Hello all,
Hopefully, I know quite a few of you as I have been playing ever since the U.S. release. I am here because I have been toying with the thought of switching linshells. Don't get me wrong I luv my current linkshell...well the people anyway. I am just wanting to see what my other options are is all. I would like a shell that has a goal in mind for all it's members. A shell that likes to do gil runs for its members(ksnm or bcnm). I have tried as have others in my shell to put gil runs together. There is never interest for this and as a crafter I need gil for skilling up. Also, would like to sign a Vermy >.<
Ok well let me list my current stats:
75whm--75rdm--61blm--31smn--2?brd--18pup--15thf--13bst and all other jobs at 10 ^.^
I have SKY and SEA! Have all major cities in Dynamis done.
45fishing--60cooking--65clothcraft(I really want to hit 100)
As you can see from my stats I enjoy playing mage jobs. I must admit that as a Elvaan they are a bit challenging but fun none the less.
I understand that some shells have a trial basis and I am fine with that^.^ So if I sound like a good candidate for your shell please send me a tell in game^.^ My 65 Galka npc and I will be awaiting your response.