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#1 Dec 05 2005 at 3:12 PM Rating: Good
477 posts
Forgive me everyone if this seems like a bit of a rant, but here it goes.

I don't know if anyone of you have notice (I'm sure you have) but there are some camps that are simply designed for one party. If there is a party there, please be considerate and don't camp there. Space and mobs are limited and there is a good chance you will not only get lower XP but you may unintentionally kill the other party camping there.

Also if you happen to be the first party there, don't be rude to the party that just came in, politely tell them that you are XPing there (Some parties are coffer key parties and what not) and ask once again politely if they would move their location. I know that there are choice camps out there. Like the one in KRT and Quicksand caves, but there is always an alternative. Try to be curteous to your fellow players, and maybe you will get the same respect. Though I know there are a few people out there that will only ***** other people out, but try to be the bigger person.

Thanks everyone. I know this server to be generally full of great players, don't let the rude ones get you down!
#2 Dec 05 2005 at 5:15 PM Rating: Good
75 posts
This use to be really really bad in sky. A normal exp pty would be there, and a ranger pty would come and steal your camp.
Or in the tomb a blm or monk pty would do the same thing.

#3 Dec 05 2005 at 7:41 PM Rating: Good
As a BST, I know about this all too well. The worst so far was Garlaige Citadel basement. There is only room for 1 BST (or duo) killing the bombs, or 1 party in the tunnel. I would always search the area for BSTs or multiple PTs of lv50 before I went, to avoid wasting my time. If I did run into a PT, I would ask them to move if another camp was available (bottom of the stairs), but usually I would just leave and try to xp elsewhere and/or do something else. Now when I was xping there, several times PTs came up and just camped there, paying no heed to me or my polite /tells asking them to move. Sometimes they would respond only to tell me to shut up, or "{That's too bad.} The PTs xp on my pets, so I'm left running around with a bomb chasing me. This usually ends in me dying, sending angry /tells and logging out. More PTs took this route than the "be polite and leave" route. BST were about 50/50 so not much better.

NPCs are also getting bad, for PTs and BST alike. SE should never have allowed them in dungeons, or there should be a special NPC lvling area or something, cause when someone (or omg 2 people) come through an area lvling NPCs, they can ruin xp for ALOT of people. I don't think my xp is more important than yours, and if you were there first I will be polite, but NPC lvlers I will fight for mobs instead of leaving/not going in the first place (just like farmers).

Edited, Mon Dec 5 19:43:49 2005 by TheRielist

Edited, Mon Dec 5 19:49:14 2005 by TheRielist
#4REDACTED, Posted: Dec 06 2005 at 7:20 AM, Rating: Sub-Default, (Expand Post) You forgot [sarcarm][/sarcarm] tags :)
#5 Dec 06 2005 at 8:13 AM Rating: Excellent
385 posts

1. FYI, a single BST in the basement of Garlaige Citadel have 'Release' at that point. Therefore, their experience is NOT 75%, so that part of your argument is null and void.

2. He DID say he checked the area to ensure there were not more parties than could handle that area, before heading that way. So how was he in the wrong? If that was done, he wouldn't be keeping anyone from exp'ing, as you stated.

3. A jug pet will not last for any reasonable amount of time on a bomb, unless by some freak accident it happens to be at a point it chooses to Self-Destruct. If that WERE the case, BST would just use them all the time, as stacks of crab familiar jugs are cheap.

[sarcasm] Did some BST urinate in your corn flakes or something? [/sarcasm]

How's that?

I have been exp'ing in the basement as of late also as a BST. I have had GREAT relationships with the parties in the area, and have befriended some people because of it. I've grabbed links, raised WHM's, thrown them the occasional Cure when I felt the fight was going to be more than they could handle, and offered up the extraneous coffer key drops that I was getting to any members of their group that might be needing one.

I'm sorry, but you pretty much just said, "Who cares if I camp on top of you, even though you were there first?", then complained about other people giving YOU lower experience.

Hypocrisy much?

To the opening poster, I agree whole-heartedly, although I think Bismarck is probably one of the better servers for courtesy. Let's face it, we rock, and we're a tight-knit group! Sorry to hear about your recent incident.

#6 Dec 06 2005 at 8:53 AM Rating: Excellent
244 posts
Yes, courtesy is something I value as well. If you come first, you go first. Although logically, if a whole party, or a single BST, has set their mind on getting exp, that's most likely what they will try to do, even if the camp doesn't support it.

To add to the anti-BST ranting: we can only call jug-pets every 5 minutes, and in my opinion their defence is quite weak against exp mobs. They really can't be of that much use when exping other than keeping a mob away from you so you can logout and escape the battle, or to help finishing off the fight if you're in trouble.

Many make the mistake to say that there are multiple spots BST can use: 1) there is often only one spot that is of real use. If you're soloing, the level of the surrounding pets and preys has to be exactly right in order to give experience that is worth the effort. I'm not gonna watch a DC pet kill an EM mob for 10 minutes to recieve 70exp. 2) Also other factors such as agroing, linking pet/prey will affect how useable a certain area is. No use fighting in a high agro/link area to find yourself getting killed everytime you've pretty much made the exp that you've lost.
3) if you're really really lucky, you leave one area because a party is taking over your camp. You travel for half an hour to find another exp area, you get killed because you don't know how the area behaves yet, you travel again to it, you kinda get the grips of mobs around, and then also this camp gets taken by a party, or NPC leveller, or key hunters, or the party is using your pets as exp mobs.

One thing to keep in mind: you won't know a job untill you have done the job. e.g. for ages I wondered why WHM's always shouted at ele's, until I tried the job myself. And even then we all have come across totally incompetent lvl 70 players.
#7 Dec 06 2005 at 10:34 AM Rating: Excellent
I'll rant a little bit too, this is a subject kind of close to my heart.
This might not win me any friends, but I'm going to throw one in on the side of BST, and the right to a camp within the unwritten code of exp camp sites.

I played a RDM for 70 levels. I went through tons of camps, and it was common behaviour for parties to choose camps that were not on top of each other, that provided room for pullers to do their thing and mages to not get hit with some other party's AOE. This was kind of hard to avoid in some spots, but for the most part parties knew and followed a code.

When I moved to BST, all that seemed to go out the window in some cases. I don't look like a full party, but I'm just trying to do my thing, get some exp so I can level, move on, and get out of your hair. ;;
I don't level BST because I'm antisocial, I would join parties if I were invited to them. I enjoy EXP parties; I know from experience how many players feel about seeing a BST in the zone. I sincerely am not there to mess up your playing experience, and I do my goddamnedest to stay out of your way. ;; I'll save your puller if he pulls 4 Wingrats past me; I'll raise you if you die on the way to your party. Seriously, I play BST because it's a fun job, not because I'm a big asshat that wants to ruin your night. ;;

Nevertheless, when I settle down to pull 21,000 EXP out of an out-of-the-way room, too often I find people running into my camp and killing everything in sight. The big perps here are the NPC levellers; I try to tolerate it, but it's hard to describe the sense of disappointment when I see one of those green names killing my healing scorpion pet. It's like going mining or harvesting, and every spot is locked down by someone. You kind of are at a loss to do anything, your food is going and your ring is going. I don't want to fight with you, but you wouldn't do this to a full EXP party, would you?

I love this server, and most of the time when I do get into an argument with a camp-stealer things turn out ok. I've gotten keys for people in exchange for my exp. It's no thing.

But since Jaden has opened the discussion, just let me throw in a plea to Bismarck on behalf of its beastmasters. We're just doing our thing, it's rough and it makes us short-tempered sometimes, but don't hate on us just because we're there. We'll share the area, just give us the couple mobs we need to do our thing.

On the other hand, all BSTs out there should remember not to intrude on EXPing parties. We have kind of a bad name anyway, not as bad as when I was levelling RDM up, but it's still kind of a bad name. Respect the unwritten code, and expect the same treatment in return; move if you can, choose a site that exp parties can't use. Be flexible.

I was in your parties on RDM. ;) I like you, I'll party with you and I'll show up with a sensible and levelled sub, good gear, and a good attitude. None of that changed when I moved to a little Taru BST: again, I'll join your parties or help you out if you need me. Just please afford me the same respect you'd give to any party exp-ing.

Good lord I made this post long, it's late and I'm avoiding sleep. ^^ No abuse is intended to anyone, including NPC levellers, this is just an add to the argument from a teeny tiny BST perspective.
#8 Dec 06 2005 at 8:00 PM Rating: Decent
1,007 posts
Heh, if your fighting bombs and another BST comes in and camps on top of you... Team up with him^^ You won't loose pets as fast, and generally they will be T-IT+++ in my experience so you won't get too much of an exp cut^^

On the other hand... a party comes in and comes in on top of you... (AAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRGGGHHHHHH><). Just don't change what your doing. If you use leave on an agressive or linking monster they just HAPPEN to be in the way and die, not your problem, since it wasn't their problem they started killing your pets and destryoing your exp.

I really don't give a crap that their is anti-BST karma out there, the only people earning us that reputation are the ones that kill legitimate exp parties/skill up parties when they were there first, so might as well give them something to cry about.

#9 Dec 06 2005 at 9:53 PM Rating: Excellent
no karma-bomb ;)

If you use leave on an agressive or linking monster they just HAPPEN to be in the way and die

You don't have to kill them. ;) It's really a good way to end up with a GM up your rear anyway.
Once, once ever, and only once, did I use a tactic even approaching MPK. Temptation has ABOUNDED throughout this job, but only once did I stand and deliver. Or stand and....look like I might deliver eventually.

This guy was following me around in the big room in CN, a big-***** Galka samurai. He followed me from place to place, killed my pets, fought my prey, and had it in for me for some reason. I asked him to leave me alone and he refused, so I resorted to another form of persuasion.

While he was fighting a beetle, I dropped another one off 'upstream'. It wouldn't aggro him immediately, and it didn't; it did run into him on the way back. It linked, naturally, and I had left it at about 60% HP.

I let the situation be for a moment, just long enough to let him get the point, and then snatched it back and healed him.

He did leave after that, although there's no way to tell if he actually got the point. In all fairness it really was a bad situation, since he was following me and I was dropping pets here and there.

Don't kill, and especially not an exp party. Think of the innocent WHM in the back who has nothing to do with the assburger WAR that's calling you names in /tell.
#10 Dec 07 2005 at 3:28 AM Rating: Decent
955 posts
Like the one in KRT

It can hold 2-3. There were always a JP party or two when I exp'd there way back in April of 2004. We were still getting chain 5 with nonstop pulling. The game is overcrowded with very few spots to level at. Sure there are some others but people tend to stick with the "main" ones. Best you can do is suck it up and deal with it and try to beat them to most of the mobs you have to fight.
#11 Dec 07 2005 at 4:38 PM Rating: Default

Don't kill, and especially not an exp party. Think of the innocent WHM in the back who has nothing to do with the assburger WAR that's calling you names in /tell.

If I was gonna kill anyone, it would be the BSTs who came in Garlaige (when I have a search comment clearly stating my camp), and did their best to take over my camp: Racing me to bombs, taking pets I was about to use, and not responding to ANY /say or /tell (except sometimes with {That's too bad.} or {I'm sorry.}). Japanese or not, you just don't come in a zone and ruin someone's xp like that, especially when you could team up.

Edited, Wed Dec 7 16:40:42 2005 by TheRielist
#12 Dec 07 2005 at 4:49 PM Rating: Good
Seedling wrote:
TheRielist wrote:
Now when I was xping there, several times PTs came up and just camped there, paying no heed to me or my polite /tells asking them to move. Sometimes they would respond only to tell me to shut up, or "{That's too bad.} The PTs xp on my pets, so I'm left running around with a bomb chasing me.

You forgot [sarcarm][/sarcarm] tags :)

If you didn't, you deserved every one of those deaths. A single BST getting 75% exp has no right to keep 6-18 people from 200+ exp/kill. And you can always use jug pets to keep the bomb off of you.

Soloing BSTs using PT exp mobs is one of the biggest causes of enmity vs BSTs, especially when a PT claims a 99% HP ex-pet.
Good BSTs will avoid those places.

I just gotta reply..

Ok, first off this has happened to me multiple times, at least once in a duo. A BST duo in that camp (GC basement) can/will get as much or maybe MORE xp/hour than an XP pt in the same spot. We do not get 75%, and even if we did that wouldn't matter. We were xping there FIRST.

At lv 57-58 there is really nowhere else to go. If you can manage to get behind Banishing Gate 2, then you can solo or duo there. Other than that, and the basement, there is only Toraimarai Canal. The XP there really sucks at 58 (I tried everything I could to avoid GC), and ~lv60 BST use the bats you fight as pets. I was driven out of the Canal so many times by NPC lvlers or stopped from even going because of all the BST on /search, that I just stopped going after awhile. The basement in Garlaige is the best place for a solo BST57-58 to XP. There is only one camp. If it is taken, I wont go (or I'll leave, if I just logged in there or something). I think that any XP pt looking to use that camp should show the same courtesy. Like it or not, a BST/duo is an XP party, and if you claim a healing pet, you might be MPKing the PT. Thanks.
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