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Players to Watch Out For - Discussion ThreadFollow

#27 Dec 01 2004 at 8:58 PM Rating: Default
Bowser wrote:
Hey look Nataraja, rate down, and it wasn't even me. Seems like half your so called arguments are personal attacks, the very thing you're accusing me of.

Gainsaying myself by offerring one final hijack on this subject, but it will be short.

If you really wish to acuse me of egregious posts (barring the flame thread, as it's taken for granted that everything there is in fun), I suggest you provide links to these posts to back up your assertion.

If you actually want further response from me on this topic, either moderate your tone or take it to PMs or start a new thread if you feel you need to publicly oust me as a charlatan, or whatever you're trying to accomplish here.

Hijack ended. I am through discussing this in a thread not of my own creation. I feel I did great insult to the OP when I last engaged you in debate (term used losely) off-topic from the intention of the thread. Apologies were rendered both publically and privately to that particular OP, and I have no desire to render a similar insult on another forum member.

Byaina the Tulip wrote:
Bowser - Look at who started this thread. Now that you have that, stop yelling at nataraja, please? I am the one who tried imposing some order here, and it's because of an utter meltdown or three that happened some time back.

I could be wrong, but I think he's speaking more generally. I tend to jump all over egregious posts when there is no call for them. I personally only consider flames valid when they are in response to verbal hate crimes. Any, any other case has no good cause in a public forum when you have the option of stopping, taking deep breaths, calming down, and politely refuting the arguements which offended or angered you.

As to the actual arguement posited by Bowser I see no purpose in replying. I just thought I would clear that up for you Byaina.

Byaina the Tulip wrote:
sue me.

I think I'm more likely to salute to you. As I stated in my last PM, detractors tend to be small in number and loud in vocalization, so much so that it's often easy to feel like the whole world's against you.

Don't get discouraged.

[Edit: Completely misunderstood something, and replied incorrectly. Corrected.]

Edited, Wed Dec 1 21:25:46 2004 by nataraja
#28 Dec 01 2004 at 10:37 PM Rating: Decent
617 posts
Guys, PMs. Use them. Please. This isn't GameFAQs.
#29 Dec 01 2004 at 10:50 PM Rating: Decent
i love gamefaqs flame wars. it keeps me from extream bordum at work.
#30 Dec 02 2004 at 3:13 AM Rating: Good
476 posts
On a happier note Cutriss, I saw Taruofdeath fishing in zeruhn mines while I was on my mule. Like I said, there is some hope for him yet ^^ He wasn't wearing pants still, but meh, maybe he bought some since we PT'd and just wanted inventory space. At the least he's trying to earn his own gil which is nice.

I don't think I'll be posting in that players to watch out for thread for anything again though, unless it's some blatantly horrible person like Libien or Savont, both of which are not on that list yet, oddly enough. (and if you really feel the need to tell me to "drop my elitist attitude for once" despite never talking to me or probably even reading anything I've posted before that, PM me, I'll be happy to take comments there >< )

#31 Dec 02 2004 at 11:32 AM Rating: Decent
Partied with a horrible Rank 10 WHM/PLD in the dunes last night. He had NO ARMOR. He said he was naked because he didn't want to buy armor for his job. But it was ok because he had two astrals he said. Meanwhile I (the SMN with good gear, food and drinks) had to heal the party while he ran out of mp and died over and over again. Oh that and he called us noobs because he said he had a lvl 75 pld. I wish for the life of me I could remember his character name. All I remember was he was an elvaan male with black hair. BTW his search message was asking for people to powerlevel him. If you see a naked whm/pld in the dunes or in your pt, run. He is horrible.
#32 Dec 08 2004 at 10:48 AM Rating: Decent
228 posts

This rude, idiotic, selfish jerk had my whole party mpked. There weere three parties in Eldieme Necropolis--we had spaced ourselves as far away from her party as we could without getting pops on our tails--we even went into a danger zone so as not to bother them. Next thing I know, she's pulled a bomb, escaped her whole party...bam. Dead party.

Several of her members then disbanded and told us what had happened: She had told them, "Damn, it's getting too crowded in here. Okay, zone, I'm going to have to DO THIS AGAIN..."

I have also heard from my ls members that this person does this often...really pisses me off....

Are you sure about the name? If you are, then I have to disagree. He is far from any of the things you've described, although it has been a while since I've pt'd with him. The only bad thing I can say about him, (and yes, it is a he) is that at one point he was not the best puller in the world. What job was he?
#33 Dec 08 2004 at 6:35 PM Rating: Default
Partied with a horrible Rank 10 WHM/PLD in the dunes last night. He had NO ARMOR. He said he was naked because he didn't want to buy armor for his job. But it was ok because he had two astrals he said. Meanwhile I (the SMN with good gear, food and drinks) had to heal the party while he ran out of mp and died over and over again. Oh that and he called us noobs because he said he had a lvl 75 pld. I wish for the life of me I could remember his character name. All I remember was he was an elvaan male with black hair. BTW his search message was asking for people to powerlevel him. If you see a naked whm/pld in the dunes or in your pt, run. He is horrible.

LoL... That just makes me laugh.

I know exactly who you are talking about. Yes he does have a 75 paladin. Yes he is an awesome player. Everyone likes to have fun, so just chill out. I bet 10-1 you are another one of those Valkurm Dunes summoners with only a little blue rat to your name.

He is in my End-Game LS, and an officier in it actually.
Its his way of having fun. He would never do anything to put other people in danger, no matter how "n00b" he calls you, he means it with nothing but niceness and probably a little playfull ness.

Good job on putting him on here, I copied your message to our LS boards.. we are all sharing a good laugh at him :-)
#34 Dec 08 2004 at 7:12 PM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Don't quote me on this, but I believe he was a thief.

I don't know about the Nasi you know, but the Nasi I saw last night was everything I said. From the moment my party entered the Necropolis, as we were passing his party, he gave us angry emotes and said {No thanks} to us. We continued on down the stairs so as to stay out of their way. So one fight in, we're killing a jelly. Suddenly, Nasi runs past us...we just assumed her was going to pull a jelly...nope. Comes back and stands right before our party's camp and then had the party use escape out...leaving the bomb right on top of us. Slash. Dead tank. Slash. Dead red mage. Slash. Slash.

At first, I didn't think it was a mpk...I thought it was a guy trying to save himself...but of the members from his party sends me a /tell saying that he's sorry for what Nasi did. Another one does as well. They BOTH tell me that he said something along the lines of "Ugh, it's getting too crowded here. I'm going to have to do it AGAIN, we'll have to zone" and that's when he went and pulled the bomb and used escape in front of my party. Next thing I know, my party is back in Bataillia trying to get our health back...and Nasi's party members send us MORE /tells warning us that he said if we came back he'd just do it again. My nice party fell apart and we lost all the exp we had gained. So yeah...Nasi...really nice guy...oh and, at first he denied it when I sent him a tell. Then when I told him the GM was going to open up chat logs, he stopped talking, and logged. And that's the truth. I have no reason to lie..especially since I had never met him before last night.
#35 Dec 08 2004 at 8:24 PM Rating: Good
340 posts
Partied with a horrible Rank 10 WHM/PLD in the dunes last night. He had NO ARMOR. He said he was naked because he didn't want to buy armor for his job. But it was ok because he had two astrals he said. Meanwhile I (the SMN with good gear, food and drinks) had to heal the party while he ran out of mp and died over and over again. Oh that and he called us noobs because he said he had a lvl 75 pld. I wish for the life of me I could remember his character name. All I remember was he was an elvaan male with black hair. BTW his search message was asking for people to powerlevel him. If you see a naked whm/pld in the dunes or in your pt, run. He is horrible.

Tomosuke, first I apology if I call you n00b or anyone in my exp group. I only call close friend that and mostly just to messing with them to have fun. I dont think I'd call you that... even if I did, it wasnt bad intension.

I want to level asap like 5-6 levels per day, I didnt bother to buy armors and sale them back.
I dont think armors does jack at low level anyawy, at least not for whm. Yes it keep you survive longer, and yes it gives you extra 1 or 2 MND total so it "might" helps you land enfeebling magic. But what else does it do? I have capped healing magic, I heal exactly the same as other whm. I have 2 astrial rings and I eat food, I have more mp then taru whm/blm... So whats wrong of my equipment?
With a good tank, I will never get hit. I died because I tried to save team or doing my job but the tank couldnt hold hate. Sadly, people usually disband after the whm down, no one wants to wait for raise. So they blame the whm is naked being cheap to buy equipment, but not the tank who couldnt hold hate...
As low level, your enfeebling magic is low so hard to land anything anyway, like 1 extra MND from a cloak is gonna be the magic to help you land anything that you cant?

Dont want to be arrogant but I have helpped at least 500 people on various things in this game, or even more that I couldnt count.
I didnt force anyone to PL me, but while I am leveling in hell, the Valkurum dune.. I wish someone who can come and save me from the pain... Maybe someone who I helpped will remember me and give me a hand.. So that comment I put make me horrible huh?

Yes I am horrible, because I am naked. I can only be mention on bad player list anyway..
#36 Dec 08 2004 at 10:48 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
Dreamar - I'm sorry that you and your party were the recipients of such behavior. I wasn't there to witness it so I'm not taking sides on the issue. I just stated my own personal experience with Nasi based on many hours of playing with him. If others in his pt said it was intentional, then good for you for contacting a GM with his own parties comments in the log.
#37 Dec 08 2004 at 11:01 PM Rating: Good
I remember wanting to get a level or 2 in Qufim once on WHM while bored, and I wasnt gimped out, but wasnt full geared up, and when I got to my party, I got "YOUR RANK 10 GO BACK AND BUY YOUR GEAR YOU CHEAP *******".

With all the gear you need for end game, it does make it hard to have too much more gear when leveling another job, like NIN, I am having a hell of time with all those stupid powders, and when I need to switch back to PLD it takes a good 10 mins of moving 3 slots at a time.

What I am saying here, is there are 2 sides to every story, and to flame someone for gear choices is a bit uncalled for. With low level whm, there is a lot of crap armor, but still need whatever gives you MP boost, earrings or a staff, other than that, who cares about the whm defense, as long as he has the MP gear, than the rest is just useless, and if 10 def is make that much of a difference, let it be the whms problem, as long as the hate control is there, he shouldnt take any damage.

But WHM/PLD? Didnt you get BLM to 17 for warp? Of course I think BLM is the worse job to level pre level 10ish.
#38 Dec 09 2004 at 12:00 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
I am planing to do whm/pld to 37 then blm/whm to 17, or do you prefer blm/pld? O_o
#39 Dec 09 2004 at 12:13 AM Rating: Good
Altough you are right having full gear on is pointless and skill will be much more useful. It is a bit lazy to be partying with that sub, but hey im sure you still put forth a good contribution to the pt. I dont get your space issues though, I have gear for 13 BRD 48 NIN 50 MNK 54 THF 58 WAR and I could probally squeeze one more job in.
#40 Dec 09 2004 at 1:01 AM Rating: Decent
BLM/PLD all the way, LOL, I forget what I SJ'd WHM, hell, it might have been warrior, I know it was last year when I got whm too 11, so when I took blm to 17, I was set on SJ with WHM, But I know my BLM was gimped when I took whm to 28 until level BLM. But leveling a SJ for a SJ is always the most painful experience.

Part of the issue, I know I have and I am sure Invoky, though he can reply himself, is with PLD, as with most jobs, once you get into end game, you need so much gear for for one slot. You just start to run out of room. I know you can buy furnture to improve storage but it is kinda of a pain that you cant access it from jeuno.

<BRD has it the worst, I know someone with 14 intrusts, >

As far as trying to have the best gear for anything you do, I am 100 percent for that, at level 25 I spent 1 million gill to gear up my nin for the run to 37. But as for gear like whm, if he has the MP gear, who cares if he is wearing pants, and I dont think the 1st MP + Tunic is till level 15 or so. So I say again, if he has the MP gear, who cares if he has pants. It is his option to have lower defense which doesnt matter if he is in a party, cause he shouldnt have to take damage. I dont think this is justified to flame him for not wasting money and slots on what is kinda useless gear.
#41 Dec 09 2004 at 1:41 AM Rating: Good
340 posts
Yes a good pld usually carry around 3-4 sets gears. One for HNM tanking, one for normal BC/exp tanking, one for offense when theres another tank, or one for mage sub.

I am usually 49/55 with all my gears in inventory.
For weapons I have Joyeuse, Company sword, Iron-spliter, Earth staff, Light staff, Warp club, Master shield, Koenig shield, and some Great sword I forgot the name. Just for weapons I need 9 slots, imagning how many more slots I need for armors/earring/rings/belt/food/potions?
My Mog house is usually full around 70/80, and thats only 1 set of lv30 war gears to help out LS on promyvion. There isnt really much room for more gears.
#42 Dec 09 2004 at 1:47 AM Rating: Decent
282 posts

And also alot of Infoky's gears for PlD are rare/ex and cannot be muled.
#43 Dec 09 2004 at 1:59 AM Rating: Good
Great Point Bowser. The 8-9 hours trying to get the update has fried my brain, and made me a bit cranky
#44 Dec 09 2004 at 6:00 AM Rating: Decent
70 posts
Thank you. :)
#45 Dec 10 2004 at 6:02 PM Rating: Decent
Ok so I have never had a reason to post on these boards before
but this was ridiculous and I had to make sure everyone knows the truth

Dremar wrote:
No, we were -not- on top of his party, as we were all the way down the -stairs- from his least until he decided to use escape.

-I- am having to say the same thing again because -everyone- else keeps saying the same thing. Sheesh, might as well crown Nasi king of the world. >< That really pisses me off. *sigh* But what can ya do?

doglucky wrote:


You say you got your facts right but you are all over the place.

You say he was a thf than how can he escape.
You say you were not on top of his pt than how did his pt escape.

I was there in a diffrent pt and I did see what happen and yes you were on top of his pt and no he did not do any enotes toward you. Nasi with flee on ZONED a bomb he did not park in your camp and escape. Did he do it on perpose no idea but get your facts straight. If you didn't park on his pt than maybe they wouldn't have been pissed. I did a sea all last night and he is a rank 7 67 war/nin. By the reply's here and his lvl rank he has been in game for a long time so I can't see him going out of his way to wipe your pt out but that is just my thoughts.

Yes this is my first post woot.

Tsetsuo wrote:

Also I am in the same LS as Nasi and can attest that he has been nothing but helpful while he was with us.

Quite frankly pulling something and escaping is far better than zoning it. As for it being intentional I dunno i wasn't there. But if you had called a GM and he really did say "I will have to do that again" it is something they would have seen in the logs.

me thinks someone is not telling the whole story

Now lets definitly put this to rest. It is quite obvious that Dremar's party did something they should not have done but just to clarify wether or not Nasi actually did MPK them...

Nasi Dec 8 2004, 02:17 PM Post #1


Group: Members
Posts: 11
Joined: 27-October 04
Member No.: 22

Thanks for sticking up for me but I did wipe that pt out. The mefers came in the the zone and stood ontop of us for like 30 min and I mean on top of me. I asked them to move and they didn't so I pulled 2 exploders and loged. I was pissed and tired I probly should not of done it but I did. I can't wait to get away from these noobs.1 more fin lvl and I am done with them forever. As for doing it twice I did not I was joking with pt and they must have taken it the wrong way.


67 war/thf
Rank 7
ZM 4

The link to Nasi LS forum where this is posted

Nasi and Dremar you were both in the wrong. So you both suck

...the end
#46 Dec 10 2004 at 7:51 PM Rating: Decent
228 posts
For faq sake people, the last thing you do is admit it in a faqing post! Ah well. At least he didn't cop to it on our boards. But it does give me food for thought as to a new posting rule. What's stated in our forums, stays in our forums. At least he didn't come here denying it so he dodges the hypocrite bullet, but the rest of us ....
#47 Dec 19 2004 at 12:41 PM Rating: Decent
446 posts
bump ^^
#48 Dec 20 2004 at 8:22 AM Rating: Good
353 posts
Someone, I believe the ever eloquent Haquej, posted Ishido. I have no idea what happened and likely won't ask, but I will refute Ishido being a poor player. Ishido is one of three ninja tanks I trust on the server. Nothing personal against ninjas, I've just not had much luck with nin/ or /nin tanks. I have seen Ishido work through ZM4 and ZM5 and was glad to see he actually used ninjutsu *other* than shadows. Others that participated in the ZM run can also detail his outstanding abilities. There is nothing poor about this player.
#49 Dec 20 2004 at 11:37 AM Rating: Decent
610 posts
Raynedrop wrote:
Someone, I believe the ever eloquent Haquej, posted Ishido. I have no idea what happened and likely won't ask, but I will refute Ishido being a poor player. Ishido is one of three ninja tanks I trust on the server. Nothing personal against ninjas, I've just not had much luck with nin/ or /nin tanks. I have seen Ishido work through ZM4 and ZM5 and was glad to see he actually used ninjutsu *other* than shadows. Others that participated in the ZM run can also detail his outstanding abilities. There is nothing poor about this player.

Yeah I agree with you Ray, but I know why Haquej put Ishido up here and it is for personal reasons. Haquej has it out for Ishido over a few things that I won't go into but even considering putting Ishido up here is crazy he is an amazing Ninja as many people have seen.
#50 Dec 21 2004 at 2:51 AM Rating: Decent
103 posts
I personally found Ishido to be an excellent Ninja. I often prefer Ninjas to Paladins (by way of total personal bias) and Ishido is one of the better that I've PTed with at this level range. I tend to pay attention to how a lot of people play their jobs, I try to do my research and read the FAQs for nearly every job out there, including Ninja and Ishido does his job and does it well.
#51 Dec 23 2004 at 3:20 AM Rating: Decent
883 posts
Ishido is one of the best NINs I've ever seen. I don't know what Haquej's misunderstanding with him is but it just upsets me to see him slandered because of just that - a misunderstanding. I doubt there's many people who don't already know Ish's good reputation stands for itself, but here I am to back him up.
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