staying out of the drama, but I hope Bigstank didn't just outright ***** someone with no reason, we've always gotten along well.
#23 Sep 10 2007 at 10:16 PM Rating: Decent
555 posts
If you need a hand with Chary, send me a tell in game. I have no use for the sword, just like helping others. Furionstormrage has a joytoy, and is a hell of a tank. One of the most stand up players I've met in the game.
#24 Sep 10 2007 at 10:39 PM Rating: Good
166 posts
Clearly if they went 3/4 they didn't especially need Bigstank's help, and aren't nearly as unskilled as you're making them out to be, Aviax. Even with additional players, they could've found others.

I'm not trying to hurt your feelings Bigstank. I don't care about the weeds of the server, I simply identify them. What matter is one more or less? You're beneath my interest, as are the rest of your ilk.

But Narayu is absolutely right. It's people like Bigstank and his crew, and countless others like them, that make this game miserable to play sometimes. It's sad but most of them can't even grasp the idea of mutual cooperation and respect. Not that I'd expect more given the attitude of the average person on the street. If you can't grasp the concept of someone feeling upset at the loss of effort and time, then you clearly need a brain check. It's not a difficult concept, people. Surely you've all had it happen to you; getting effort stolen is a common thing, whether in the workplace, in school, in social life, or in videogames. It's all the same thing.

Oh, and Aviax -- you clearly have some anger management issues. I'll just... leave it at that. Please see a therapist before you burst a vessel. You're also shredding the thin defense most people are offering you, which is that Nara and Kyuu are overreacting ;P if I've ever seen a picture perfect example of an overreactive post, it is yours. The idea that societal IQ is dropping because of how someone avoids aggro in a videogame... wow. That's taking things to new heights. At least they know how to use apostrophes occasionally ^^
#25 Sep 11 2007 at 12:15 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
Yeah, I have to back up Vhailor on this one.

There's no need to be an ***, you're only making yourself look bad. Linkshell-versus-linkshell malice has to be the most baseless kind. You have a virtual jumble of bytes with a name attached to it. It's not like you're defending your sister's honor against a horde of rednecks. <.<;

Remember, kids: Talking **** on teh intrwebz is like being in the Special Olympics; no matter if you win or not, you're still retarded.
#26 Sep 11 2007 at 12:52 AM Rating: Good
6,631 posts
If you have hit the point of the game that think you think ******** another person is the way to go, then you need to rethink why you are playing. I bet "Stank" and Aviax have probably seen so much between their LS with others or even among their own LS, people ******** around each other and think that is accepted standard.

That should not be accepted as a standard as VhailorEmp said.

Rata. Things like this should not be taken to be stupid for the OP, he may have trusted too much on another person, but it is still a honest and reasonable decision at that time (it is not like those giving password to someone you do not even know in RL...). I do not think OP really ever expected this to ever happen. You have been an honest person for most time, which I most respect. A lot of people do not speak out against LS member wrong doing because they dare not to **** off or speak against their own LS member, so they don't lose the right to lot the next Haidate or Ridill or whatever.

Edited, Sep 11th 2007 4:57am by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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