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What is Your Character's Story?Follow

#1 Mar 15 2006 at 5:32 PM Rating: Default
417 posts
Hello all! I've been on quite a writing spree lately, and I got sort of an idea. This is something for pure role play, and no truth needs to be behind it. The purpose of this post is to give a little story on how your character came to what he or she is today :D. I'll start, to give an example, and my story.

My name is Xodious. I was born in San d'Oria to a very loving mother. My father had left us soon after I was born, and I never saw too much of him. My mother passed away when I was five, and I was taken by the church in Northern San d'Oria. From that day forth, for eighteen long years, I trained myself in the skills of the Warrior. When I was 21, I finally got my adventurer's certificate, and began my journey as an adventurer. I set off, a bright new adventurer, with the compassion to fight for honor, valor, and for San d'Oria, and the will to travel and see as much as I could. I made many allies on my adventures, mentionable names such as Dracen, Syden, Haduken,and several other adventurers with the same goals as mine. We never stood down to any challenge that presented itself, and stuck together through the good times and the bad.

Months passed, and my skills heightened. Soon, I learned the ways of the Samurai, and learned to hone my abilites. I had become all powerful, all that I'd hoped to be. Until one day, I found record of my father. He was a Monk in the San d'Orian - Bastokan brigade, whom was never seen again after an orcish ambush. Upon learning this information, I returned to San d'Oria. Upon arrival, I was taken in by the priests, who offered to teach me fighting skills unsurpassable by any other style. I've taken the teachings of the ancient warriors of our lands, the Monks. As of this day, I'm a Monk at heart. I fight in the name of my father, for the Monks that have fallen in battle, and for the vengence that awaits for any beastman that threaten me or my allies...

There you have it! Feel free to post a little bio about yourself. If not, feel free to stop by and read. :)

#2 Mar 15 2006 at 5:42 PM Rating: Decent
i have no clue....but i sent you a friend request over myspace. :D
#3 Mar 15 2006 at 6:30 PM Rating: Default
Roni- Char name Ronillio
Birthplace: Windurst
Current Residence: Jeuno
Raised in Windurst as a hume with Tarus' and Mithras' alike, Ronillio, with his twin brother Romillio, were raised with two loving parents. The mother Olivia (RL mother) was a WHM BLM and RDM and NIN and Kevin (RL father) was a DRG WAR SAM SMN. Ronillio wanted to be like his father and be a DRG while Rom wanted to be a NIN.
After years of magic and physcial training, they were to be on their own. Each of them set out to be their hearts desire...until a fateful day struck Romillio.. to be continued

just a little drama. im bored and i had nothing better to do

Edited, Wed Mar 15 18:30:48 2006 by Ronillio
#4 Mar 15 2006 at 6:47 PM Rating: Decent
1,497 posts
Shykin, Erpallacion, Arcana

As a child, I wanted to be like my father. However, dragoons are a rarity. Both my parents are from jeuno. I am the son of a dragoon and paladin. They started thier adventures in bastok so we settled there soon after I was born. At eight I liked to play with a tarutaru sized spear. I'd say "I'm gonna become a great dragoon and become a legend!" my dad just smiled... looked at me and patted me on the head everytime. He wanted to believe I would be like him after all my middle name was the same as the last dragoons but the truth was... my chances of finding a wyvern was slim to none.

Then one day, my father brought home a small wyvern wraped up. The wyvern was wounded and looked young. My father was a dragoon since he was 16 so he knew how to take of it. His wyvern kept looking over him... at the small little creature. Late at night he finished with the wyvern. He woke with the sun in his eye's. He didn't see the wyvern anywhere. My mother put her hand on his shoulder and pointed at my bed. The wyvern cuddled next me. When I woke up I ran to my parent's and asked "Can I be a dragoon with her?!" he smiled and siad "Sure if it is alright with her" "Oh it's alright celeste told me so!" "Celeste?" "Thats what she said her name was!".

As I grew up I got better faster than my dad. By 16 I was training in qufim. By 18 I was about to meet maat to push my self farther. I was somewhat... poor. I didn't have a large income so I took up mercenary jobs. After awhile I was partnered up with another dragoon; Celina. The client wanted us to go to the glacier and chip off a piece of the crystals next to the sea. He had to camp together a couple times. At first we only wanted to finish the job then our wyverns began playing together slowly we became friends.

We took difficult jobs together, as a team we could take even the toughest jobs. As we gained money I proposed to her. She accepted immedently, we were happy and so were our wyverns. The day before the wedding we got a job to go to davoi and take care of a demon that was going to speak to the orc's. San d'oria was worried but at the time most of the knights were on a training mission so we were sent. We had to cut through orc after orc until we saw the demon enter something. I told her to go ahead while I held off the orc's. After awhile I finished the orc's and heard celina scream. I ran into the hut and found her in a spell with a black ball around her. I took the dagger I alway's carried with me and threw it at the demon landing right in his skull killing instantly.

I carried her to a outpost and that night she went insane, the demon cursed her and she killed the guards... and almost me. I tried to only stun her but I... killed her. I never will forgive myself and I always wear the ring of our marrige. I continued to become better and promised I would avenge her and promised to kill every demon. I became a ballista player, though I have friends and fans from ballista. I will never forget what I promised and never lose my ring.

Note: This is a Bio and was not written like I would a true story.
#5 Mar 15 2006 at 7:46 PM Rating: Good
130 posts
Oh Man! Garek had printed up an awesome story about my tarutaru's life as well as many other's in our old ls, which I think, may be lost forever. =( So Garek, if you by chance you saved those stories please post them!^^
#6 Mar 15 2006 at 9:17 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
Oh Man! Garek had printed up an awesome story about my tarutaru's life as well as many other's in our old ls, which I think, may be lost forever. =( So Garek, if you by chance you saved those stories please post them!^^

Allow me.;mid=1135222669280323535;num=6;page=1
Couldn't find anything about your Taru's life Lou...sawwwyyyy >.<

Edited, Wed Mar 15 21:21:04 2006 by Gamion
#7 Mar 15 2006 at 10:42 PM Rating: Decent
591 posts
I wont include my 3 years of my characters history....

I will say this though, I am happier now, then I was back then.

An I'll give my story, when I quit this game, might look at people more diffrently when I do =)

Edited, Wed Mar 15 23:17:42 2006 by ZanonX

Wife: Akirah
#8 Mar 16 2006 at 1:08 AM Rating: Good
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Rewritten ...and it has never been told before., based off of my character's experiance one night in Mhuara.
I trace her name out in the dust on the red stained glass window, over and over again.


Outside, I know the rain is falling.

It is splish-splashing against the Mhaurain pavement, running down the main street into the ocean at the end of the road.

Her name still rides on my lips and her picture is burned still upon matter how much I try to forget her or try to lose myself in others I find myself still thinking of her.

I downed the rest of my ale in one smooth gulp, and indicated the petite waitress with the long brown hair to bring me another one. She looked at me with a slight concern in her eyes as she caught my guesture, and then went off to the bar to get a fresh glass. She sat it down in front of me, causing the foam head starting to spill over the lip of the glass a little bit and slide down to the faded teak wood tabletop.

I picked the glass up, and look back at the murky reflection staring out at me from the golden liquid inside.

Her long brown hair...her golden eyes...her cherry lips...

Dancing with me under the moon next to the river.

Our first kiss, a bit nervous, a bit shy, underneath that tree with the blue sparkles.

Where I later proposed to her.

My eyes start to well up, and spill over into my ale. I shake my head gently. The past is just that...


Suddenly, I found that I couldn’t drink anymore. Setting my ale back down upon it’s water ring on the wooden table, I tossed a small pile of gil down next to it and quietly left.

I hate the rain.

I hate the ******* rain.

It’s always ******* everything up, always soaking through everything. Why, last time when I had FINALLY managed to convince that nice ***** mithra chick and her friend to go back to my place for a ‘nightcap’...the rain fell and got into her fur. It appeared to unfortunately knock some sense into the mithra, as she then claimed that she had to go home and dry herself out for the next six hours.

Not to mention that I caught pneumonia that night also that landed me on my back in bed for the following three weeks, because I had then given my jacket to that mithra’s friend to wear.


It’s unimportant.

I wobblee down the street and flipped a dirty gil piece at the beggar half-knelt under a small shanty along the street side. Instantly, the vagrant reached out and caught it greedily between his fingertips and immediately scurried off to the pub where I had just exited, probably to get drunk.

Like me, I thought to myself half amused.

I snuck beneath the chainlink fence guarding the docks, and sat down among the tackle repositories and fisheries. As the sun started to fade away into a hazy night, I drew my knees up and wrapped my arms around them, my mind slipping back into old thought patterns.

She loved sunsets.

She would snuggle up against me, smelling of that juicy red fruit whose name I could never remember...some berry I think?

Mindlessly, I casted a small stone upon the water’s surface, and then watched with some small degree of satisfaction as it skipped three times before sinking to the bottom of the crystal blue waters of the Bastore Sea.

Now what?

I suppose I could go back to worshipping the Goddess of the Dawn, trying to follow Her to the ends of the globe.

Or I could go create an entirely new magic circle, with a whole new brand of magic to go with it.

Or I could try to find someone to spend the night with. I saw this mithra the other day...kinda shrimpy in size, but still attractive. I think she gave me a glance, but then scurried off. Just work a bit of the ol’Hume charm, and I can probably make her mine in time for dinner.

Or I could sprout wings and touch the sky, at the rate I am going about doing things.

Damn it all!

I half-wish that the guardians of legend to Altana would come and take me away to that hell without even bothering to pass judgement on me. All decked out in the crimson armor that is said to be stained with the blood of those that dared to not obey Her and decided to rebel in Paradise.

If I remember my religion correctly, She was forced to cast those goddess-forsaken souls down to Mordion Goal, where they still exist, ruled over by Ariminsol. Of course, that is only a fairy tale spoken back in the days when the Elvaan still roamed the Quon continent.

Fairy tales...

“Our love is a fairy tale, and it has never been told before.”

I still remember her whispering that gently into my ear once, dressed only in a filmy triangle of peach colored mesh. I even remember when that particular night was since I had just ordained the wedding of Koji and Sango underneath the Celestial Moon a few hours earlier, where it was immediately interrupted by the fifth demon awakening to continue to wipe Koji’s linage from the face of the planet

Using the fish stands on either side of me, I pulled myself back to my feet and then stripped down to the nude. Feeling the cool sand beneath my toes, I got a running start and then dove into the water. With simple strokes, I then swam to the stone archway where the ferry passes nonstop underneath everyday and night while carrying a lot of washed out people to and from Selbina.

As I climbed out of the water onto the arch, I felt the moonlight dried the water clinging to my back which left a thin layer of salt behind. Free-climbing up the various natural handholds embedded in the rock, I eventually reached the top. Standing there for a brief moment before collapsing into a sprawl-eagled pile atop of slimy green moss.

Yeah, I have to be drunk...

Because I can sense her next to me.

It's funny...if I lay still at night with my eyes shut, I can almost feel her climb into bed with me sometimes. I can hear her heartbeat, feel her slender body's warmth pour across me, her arms wrapped tightly around my waist as she breathes softly into the nape of my neck.

And...if I can resist moving long enough, I can even start to smell the scent of her body lotion and hear those little murmurs of hers as she talks in her sleep, like she always used to do.

Eventually I can't take it anymore and when I turn over to see her, to kiss her, to just tell her that I love her and always will...

I find that I'm alone.


Like she never existed. Like our love really was just a fairy tale...and it has never been told to anyone before.


I gently closed my eyes and suddenly I started to feel her salt raked body laying next to me, as if she swam through the sea to lay here next to me.

I'll move on...

But not tonight.

Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#9 Mar 16 2006 at 11:20 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts

I can't really post a bio right now, but perhaps later. A majority of Tenshihi's history can be found on the Angelic Tears RP/Fanfic forum (which is looking for more members across all servers *nudgenudge*).
#10 Mar 16 2006 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
130 posts
Allow me.;page=1
Couldn't find anything about your Taru's life Lou...sawwwyyyy >.<

That story, by far, is my favorite. I always laugh over how we chose the color of the pearl lol. Thanks Gam.^^
#11 Mar 16 2006 at 1:49 PM Rating: Good
1,592 posts
=) =) =) =)
#12 Mar 16 2006 at 2:55 PM Rating: Decent
Well here is a small bio... I'm actually writing a book on this character. But first the short specifics.
Name: Ryu Reokudo
Age: 21
Race: Demi-Human.
And... here it goes.

Upon the outskirts of a small farm village, the sounds of young children could be heard within the distance, the sound of a few elderly gentleman could be heard. The villagers going about their daily routines, one child however stood alone by a well glaring down the emptiness of the well, he slowly poked down several stones atop of the wells top watching as they fell into the dark abyss underneath. A powerful wind flew by... The sky had begun to darken. The sounds of beating wings could now be heard in the distance, within the dark clouds in the sky arose a large hole in which a large ball of flames emanted from, the ball of flames landed upon the center of the village engulfing all those withing the vincinity in flames scorching their bodies to ash in mere seconds, the boys eyes widened as he watched the horror from the sky, quickly he turned towards his left towards the exit of the village, from the sky once again yet another ball of flames had shot down landing upon the ground in front of the boy engulfing his body in flames.(Thought this was the main character didn't you?) From the sky two large beings descended, a Black Dragon, whose body towered over the buildings, its wings spanning several hundred feet, four large twisted black horns upon the left and right sides of its head, large serrated teeth could be seen protruding from the sides of its snout, its eyes red. The red dragon itself shared similar characteristics, its eyes were emerald however, two horns were atop of its head slowly twisting towards its neck.

As they both landed upon the ground the Black Dragon murmered something in a language inaudible to the villagers. The red Dragon smirked as it proceeded to dart towards the farm houses feeding upon the livestock and crushing any mortal creature that stood in its way. The Black Dragon slowly faded from sight within a black mist. A young child several meters from the village could be seen carrying two buckets filled with water, at the sight of the burnign village his eyes widened, his heart raced, he raced towards the burning village his heart and mind set on returning home and finding his mother. As he ran he could hear the sounds of the children as the red Dragon grabbed a handful of them and crushed their frail little bodies, the sounds of bones being crushed and mangled screams could be heard. The boy hesitated no longer, he ran to his home and banged upon the door shouting for his mother. After five or so minutes the door had finally opened, a woman seemingly to appear in her late 30's could be seen walking out of the doorway, a plaid white silk dress, long brown hair towards the underside of her shoulders, hazel eyes. She knelt beside the boy saying "Why did you return!? You must run! You must not let them find you! Quickly!" The boy did not understand what his mother wanted of him, he didn't want to run. From blackened doorway arose two red colored eyes beaming from behind his mother. Within an instant the house had crumbled as the Black Dragon had appeared, quickly the boys mother was held in its right hand, its talons piercing into her flesh, te boy could do nothing more than stare in awe and in horror as he took several steps back only to fall upon his rear end. The Black Dragon glared unto the boy, then unto his mother, he smirked as his talons slowly went in deeper into the boys mother. She grunted in pain only to say "Ryu... Just run... Why do you stay...?" Before he could speak the black dragons talons pierced into her body further cutting her body into two halves, her innards falling and plopping to the ground covering Ryu in her blood, he could not believe his eyes, his mother taken in front of him, he was powerless. The Black Dragon took a step fowards lowering his head towards Ryu, his eyes peering down at him as he said "Young child... Ryu. You shall be the last survivor of this village. We of the Dark Legion want nothing more than another war with the humans, we wish for you... To become a warrior, to rise up to us.. Bring companions or come alone, it matters not. We wait for a challenge... If not the death of your fellow friends and family... Then let it be the detah of your mother that fuels your anger, your ambition to become a warrior!" (I'll finish this tomorrow)
#13 Mar 16 2006 at 3:18 PM Rating: Good
251 posts
So many good stories thus far! <3 Remember, if you want to put your fanfics in a more visible, permanent spot, the Fanfic Thread is open for such things! But now, I'll throw in my origin story ("No Trespassing"):

If you live in San d'Oria and aren't elvaan, well, you know there's going to be some...friction. For the parents of Phyree, this was all-too-true. They came from the crowded and dirty streets of Bastok to San d'Oria while Phyree was still being carried in her mother's womb. The mighty kingdom offered security and a pristine enviroment to raise a child.

Culturally, it was tough. Phyree's mother gave birth and now there was another mouth to feed. Not being able to find work elsewhere because they were hume, and not having the gil to start their own business, they both joined the military. Phyree's parents enlisted and were soon called up to arms to fight in the Great War.

While in Tavnazia, both Phyree's mother and father died during the climactic last battle. Before passing, Phyree's father told a rather compassionate elvaan he served beside of his daughter back in San d'Oria and asked him to take care of her knowing the elvaan had a daughter of his own back at home. With his dying breath, Phyree's father handed over an heirloom amulet and a thank you.


Ten years later...


"Phyree, come on," Deedlit pleaded, "we'll be late coming home and dad'll kill us if mom doesn't first for missing dinner!"

"Wait for me, sister, I'm coming!" The two girls ran through Victory Square toward their house. The sun was setting, but the mighty city-state was still bustling with activity. Before entering the door, Phyree said a small prayer to Altana as the cathedral bells rang in dismissal of the evening mass.

"Where have you girls been," asked their father sternly.

"Ummm," Phyree stammered.

"We were scouting the forest for invaders, father," stated Deedlit.

"Girls, what did I tell you about going out into the forest?"

Phyree looked away sheepishly, but her sister reported back, "Never to do it."

He sighed but smiled and welcomed each of them in for a hug. "I really worry about you two," he said, "that's why I took a job working in the that I can always watch over you." While addressed to both, their father's eyes gazed into Phyree's.

Deedlit was older than Phyree by three years and had pursued the combative arts as an emulation of her father's active and honorable service to the crown. Phyree always was drawn to curative magic and the teachings of Altana, and some of that rubbed off on her sister too. Phyree could never explain it, but the necklace she wore bore the Dawn Goddess's image and had her family name emblazoned across a shield standard.

Phyree took up a job working part time to advertise for Regine's Magic Mart by handing out flyers and as a way to save up enough gil for her first spell. She also spent most of her days at the cathedral speaking to the friars about white magic and what it meant to be a follower of Altana. Her sister, Deedlit, took up the sword and was a Junior Royal Guard. During the day she'd train with an instructor in weapon use. The evenings found each girl meeting up by the fountain in Victory Square and sharing their daily adventures with each other.

One evening Phyree rushed toward her sister with a furled scroll in her hands. "Deed, Deed, I did it! I bought my first spell!"

Phyree's sister motioned joyfully, "That's wonderful! Can you use it?"

Phyree pouted, "No, I don't understand it. I asked Regine and the friars and even random adventurers walking the street about it."

"What did they say?"

"That I'll be able to read it 'when it is time' or some such thing." The young blonde girl humphed and puffed and her sister consoled her.

"Wanna know what I found out today while at the Chateau training?"

"Oooh what what?" Phyree was abuzz at the dangled carrot of a rumor in front of her.

"I hear that there is an orc being held in the prison under the chateau."

"No way!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna ask dad about it when we get home because that's where he works."

"Nuh-unh, let's go ourselves!"

"But Phyree...," Deedlit sounded pensive.

"I know a way we can sneak inside through the cathedral! Come on, it'll be fun and we can finally see an orc up close. You've always told me you can't wait to be able to defend our city from them!" Both sisters shared a smile and nodded.

"Fine," agreed Deedlit, "but let's go home first before we are locked up in our room for being late again."

Over the next few days, the young hume and the elvaan schemed how they'd infiltrate the Oubliette. It was decided that during one of the sermons they'd sneak out of the back of the service and slink upstairs to where a vent was which would let them slide down into the water system. The reconstruction of the cathedral from its wartime damages allowed for easier access to these spots and they conjectured there were further links between the prison, palace, and pulpit.

Before bed the night before, the two sisters giggled and plotted. "Good night sister, here's to tomorrow," said Phyree in a whispered cheer.

"Good night sister, here's to our adventure," yawned Deedlit.

The day passed seemingly forever. Their father hugged and kissed them goodbye on his way to work and soon after the girls left for school. As always, they met up at the fountain and discussed the plan.


"Ready," confirmed Deedlit. The blonde eleven year old and white-haired fourteen year old strode confidently toward the cathedral for the afternoon mass.

So far so good, the mass was going per usual and on cue the congregational prayer began. The two girls backed out of the main hall and headed upstairs unnoticed. The prayer echoed from below but from up ahead they heard some angry talk. The girls placed their ears to the door and heard the Papsque chew out some underling. From what they gleaned he was talking about some kind of sword called the Lightbringer and they heard him mention orcs. Losing heed in the papal tirade, they remembered their mission. Each nodded at the other and continued.

"No Trespassing" said the sign close to the construction area. That didn't mean much to the mischevious duo.

The lithe girls wiggled into the construction area and started down the ladder leading below ground. Phyree almost lost her scroll that she worked so hard for. "Phew! I don't wanna lose this!" Her sister looked up and cautioned her to be careful and that she had ripped a hole in her pants in an embarassing place while crawling through the debris. "Just keep going," chided Phyree with a blush. Each splashed into the water which they assumed flowed out to the moat.

The tunnels wound around and the girls got into a scuffle because they came so far without a map. But it ended in a hug and a strengthened resolve to long as they could get back and clean by the time their dad got home. Soon they came across a maintenance access tunnel and they crawled inside, Deedlit first as to avoid more ribbing. The tunnel took a sharp turn upward and Phyree thought that this was it. "Let's go!" she excitedly said.

Soon the girls found themselves climbing through the circulation system. Every cell had a grate that allowed air from above to filter into the musty wetness of the prison. It wasn't hard to find the orc, they followed the smell. Eyes and mouths grew wide as for the first time the girls saw a real live orc.

"Psst," whispered Deedlit.


"You are breathing on my ear." Deedlit twitched her slender elvaan ear and it flicked her sister in the nose. Phyree muffled a giggle and nodded in apology, a short blonde ponytail bobbing behind her.

Despite being hidden, each ducked down when they heard a latch echo open. A man came to the cell and the guard let them be. The girls overheard the man speak to the orc in its grunting language. A small tube was handed over to the prisoner from the robed man. They exchanged a grunt and a nod and the man called for the guard to return. To the girls' surprise, it was their father! When he went to let them out, the orc jumped up and assaulted him with a combo attack.

"Father, no!" shouted Deedlit. He looked up to see one of his daughters behind the air vent but soon saw nothing as an orcish fist slammed into his face.

"No! Dad!" Phyree was shouting and shaking the old bars.

Deedlit sat back and used her advanced (for her age versus a hume anyway) strength to kick out the air vent. The orc and the robed hume took off. "Deed, go on, I'll take care of Dad. Whatever happened couldn't be good!" Deedlit looked longingly at her sister but ran off in the direction of the escapees.

Phyree sat over her unconscious and bleeding adoptive father and cried. As she did a soft glowing aura emitted from her waist. It was her scroll! Phyree opened it with her small hands and read it. The runic symbols just seemed to make sense now when seen through the misty tears of love and compassion. As she read the spell it seemed so obvious and natural to her caring heart. After she had completed the reading, her father became encompassed in a violet cloud of gentle warmth. His bloodied nose healed and he started coming to. "Daddy!" Dazed, he was told quickly by his daughter what happened...after a big hug.

Deedlit, tall and atheletic as elvaan naturally are, sprinted down the hall. She reached a fork and found she lost the hume but managed to see the tail of the orc round a corner at the end of the right branch. She took off after it, trying to remember her sword training. The wax sword at her side beat against her long, firm leg as she ran.

"Stop!" she shouted. The orc turned its head but dismissed the young elvaan. "I know your secret and the tube you carry!" This bluff caught its attention and the orc turned around, ready to engage the potential morsel. Deedlit didn't understand what it was shouting but she understood the body language and drew her sword. She parried a fist that came her way and evaded the second. A backhand caught her across the face but she stood her ground, wiping blood from her mouth and wincing from pain.

"I'm over here!" Deedlit kept shouting and soon she heard footsteps. Phyree and their father rounded the corner. The orc shifted his attention to the larger threat of the grown and trained elvaan guard. It wasn't long for the sortie to end with the orc laying slain before the father and his two daughters. Phyree tended to her sister but couldn't seem to summon any more healing thoughts for her.

"Don't worry sister, I'll be alright." They shared a smile, a hug, and Phyree gave the bruised cheek of Deedlit a kiss as interim healing.

The sought-after and fought-over tube ended up containing the castle's floor plans and the crown promoted the girls' father for his heroism. This predicament uncovered a conspiracy where secrets were being sold to the orcs to invade San d'Oria! The orc that had escaped his cell was on his way to West Ronfaure then head north to Ghelsba in order to copy and spread the plans, no doubt.

The sisters also received honorary awards, that is after serving their time in their room as punishment. To this day they still share the deep bond of their very first adventure ever and look to the women they are today because of it. Always they have been on the lookout for the hooded man that was conspiring with the orcs and it was rumored he still operates somewhere in the city today...
#14 Mar 16 2006 at 4:57 PM Rating: Default

my mom was a jeuno *****... my dad was drunk and paid 5 bucks to bang that *****... he didn't use a rubber... i was born

The End
#15 Mar 16 2006 at 5:26 PM Rating: Decent
134 posts
I wrote this a long time ago for the roleplaying linkshell Dawn! If it's bad, that's because it's old. It's sort of a compressed history of my FFXI character Ferra, who's full name is Ferratha Zaf-Rrawhya


Dear sweet Alex, can you read this?

Of course you can't. I found your bones in Fei'Yin, and yet you're still somehow finding a way to haunt me.

This is your journal.

I will write my own story in it. After this, Alex, I'm burning the traces of you, of my past. Tragedy is a part of this life I've been granted, and I will accept that. But Alex? With this tragedy comes something kindread to rebirth. I find that I may have a chance to be happy again, but not until I finish what has been started.

So it begins.

Zaf-Rrawhya is the name my mother, Mifalrria recieved from her mother, and her mother before that. Long before anyone can remember, the Zaf-Rrawhya family had been a part of Kazham's elite. With the inevitable destiny that her name had forsaken her to hanging over her head, Mifalrria became obsessed with that destiny. True to form, she became elite, and what appeared to be a guarentee in her perpetuation of the her family's name and status. What came then was a surprise to her and all of Kazham, and stretched, some say, as far as Windurst.

My mother was assigned to a male.

It became obvious to the Chieftainness that Mifalrria had become more than elite: beyond her control. The only way to keep this mithran woman from overthrowing her was to tie her down with a child. This wasn't entirely the Chieftainness' reasoning, of course, she simply had more of a perogative to condemn my mother than normal circumstances would have provided. Kazham had been sufferring from sickly, weak offspring, and Mifalrria had high hopes placed on her of giving birth to a stronger male.

Mifalrria was furious. Before her ritual took place, she took a suicide mission. She began an exploration of the Den of Rancor, and soiled the Tonberry's sacred altar. Her rage turned in to madness for a few scant moments, and she filled the Den with the bodies of Tonberries. To this day, I would be hard pressed to venture in to the depths of the Den, afraid I may find my mother's words written in blood along the walls of the ruined altar.

After being forcefully removed from the Den, she was involuntarily pinned with a child.

With me, Alex.

She took the months sedated, and calm. The clan was surprised at her inward behavior, and kept an eye on her for a time. Eventually, they began to bore of spying on her mundane, seemingly mechanical (If you don't know that term, Alexandyr, I apologize. It's one they use in the Metalworks.) attitude. What the mithra fail to grasp to this day is that if the mother does not wish for her child to be happy and healthy, her child rarely is. I was stealing a part of my mother's soul, growing inside of her. She wouldn't give it to me, and therefore I fought her for it. I do believe that to this day.

The night before I was born, she walked silently out of her hut, and on to a cargo airship. No one shot a second glance at her, for what reason I do not know.

I was born in an airship agency dock, one that I suspect is the Tenshodo's, seeing as they were the only foreigners with any sort of access (With the Chieftainness' consent, I'm not sure.) to Kazham at that time. My hume mother, Alielle was present during this time, and took me quietly to her temporary home in Jeuno before Mifalrria had a chance to murder me. She was immediately forced back to Kazham, and I was presumed to be dead, a miscarriage.

I'm certain that by now you're quite curious as to how I know this. After my mother died during a surprise attack launched by a madness-driven Tonberry clan, I was granted the few posessions she owned. A papyrus and leather bound journal was one of these items.
#16 Mar 16 2006 at 10:22 PM Rating: Good
89 posts
Wow, I almost forgot about the stories for each of us on like the dead sea scrolls lol, but I think I have them somewhere, providing I have the blessing from all of the other original founding members, I'll post as soon as I can.

#17 Mar 17 2006 at 12:37 AM Rating: Good
346 posts
Parental Advisory Warning: The following story contains explicite content, hate, malice, love, laughter, and the raw truth. If you wish to keep your children ignor--- ahem, innocent, then do not let them read this. Otherwise, read on.

My name's Szan. Szandor, really, but my few remaining friends call me Szan. Szan, patron Saint of ********** so dubbed because of my congenial personality.

Parents? **** em, never knew em. Parents imply a past, a story that's been told, already finished. Never much cared for things done and over.

That's not to say the past has no influence, mind you. There's a few loose ends I have to take care of before I go boots up. Promises to dead friends. I aim to honor them, and keep my pride.

Pride.... Weird. Not a word I commonly use. Something I rather show through my actions then speak through my lips. I've listened to too many Galka tales. I just might grow a tail of my own.

You're right, I'm not talking much about growing up here. Why should I? Bastok's considered the south end **** collector of the nations. Jeuno's ohhhh so "Cosmopolitan" and Sandy's so damned dignified and formal it's such a lofty place to live. And Windurst? Bah. Furballs and oversized rodents running around the place singing tra-la-la-la songs.

You want friendlyness? Go to the Durst. Ain't here. Bastok's no town for the thin-skinned. Respect? You have to earn it. Just because you're breathing doesn't mean you deserve respect or friendliness. We let the Quadavs make practice weapons out of the bones of those who breakdown here.

Prove to me you're worth a damn and I'll defend you. Prove to me you're worth interacting with afterwards and then I'll lighten up. I might even call you a friend, be you pointy-earred, furry, pip-squeak, or boulder sized.

No. This is not anger. This is not meaness. This is stubborness mixed with a passion for being alive. This is the spirit of Bastok. We will not break, never lie down, never bend over for anyone. We don't study the stars here, we aim for them.

And so do I. Now scram, kid. I've got some stuff to smith.

/end fic.

Edit: typos.

Edited, Fri Mar 17 00:39:45 2006 by szandorr
#18 Mar 17 2006 at 1:51 AM Rating: Good
130 posts
Wow, I almost forgot about the stories for each of us on like the dead sea scrolls lol, but I think I have them somewhere, providing I have the blessing from all of the other original founding members, I'll post as soon as I can.


Omg you still have them! Yes, please post them as soon as possible! lol

#19 Mar 24 2006 at 9:39 PM Rating: Decent
Well, I'll tell of my Taru.

My name is Taruofhell, I was born in the Lush riverside of Windurst. I have had some previous knowledge to the area, as well as some idea where the shops were located. my first job was to be a monk. the area was still confusing to me despite "past lives" that have wandered the area.

As I trained I grew stronger and could afford much more weapons and armor. Being a level 8 tiny taru, I ventured all the way from Windurst to Bastok with little difficulty and level 8.
In Valkurm I joined many parties until I gave up on MNK all together. I Journeyed back to Bastok to decide my new job, I became a black mage. In my Mailbox I found some surprise items from "a secret santa" to help in my conquest as a black mage.

So far, being a black mage isn't very costly for me, I'm still working up to level 10.
#20 Mar 25 2006 at 8:14 PM Rating: Decent
415 posts
Ok well Im gonna try and write a halfway decent story about my charecter ^^;

I sat down on the cold stone ground of jeuno, staring off at the airships . *I wish I were like that airship.. I wish I could fly away.* I thought to myself.
I sighed as the airship flew off, and closed my eyes, trying to imagine what it would be like to fly through the air, leaving all my troubles behind me.
But I couldn't fly. I knew that. I smiled slightly as I fiddled with my ring. I thought back on my past...
The first time I had ventured out into the open, and had been killed by a mean looking monster that some fellow adventurers called an "orc". Even though I was defeated, I kept going, and soon I had become strong enough to defeat the same orc. I remembered the laughter that had escaped my mouth, and the guilt that followed soon after.
After I defetead the orc, I gained level 10, and got my first party invitation. I headed to where the party was gathered, and on the way was defeated by a "ram". The party chuckled at me and got a high level white mage to raise me. That white mage was Gazoo, a small tarutaru from the same nation as me. He helped me travel to the party and kept the party healed. After the party disbanded, he invited me to his friends list. We became very good friends. One day while I was riding my chocobo to Jeuno, he asked me an odd question.
"Do you want to get married?"
I was shocked.
But of course the answer had to be "yes".
I thought back on my first advanced job, the job which was now my main job, a Samurai.
After much training, and experiencing many things, I was level 65.
I stared again at the docks, wondering what to do next. I had so much ahead of me, yet I was bored with life. I was stuck. I had thought many times that it would be easier just to quit, and end it all. What would it be like? Would I have less troubles? Would it hurt?
I sighed again, and stood up. I looked down at the ring on my finger, and knew as long as there were people who cared for me, I could not just give up...

**ooc: the whole "quitting" and "ending it all" really means quitting the game, but in my char's point of view, it is like suicide because I would be deleting the charecter^^;**

Edited, Sat Mar 25 20:15:45 2006 by aerweny
#21 Mar 26 2006 at 9:35 PM Rating: Decent
417 posts
Very good stories! Now let's change the tempo a little bit. Now, the stories will be about why you are the job you are now. Like for me; why Samurai, then Monk? Well, here goes. :D

It'd had been a long time since I left San d'Oria for Jeuno. I was your average Warrior, equipped with a greatsword and some so-so armor here and there. I had been contemplating for several months on which job to take. I wanted to be a fighter, and no less then that. Then I saw it. I was walking through Jeuno, when I saw a Samurai, fully outfitted in Artifact. It was then that I became determined to be exactly like that; to be a Samurai.

Almost two years had went past, and there I sat; a level 75 Samurai. I loved the job through every second, but as I sat in Jeuno one night, I thought back on some not too fond memories. Battles of constant missing, due to my lack of sufficientv equipment. I had bought two Sniper's Rings at level 70, and I found quickly that regardless of the horrible gut feeling I got when I bought them, they were worth every gil (700k each at the time). It kept beating me up though; 5 levels wasn't clearly enough to prove myself. It was then I knew what had to be done; I had to retire the Samurai.

For a week, I sat in my Mog House, my Moogle keeping hot San d'Orian Tea and Ginger Cookies at the ready. It was then that I looked over in the corner, and I saw my dusty Great Axe from years ago. I walked over, nothing but my roaring fireplace lighting the room, and picked up the axe. Many good memories came when I held it, the blade glistening lightly from the camp fire. But I frowned slightly, as my mind finally realized that the Warrior I was is no longer accepted (WAR / MNK ftw :D) and gently placed the Great Axe back in its corner, a mere memory holder in my home. It was then that the idea dawned upon me; Monk. My Moogle spun around happily as he changed my job to the Monk that I am to this day.
#22 Mar 27 2006 at 2:54 AM Rating: Decent

My story is the young and wierd elvaan that dreamed of learning spells and summoning avatars than learning how to fence w/ a sword. I was teased as a kid but now living out my dream of becomoing on of the most powerful summoner on the server!

Edited, Mon Mar 27 02:58:55 2006 by Daperfectkill

Edited, Mon Mar 27 02:59:18 2006 by Daperfectkill
#23 Mar 27 2006 at 11:22 AM Rating: Decent
254 posts

Oh, so many reasons...

Father passed away before I was born. Mother was a bard but also a housemaid in Bastok. Both of these jobs earned her enough of a living so we could both live. She missed the wandering life that she led before I came into the picture, and I think, some of that wanderlust was passed down to me.

I was still in school when I decided I wanted the adventurer's life. Many other children had already begun training from more experienced locals... mostly Humes and Galka. I grew up in Bastok, you see.

Magic arts seemed too idle to me, too passive, and far too much time spent studying. I craved activity, and being an Elvaan in a please run by Humes, I was often the odd one out. Tormenting my childhood friend Kyle only covered just so much of my amusement. Yet for as much as I put the lad through, he still stuck by me through thick and thin. At the time, he was an only child, and where mother worked for his parents, I was the closest that he had to a sister.

But I digress...

Rather than give myself entirely to magic, and always having been more fond of a direct approach to things, I felt the warrior's life to be most appropriate. I found one of the local Galka warriors to be a wiser, more patient and willing teacher than any of the Humes, and it was he that placed my first axe in my hands.

The day that I set off, I thought I'd be going it alone. Yet there was Kyle, fearing to lose touch with me or let me out of his life, following close on my heels. He said he was going simply to avoid living life in the mines, yet I know better. I don't really know why he always looked up to me.

We did eventually become seperated along the way. I think it was in Jeuno. It's such a large, crowded, and intimidating place for anyone so new. Though time and again, our paths did cross. I think it was the first time that I bothered going to Upper Jeuno that I found him again, standing awestruck inside the Goddess Temple. Both of us, then and there, knew which path we had to take.

We set our axes down on the altar and left them there, in symbol alone, dedicating our strength to Altana. And from that day, determined to look be each others' shield, Kyle and I would each become Paladin.

Our plan to protect each other did not go as we had hoped. As so often happens, a Paladin's life is meant to protect everyone, not just one individual. We were seperated again, and months later after I'd begun settling myself into a life in San d'Oria, I received a missive from a scout friend of mine. Months of silence and a lack of letters from kyle were broken. The scout had found him in Beadeaux, and he was in a bad way.

I set off for the Quadav stronghold immediately, and found the Hume in the Qulun Dome. He was ill. So ill, that I could have lifted him and carried him over one shoulder, he'd become so thin. But the Beastmen had not abused him much. As it turned out, Kyle claimed to have had a vision from Altana, that she wanted him to preach her word to the Beastmen. He followed this vision, and while in Beadeaux, he became ill.

He passed from this life before I could get him back to Doctor Monberaux's clinic in Jeuno.

If Kyle taught me anything in his foolishness, it is to keep an open mind and heart. Were it not for his own dedication to the Goddess, I don't know what path I would follow today. Thus, for him and for those who are blind to all he learned, all he knew, and all he believed, I maintain my shield.
#24 Mar 27 2006 at 12:19 PM Rating: Good
385 posts

#25 Apr 05 2006 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
58 posts
As I exited the cave, my eyes adjusting to the sun light, I can't help but think back on how this all started...

It was a day much like this one. I was only about 8 at the time that my mother and I were living outside San D'oria in a small little town composed mostly of a few hundred people. We were citizens of Windurst, but my mother was doing research at the time for the Opistery. They had discovered a protocrystal that contained an awesome power, and my mother was sent here to study it.

She had just returned from her work, and was inside cooking dinner, while I was outside playing. I remember hearing a rumbling sound in the distance like thunder, but there were no clouds in the sky. The ground started to shake, and I could see a dark mass on the horizon growing larger and larger. Soon I could make out the shapes of Orcs in full war gear. Why they had decided to attack us and what threat we posed was beyond me to understand at that time. The whole town was up in a commotion with all races grabbing what they could in order to defend what little they had.

My mother ran out, grabbed me, and brought me back into the house, locking the door behind her. I could hear the sounds of swords clanging and magic exploding outside. My mother told me to run upstairs and hide in our room as there came a pounding on the door. She ran to grab anything she could find in which to fight with as the door splintered into pieces and tore free of its frame. I turned and ran as I saw an Orc carrying a spiked club walk into the room. I ran up the stairs and into the room and slamming the door behind me as arrows embedded themselves into the door.

I locked the door and ran over to the window hoping there was some way I could climb down and escape. I saw below me Orcs pouring into the town, overwhelming and making short work of anyone who opposed them. They were relentless. They didn't care about race-Mithra or Hume, age-young or old. Anyone who stood in their way was quickly and brutally taken care of as they made their way toward San D'oria. We were but a minor hinderance in their path of destruction. I turned away from the window with images that will forever be burned into my memory.

I closed my eyes trying to push the images from my mind but soon came a pounding at the door which jarred me from my thoughts. I opened my eyes and looked at the door to see it torn down by the same Orc who had entered our house. My eyes locked with his and I backed as far away as I could to the other side of the room. I quickly looked around the room for a way to escape or something to defend myself with as he slowly approached me a menacing, sadistic smile spreading across his lips. As he raised the club slowly I backed up and bumped into my mothers nightstand. I suddenly saw my life flash before my eyes as his club came to rest above his head. I then saw the same flash across his eyes, and realized it was a reflection of light coming from somewhere. I saw his eyes move to my right and below me and the expression on his face turned to one of puzzlement.

I glanced to my right and saw a two-pronged silver object tumbling to the ground. I realized it was my mother's tuning fork she has just finished creating, but hadn't tested. No one was sure what it did but I heard her mention that it resonated at the same frequency as the crystal they had discovered. As it hit the ground it emitted a crystal clear tone that filled my ears. Suddenly both the Orc and I were envolped in a purple, swirling mass of light.

The light disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared and I fell backwards onto the cold, hard ground. As the Orc looked around puzzled trying to figure out where we had been taken, I saw a path behind me leading up and away from the orc from my position on the ground. I didn't have time to think. I scrambled to my feet, and ran as quickly as I could up the path. I had no idea where it lead, I only knew it would take me away from the fearsome Orc.

As I rounded the bend in the path I knocked some rocks loose, which must have gotten the attention of the Orc, as I saw him come out of his state of bewilderment and start running after me again. Being much bigger than I am, he caught up to me quickly. I had finally reached the top though and had run out of places to go. All that was at the top was a very large, larger than the Orc, Blue crystal and seemed to have some shadowy figure in the center of it. As the Orc came to the top, I ran around the crystal hoping that he wouldn't find me. I peeked around hoping he was gone but he was directly on the other side of the crystal with his club raised ready to stike. I ducked back around the crystal just in time as his club came down hard just missing my head but striking the crystal with such immense force I was sure it would have shattered.

Suddenly I heard a voice. "Who dares disturb my sleep?" it said. Puzzled I look around but I could not see where it came from. Suddenly the crystal started pulsing brighter and darker while slowly vanishing. The Shadowy form that was inside the crystal took shape. It appeared to be a strikingly beautiful, purple woman floating in mid-air with what appeared to be pieces of fabric, which were actually part of her, trailing from her arms. The Orc took a few steps back with a look of shock, awe, and panic on his face. That expression slowly changed to anger as he raise he club high and charged the women. I scampered back to the edge as he brought the club down hard on the woman floating in the middle of the pit where the crystal used to be. I was sure the club would knock her down but she caught the club in her left hand stopping it dead in midair. The Orc looked surprised as he pulled with all his might, yet being unsuccessful to tear it from her grasp. The woman slowly raised her right hand till it was level with the Orc's face. I saw his face change to that of fear and I felt the air growing colder all around me. I saw what looked like blue light swirl around and collect in the woman's raised hand.

"This will teach you for invading my domain and disturbing my sleep. Pity it is the last lesson you shall learn." With that I saw huges pieces of ice shoot up from the ground all around the area where the Orc used to be standing. I actually felt a bit of pity for the Orc, even though he never showed me any, as he was torn to pieces by huge, jagged blocks of ice. All that remained of the Orc was the club which the strange woman held in her left hand. She raised her left hand to her face and I saw snow and ice collect around the club before it shattered to pieces.

The woman slowly turned to look at me. As my eyes met hers I saw whisps of purple smoke slowly rising from the corners of her eyes. Where she should have had eyes were blue crystal balls with what looked liked purple liquid swirling inside. When she looked at me I felt as though she was staring straight into my soul, judging me. Eventually the smoke trailed off and her eyes returned to normal and I could see she was looking right at me. The features on her face softened from the tense, angered state she was previously in. I could see compassion and warmth in her face although it still remained cold around me. "Come her my child. That Orc will bother you no more," she said as she slowly floated over and came to rest on the ground to before me. She kneeled down and opened her arms to me, inviting me in. Although I was still afraid and confused with what I had just witnessed, I fell into her arms and cried like I never had on her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me, and I had never felt warmer or safer in my entire life.

After I was finished crying, she explained to me that she could sense my city had been destroyed, and I was the only one left. She told me that although it wasn't much, I could stay her as long as I liked and she would care for me like my mother had. She did take care of me, and taught me how to protect and care for myself. She explained to me that she was the Queen of Ice. She explained that she was but one of many being called Avatars, one for each of the elements: Light, Dark, Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Ice, and Thunder. When I was old enough to venture out on my own she told me to search out the other Avatars and they would help me as she had. She told me that she would always be there to guide me and protect me if I needed her. I would only need to call her and she would be there. I felt a strange yet familiar power infuse with my body, and I knew she was telling the truth. I finally was ready to venture out into the world to find out what had happened after that fateful day and seek vengeance on those who had harmed others like that which had been done to me.

And so I set out into the light...
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