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power levelFollow

#1 Apr 26 2006 at 4:51 PM Rating: Default
I am in need of a power lvl im a lvl 26war/10monk will pay 50000 gil if needed
#2 Apr 26 2006 at 5:04 PM Rating: Good
56 posts
man if this doesnt scream gil buyer i dont know what does.
#3 Apr 26 2006 at 5:28 PM Rating: Decent
1,309 posts
Take the 50k and go level your sub.
#4 Apr 26 2006 at 7:00 PM Rating: Decent
Use that 50k to level MNK up to at least 18.

If you buy some Selbina Milk (cheap HP regen, spam it) a MNK can solo at low levels at an incredibly fast rate.

I don't want to start a flame, but try to avoid being powerleveled. Not only does it allow you to just beat on the mobs (thus not learning your job), you also miss out on much needed skillups (evasion, parrying, etc.)

I don't know exactly why you want a powerlever, but if it's because you're having trouble getting PTs, having a fully leveled sub-job and appropriate gear will help. (Not to mention the extra HP, VIT, STR, etc from having a full sub-job, thus making you cooler, and isn't that the point?) ^_^

#5 Apr 26 2006 at 7:53 PM Rating: Decent
284 posts
Been that this was kind of waste of forum space I thought I derail it for a moment.

I'm not one to ask for PLing but you have to admit that even when you DON'T ask for it sometime you still end up in a PL PT anyways. Every PL I ever been is was free and the PL never asked for anything in return. Although I'm aware some people ask for gil or accept donations it is very rare and I never been in any PL PT that does so.

Anyways I always thought it should be common coutesy for the PT to give all the dropped items to the PLer. Most PLers are high level and most likely have a craft of some type so this would help them alot or the fact that they can simply sell it.

Just a random thought that always bothered me since PLers never get anything in return usually and since you're not giving up your gil it shouldn't matter. This is probably one of those things people already do but I just never seen it myself.
#6 Apr 26 2006 at 8:19 PM Rating: Decent
25 posts
why would you need to power level your almost the same level as me and i went from a 25 to a 27 in like 2 or 3 hours so go level up your subjob and go to Kazham. i get party invites even when im not looking for one there.
#7 Apr 26 2006 at 10:49 PM Rating: Good
Look me up. I'll PL you. All also show you how to get to a place called Xarbacard and set your HP there.
#8 Apr 27 2006 at 6:18 AM Rating: Decent
Kids, pfft!

You buy 'em books, and you buy 'em books, and all they do is eat the pages.

My dear, impatient Ninajake--

PL is bad
Gil buying is bad
Gimped sub is bad

For the love of Vana'diel, please just buck up and do it the right way. You would be doing yourself and the rest of us a favor by developing your character the way it was intended.
#9 Apr 27 2006 at 9:37 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
50K isn't too hard to make nowadays, so accusing OP as gil buyer is a little unjust... But!!

PL is for gimps! I don't understand why everyone says they need a PL. I never needed PL to get 3 75 jobs, I never needed PL to level my subs, I never needed PL to get anything done in this game. As long as having reasonable gear and skill, and know what to kill for exp. PL IS NOT NEEDED and IS BAD. Some newer player need time and patience to develop skill. Talking to them and let them play is the way to do it. PL IS NOT. If you really gonna PL, PL only an individual, not a PT. "I am rank 10, I just wanna level fast, and I don't care about what other would be effected" <<< Is bull ****.

I don't even PL my closest friend. I don't care if my sibling, my GF (if I ever get one) ask for PL, the answer is .... NO!

Add: I wasn't as angry the post as I mean :P But I need to get my point accross. People never needed PL in the past. People never needed to buy gil in the past. Why... suddenly people think it is needed... I do not understand. If you have answer, enlighten me, I will be happy :)

Edited, Thu Apr 27 10:38:32 2006 by scchan

Edited, Thu Apr 27 10:48:31 2006 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#10 Apr 27 2006 at 12:54 PM Rating: Decent
792 posts
Yeeeep... you just lost what respect I had for you. You see what everyone else is saying? We put in the goddamn work, so if you think we're gonna assist you in just floating through it and sucking when you get to the levels where people will need you to undeniably know your job, then, well, you can GFY.

Have a nice day!
#11 Apr 27 2006 at 2:06 PM Rating: Decent
56 posts
I know a lot of people hate me on the server.. or at least have blisted me cuz of my actions when im PT leader.. but when your 60+ xp'ng.. and still have to ask for refresh, haste, PROVOKE.. cmon now.

When i see ****** players like that, i boot without hesitation, and i usually dont give much time for them to shape up either. If you do your part right and to its fullest in the pt, you will develop a good reputation for knowing what your doing, and thus, get invited to more parties based on that reputation.

So take heed of this advice..

1. Always keep your sub leveled with your Main job. Even if theres nothing new to offer at that lvl, it just looks bad, and from a person inviting people's persepective.. makes them wonder if you really know what your doing.

2. If there are spells available for your job and you are more than 10 levels past it, maybe its time to take a break and start farming. Some spells, ie, Erase, utsusemi.. are a little harder to come across than other spells. But as a whm, i can assure you.. ERASE IS ESSENTIAL TO BEING A WHM.

3. Powerleveling is a touchy subject for me. I had never outright asked someone to PL me, yet i get tells all the time. "Please come PL me, 20k reward!!" First of all, Powerlevling only makes you lazy, and you will miss imporant skills during your time exping of how to perform your job adequately. I personally hate PL'ng. The thought of standing around for a bunch of free loaders to get easy exp kind of infuriates me. Get a job to 75, make friends with a high level mage, and then take turns PL'ng each other.

4. Finally, Gear. If your lvl 22, and still wearing leather gear. Its time to go look at what the auction house has to offer you. If your not up to date on your gear, you will be viewed as a moron. Ie, Empress ring on during battle, +MND gear on a warrior.. the list can go on for days.

So.. take all this advice, and use it. That is all for now cuz matinence just ended ^^
#12 Apr 27 2006 at 2:37 PM Rating: Decent
267 posts
Well just to jump on the bandwagon here...

Having a PL is an added bonus... will i PL your party? No. Will i accept your friend's PL? Yes. Will i give him all my earth crystals?? hell no... go farm if you need items.

And i agree 50k is not anything in Cerberus anymore. Anyone level 15+ can make 50k an hour farming bee hive chips in north gustaberg. No reason to call anyone a gilbuyer... but this is coming from someone that's never bought gil. I'm sure most of you that are reading this probably have based on the economy around december of 2005. (not pointing any fingers just making a generalization of players in cerberus)

Now, thinking that a sub job that's level 15 or 16 doesn't offer anything you're wrong. Each time you level anyjob sub or main your base stats increase. And yes... you look like a noob and i won't invite ya lol.

#13 Apr 27 2006 at 3:47 PM Rating: Decent
792 posts
Having a PL is an added bonus... will i PL your party? No. Will i accept your friend's PL? Yes.

This is borderline with me, and I have dropped parties because of it. Not only should you not have PLs, YOU SHOULD NOT HAVE THEM IN A 40+ PARTY! And don't act like a prick when I call you on it, not to name names like Heideki and Gorgeous. I wouldn't throw them under the bus.

Wait... damn. Too late now.

But yeah, if you invite me to your party and you have a PL, on any given day, there's about a 60% chance I'll leave your party. I refuse to further anyone's lack of skill through PLs, be it PLing a party or being in a PL party.

Plus, on the other side - back when I was a n00b WHM, I thought it was cool to PL a party. But remembering doing it just once... god DAMN, it was boring as all hell! WHY would someone willingly do it?

/rant off
/hijack off

Edited, Thu Apr 27 16:53:28 2006 by Speedly
#14 Apr 27 2006 at 4:38 PM Rating: Decent
80 posts

Even though I put "NO PL'D PARTIES PLS!" in my /seacom, I've still sometimes had a PL start on a party in progress, especially on pre-Yhoator parties. At that point, I make a decision...I either leave the party (if I can) or if it looks like I'll have trouble getting a pt or there is some other very compelling reason to stay, I'll just /blockaid.

However, I have been semi-PL'ing a friend who's doing BLU. This is just to help himlearn the skills, though...and he's going for the skills, fighting low EP's, not trying to shoot up through the ranks. (Also been helping them out by tele'ing to the next crag once it's time to try for a different one.) I still think it would be much, much better for a person to learn them on their own, but I can sympathize with the frustration that a lot of low-level BLU's are having in trying to get their magicks.
#15 Apr 29 2006 at 11:51 PM Rating: Good
154 posts
Oh dear god, and I didn't think it could bet any worse.
I actually saw a warrior freak out cause we didn't have a pl in the dunes the other day. We had two blue mages with healing breeze and a whm. Hell, we would of been fine with just the whm, he still was shaky.

He was also kinda dumb too. He was our main tank, and keep trying to get us to invite a blm that was 4 levels lower than the highest person when our party was full anyways.

Then he tried to drop so we could invite his friend, and I tried to explain to him, that what we would do was invite another tank instead of his under leveled buddy. Then the blm started talking trash to the party leader.

Okay, I'm all about helping out new people, but I'll still label you retarded if you don't listen to what everyone is trying to explain to you.

You should seriously take the time to learn the game first. Nothing bothers me more than seeing a level 50 rank 2 with an under leveled sub.

Edited, Sun Apr 30 00:58:44 2006 by freakymescan
#16 Apr 30 2006 at 10:28 AM Rating: Good
Agh, that blows, Leb! I was in the dunes recently camping Valkurm Emperor with my brother, and I got a /tell asking me to help this Warrior get his subjob items. At first I was thinking I might do it, so I asked him what ones he needed. After a long pause (which I assume is because he was asking a lot of other people as well) he said "Are you gonna do it or not?" Holy Jesus I was furious. I told him that I was, but now earned himself a /blist. As I /blisted I got about ten "Please?" /tells, then a few minutes later, he came to me and stood by me, presumably trying to figure why his /tells no longer worked.

So, I'm wondering what it is about the new player community that makes them so relentless and lazy. It wasn't like this when I first started. I didn't even dream of PL's. And I would never just demand help on a quest from someone I didn't know. I'm wondering if it's the whole PL buying online. Maybe that detaches people, I don't know. But it really makes me not want to level my THF. And that's no good.
#17 May 01 2006 at 8:29 PM Rating: Good

The proper Conan quote, if you are quoting the movie, is "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentation of their women!"

The quote was inspired by a real quote from Genghis Khan: "The greatest pleasure is to vanquish your enemies and chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth and see those dear to them bathed in tears, to ride their horses and clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters."
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