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Please give me your feedback (warning: long post)Follow

#1 Jan 21 2006 at 4:05 PM Rating: Good
699 posts
Hey everyone. I just wanted to see if I could take your temperature on a certain situation that has recently happened in the game.

I'll explain this as best as I can. I will leave out any names of the parties involved, and I will admit at the beginning that I only do have one side of the story. I am ONLY recounting the things that mostly have been told to me during this whole spectacle. Although, I was with this person throughout the entire situation, and can personally vouch for several key details of this story.

A friend of mine had mannequin feet in his bazaar. He listed it at $10 Million mostly because he wasn't really planning to sell it. He stated that he never thought anyone would actually purchase mannequin feet for $10 Million.

Someone did.

A high-level, high-rank player.

A few days later, the person that bought the mannequin feet told the person who sold them that it was a mistake. The person that bought it, for whatever reason, now did not want the mannequin feet and wanted his/her $10 Million back.

My friend initially said "no, a sale is a sale."

Now this high-level player then proceeds to tell my friend that if he doesn't trade back, my friend will experience many problems when he becomes a higher-level player.

The buyer proceeds to call my friend a thief. Of course this was in “tell” so I did not get to see any of it.

However, I believe it. I believe it because this person also puts up a search comment that states: " 'seller's name' return my $10 million. You are stealing from me because I made a mistake" (the search comment is now gone)

Now, in order to diffuse the situation some, I tell my friend to offer to return $5 Million to him/her. In my opinion, this is a reasonable action.

The person who purchased the mannequin feet does not think so; he/she refused that offer.

He continued to call my friend a thief.

Now, I know this is a somewhat frequent occurrence; someone bids more than an item is worth. I myself have bid $100,000 on a $10,000 item. However, a sale is a sale, and I would never renege. I know this pales in comparison to $10 Mil, but both situations lie on the same foundational principle: a sale is a sale. The fact that my friend offered $5 million to the buyer, makes it a unique situation however.

However, I make the following points:

1. He/she bought the item for the price named. It was in a bazaar.

2. He/she realized their mistake, and asked for the money back. When he/she did not get it, he/she went into a fit of harassment at the seller.

3. The seller offered to meet the buyer halfway; a gesture which surely was not required. The buyer refused this.

Now my friend stands ready to just re trade the item for the money. He is frustrated because of the continual harassment by this player. It has been going on all day. Again, I only have one side of the story, but from what I have heard and what I can reason myself, the account of this story by my friend has significant validity. If anyone knows of this situation, and can offer an account from the other side of this story, I would also like to hear that as well.

Cerebrus, what are your thoughts on this situation?

Thanks in advance for your insights.


Edit: Good judgment prevailed. My friend bought the mannequin feet back for $5 million. Although now a moot point, I'd still like to hear what people have to say about it.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 16:06:47 2006 by galapagosiananna

Edited, Sat Jan 21 16:30:14 2006 by galapagosiananna
#2 Jan 21 2006 at 4:44 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
If I am in that situation, I will probably give the gil back in good will, but at same time askes for an open apology from the other party for the mistake. Yes a sales is a sales, but reputation is more than anything.

To the person in the other party. Do not lie, and spread words if you know what has happened.

Famous Chinese Saying
"Willing to bet, accept the defeat."

You can bet and compete with sportsmanship and with honor, but you cannot blame other for you losing or made a mistake. At the same time, I dislike people take advantage of a stupid mistake and exploit it. Things can work out, but stop playing blame game and spread lies.

I do not know if you friend story is true. There is no way to tell. If the other party and your friend wish to resolve this in a "fair manner", call the GM. GM can now intevenes player conflicts based on checking time log of events (check KI for the thing between Confu and Saryon). The problem is that if the above story is true, the other party will probably dislike calling the GM because he can probably guess what the consquence (I know what I would say if I am GM if the story is proven right).

If your friend believe that other player is harrassing and spreading words and unwilling to work out a comrpomised solution, your friend has everything right to call GM for player harrassement.

Edited, Sat Jan 21 16:45:23 2006 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#3 Jan 22 2006 at 1:44 AM Rating: Good
792 posts
You know, we've had a few threads on this subject before.

My view on it is, YOU make the mistake, that person is NOT obligated to give the money back. Does it suck? Yeah. Would it be nice of the person to give back the difference? Certainly. But MUST you give it back? No way.

And whoever this person is, they can't ruin your endgame experience singlehandedly. There are just waaaaaaaay too many HNMLS's out there to be able to do so.

And they're a **** for implying that they would.

Your friend is entitled to every single gil he got from that. Don't let anyone tell you differently. I'd normally say that you really -should- give it back, but with such a comment from the other player, he (she?) deserves to lose that money.

Buuuuut, that's just my opinion. Hope all turns out well for you, no matter what you decide. ^^
#4 Jan 22 2006 at 5:06 AM Rating: Decent
I actually did something simular to someone once, I had a stack of silent oil in my bazzar for like 20k. I didn't know when someone buy it it's 20k EACH and not the stack, I was afk when bazzaring. I got back from work and saw a tell, he was saying he accidently bought my silent oil for 140k. He said sorry and asked to have his money back in a very poliet way, and Im sure in your situation the buyer probably tried asking nicely at first. I told him right away I will send back all the money he over paid, because I know in my heart I wouldn't feel right ripping someone off. But that's just me...

Like you guys said, it's his mistake you dont really HAVE to give the money back to him, but if that happened to me I'd for sure give it back to him if he asked nicely.
#5 Jan 22 2006 at 10:11 AM Rating: Decent
You want to know what to do about it? Here is what I WOULD DO. Not that you have to do this. First of all Im a guy thats about profit. Everything I do I try to make gil, same way in life, everything I do I try to make money. Nothing wrong with that.

When the guy sent me the first /tell I would have done what you tried to do already which was cut a deal to get the feet back for say (instead of 5 mil I mean you aregetting the feet back) I would try for 8 to 9 mil going back to him. Lets face it he caused you an inconvienence and you have to go back through the trouble of all of this again.

Where the line would have been crossed with me is when he threatened me. HONESTLY when he said you would have a hard time at higher levels I would have told him to ***** off. At this point keep the gil, blacklist him and dont worry about it. Why do I say this? HE bought the item, HE clicked the button, HE made the descision and now HE is giveing your friend the grief. NONE OF THIS YOUR FRIEND ASKED FOR! If he changes his tune and is willing to let your friend keep a lil bit for profit for his mistake then thats great.

OH and I have had something similar happen to me. I bought an item for 1 mil that was only 100k. NO I didnt go back to the person asking for it, he just had a lucky day didnt he. IT WAS MY RESPONSIBILITY not the sellers just like it was this guys responsibility that blew his 10 mil.
#6 Jan 22 2006 at 10:37 AM Rating: Decent
3,215 posts
If the person asked nicely to get his money back.
Then he should have given it back.
But when he goes on like that he should keep it, or just give some of it back.

And if that doesnt work, and he continues to harras the player.
Call a GM on him. Harrassment is against the TOS.
#7 Jan 22 2006 at 3:32 PM Rating: Decent
4,475 posts
Everytime this happens to me, the person who made the mistake is no longer in the AH history. They don't have to look for me. I look for them. Only one person has even got the difference back from me. Others, I guess they didn't care, or could never catch me online. Little mistakes though, like 30,000k for fire crystals or 10k for wind(pre inflation mind you).

But I will give the difference back, the way I see it is, I still got paid for the item I sold to them. Just alittle bit more than it should have been. And giving back the difference is'nt making the sale worthless or anything.
#8 Jan 22 2006 at 3:46 PM Rating: Decent
130 posts
I think it is wrong of the person who accidently bought the feet to slander the seller. What is the seller had bought something with the 10m? I bought a single gold beastcoin for the cost of a stack onces, actually I did it twice in a row... I got the difference back both times. In this case it was in the AH and it was obvious from the history. When it comes to Bazaar I think its up to the person who sold the money. The purchaser should certainly not expect to or think they have a right to get the money back. I guess in a situation like this we all agree that it was a mistake? So if I had the money still I would certainly give back what I could. I would expect the person who made the mistake to be polite and tip me for the trouble. If they were rude then stuff em.

#9 Jan 22 2006 at 5:20 PM Rating: Decent
359 posts
If the buyer was a high level and high rank, then why did it take them a few days to realize they made a mistake by paying 10 million? Sounds like a bought account to me. Anyone who has been playing for a while would know the approximate value of the feet, and if it was a button they pressed by accident then they would have known it immediatly.

I don't feel bad for this person who overpaid.

(Amount I paid for mannequin feet - 60k)
#10 Jan 23 2006 at 12:24 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
probably would have considered refund if he were nice about it. the choice whether or not to refund however, ultimately rests with the one selling the mannequin feet.

but definitely wouldn't refund after threats. would've logged the dialogue, and called a GM. and watch the flame wars happen. heh.
#11 Jan 23 2006 at 2:34 PM Rating: Decent
729 posts
If this were an AH purchase I would give back some money maybe all of it.

This was a bazaar purchase. To make a mistake here is much harder to do. Maybe I would give some money back, but to mistake 100,000 for 10,000,000 is crazy.

Since he was rude (although this is your story, I have not heard his), I would not give him anything.

Rep? meh, who knows, there were lots of people I felt rubbed me the wrong way, never blacklisted them but you know I always told myself I would never play with them again. You know what? I don't remember any of those players anymore lol.

I agree its important to have a good rep. However, I wouldn't be too concerned about it, there are too many people playing this game.
#12 Jan 23 2006 at 5:17 PM Rating: Good
699 posts
You guys brought up many good points.

Also, I wondered as well, as to how the buyer in fact made such an egregious mistake in purchasing a bazaar item. I asked my friend about this afterwards. He told me that the buyer realized a few days later that the mannequin parts were not worth $10 Million. Thats when he/she "demanded" his money back.

This seemed incredibly strange. If it was an overbid on an AH item, I would definitely be willing to give the buyer the money back. That mistake is certainly common enough. However, it was a bazaar item he bought. Unless I was heavily intoxicated, I do not understand how I would be able to make such a mistake.

I don't think it was a person who bought their account. The threats came from both the buyer, as well as some other of his/her high-level friends. I searched all the names as it was happening. I can verify that they were infact the same ranks and levels, and for whatever reason, altogether in the same place. However, again, I have no way of verifying my friend's claim.

I did tell my friend to call the GM. However, he unfortunately had one bad experience with a GM while camping an NM, so he is under the impression that they are not particularly helpful.

As for the gravity of the threats, these threats would not affect me at all. I tried to tell my freind to pay them no mind. But, the seller in this case is really just a young kid, barely into his teens. He is quite impressionable, and it sort of crushed him to hear these players slander him. He really was genuinely frightened that this situation would result in end-game problems for him.

Again, I'd be interested to hear the other side of the story. I know this guy (the seller) pretty well, and have no reason to believe he embellished his account of the situation. Nonetheless, a more complete picture is always appreciated.


Edit: My grammar sucks today.

Edited, Mon Jan 23 17:21:49 2006 by galapagosiananna
#13 Jan 23 2006 at 7:29 PM Rating: Good
792 posts
On an off-note, I think you write very eloquently. I might just decide to karma-camp you with rate-ups. =P
#14 Jan 23 2006 at 11:29 PM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
I hope this can resolve without starting into another big drama. Also one can see the danger of those "Centranne-like" thread... If OP story is true, I can see it is possible for those HL people to BS all the way to make OP's friend as like most evil sinner in the game.

OP's friend should not feel afraid to GM call. My encounters with GM are always very good. Just treat GM has another human with digity who works for a company that has binding rules -- you will think GM a lot better. They may not able to help 100% in all situations, but I think player-player verbal harrassement is something GM can do something about. I do agree GM can be powerless in a lot of situations, but there are clear motivations for that... What happen if GM is too powerful, and can ban people too easily... you probably do not want to see that.

Posting from O.o

Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#15 Jan 24 2006 at 4:03 AM Rating: Decent
433 posts
i think ama worries too much. lol. =)
#16 Jan 24 2006 at 7:56 AM Rating: Good
792 posts

Posting from O.o


Yeah, I know that place! It's just don the road from XD, right? Maybe closer to =P?

#17 Jan 24 2006 at 9:06 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
i think ama worries too much. lol. =)

An evidence of addiction :(

But I mostly just sit around Jeuno or Windurst, and may be go cook some game food or do exp pt. If anyone want to bother me, and I am paying attention, please bother me. :)
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#18 Jan 24 2006 at 5:46 PM Rating: Decent
155 posts
I would have given the money back. Ok, s/he made a mistake. It happened once. If it happened twice i could see why you wouldnt want to give the gil back. You also mentioned that your friend did not really want to sell the feet anyways. Seems they got lucky that someone may or may not have bought it by accident. Just because they made a killing, they dont want to give the gil back, which is understandable. Personally i think that is greedy to only want to give back 5 mill.... I mean come on, you get your feet, they get thier money, pretend it never happened.

If you really wanted to keep some of the money, maybe keep 1 mill or so, that would teach the person a lesson, but would not totally ***** them out of thier gil. (Hard earned or otherwise)
#19 Jan 26 2006 at 10:20 AM Rating: Decent
6,631 posts
The world will so MUCH better if people take responsibility of their own actions... inclduing f**k ups. Too bad, we all know how humans are.

Edited, Thu Jan 26 10:21:20 2006 by scchan
Amanada (Cerberus-Retired) (aka MaiNoKen/Steven)
-- Thank you for the fun times in Vana'diel

Art for the sake of art itself is an idle sentence.
Art for the sake of truth, for the sake of what is
beautiful and good — that is the creed I seek.
- George Sand

A designer knows he has achieved perfection,
not when there is nothing left to add,
but when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
#20 Jan 26 2006 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
160 posts
Ok this is more of a joke because im sitting at work reading this thread. In my line of work in rl there is a disclosure that all people have to read and sign before making a purchase. Several times infact, one single document and on the final contract with all figures.
It reads as follows: modified to fit for ffxi =)
"No Cooling-off Period"
Cerebus law does not provide for a "Cooling off" or other cancellation period for a bazar lease or purchase contract. Therefore, you cannot later cancel such contract simply because you changed your mind, decide the item costs too much, or wish you had acquired a different item. After you sign a cerebus bazar purchase or lease contract, it may only be canceled with the agreement of the seller ot lessor or for legal cause, such as fraud.

Now just imagine if SE was like a state legislature and put one of these agreements into effect on all bazar purchases. As my general manager would say if a salesman asked to undo a deal because of a customer complaint. Someone got their head ripped off and has buyers remorce. Did they complete the transaction? "yes" Well then they are a owner. Only way out of the deal is if they trade it in for $4000.00 less than what they bought it for.

All in good fun. Tell your friend to do as they want, the other person made the mistake. It's not your friends fault.

Edited, Thu Jan 26 12:43:05 2006 by pebblebammer
#21 Jan 27 2006 at 8:56 PM Rating: Decent
double post ; ;

Edited, Fri Jan 27 21:02:33 2006 by FurionTheSamurai
#22 Jan 27 2006 at 9:01 PM Rating: Decent
If the buyer was a high level and high rank, then why did it take them a few days to realize they made a mistake by paying 10 million? Sounds like a bought account to me. Anyone who has been playing for a while would know the approximate value of the feet, and if it was a button they pressed by accident then they would have known it immediatly.

From: NOiSEA

Nuff said XD.
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