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#1 Sep 17 2004 at 2:42 PM Rating: Excellent
Ok, I saw this in the Asura forum, and after reading about how various people here are looking for informationa about the ls' I think this is a good idea. Sorta like the "tell us about your ls" forum earlier, this one is just a pure information file type thing for the ls's. I guess you can say this is more of a way so that people can get information about an Linkshell, the levels, pretty much whatever they might want to know about them.

Com'on people, this is your chance to tout your linkshell!

Here is the format:

LS Name: (Name)
Website URL: (www. etc)
Allegiance: (Bastok, Windurst, San d'Oria, None)
Number of Members: (#)
Average Level of Linkshell:
Recruiting: (Yes, No, Maybe)
Requirements: (Recruiting)
Contact Info: (game names, email, etc)
About the Linkshell: (A brief summary of who you are and what you are about.)

[credit for the format is due to AdaMayhem, of the Asura server]

Edited, Fri Sep 17 15:43:44 2004 by Nightsintdreams
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#2 Sep 17 2004 at 3:22 PM Rating: Good
389 posts
LS NAME: MoonGladeII
Website URL: {Classified}
Allegiance: We have players from all three nations
Number of Players: About 10-12 Full time players and a few drifters.
Avg.Level of Linkshell: 30-35
Recruiting: We always welcome good players
Requirements: As long as your fun to play with and know your job well enough.
Contact Info: Azeroth/Niyck/Vogen/Blayze/Darkangil
About the Linkshell: MoonGlade started back in March 04'. Only a few members at the time. After I started up a new character, I had to purchase a new LS (That's where MoonGladeII comes in). Now we have a decent amount of players, all who are really great people that love this game for what it is. We all have a great time together and help one another out with whatever is needed. Without a doubt the best LS I've ever been in, and I would never think of joining another one.
#3 Sep 17 2004 at 4:34 PM Rating: Good
374 posts
LS Name: DarkLegacy
Website URL: Uhm, my journal?
Allegiance: None
Number of Members: 8
Average Level of Linkshell: 50
Recruiting: Always
Requirements: Must be at the current level/rank of our members (Rank 5, Level 50, we're finishing Genkai 1 Tonite), must be good players (like us hehe), must be willing to camp AF, Genkai, etc with LS members a few nights out of the week (we gotta keep everyone up to date and in the shiniest gear), must be invited to the LS and approved by everyone by a super majority (or if one of the sack holders gives you a pearl, you better be cool or I give ya the boot!) Hmm...can't think of any more requirements at this time, but we don't let just anyone in.
Contact Info: Don't Call Us, We'll Call You.
About the Linkshell: We're about playing the game together, being competitive and giving each other a hard time (to show we care haha), but most importantly to help each other get to the end game together. When we get there we want to do HNMs, Dynamis, and stuff in the Tu'Lia region and whatever SE throws up as high end content.
Linkshell Color: Black

#4 Sep 19 2004 at 12:31 AM Rating: Good
374 posts
Please add to this thread, the LS's on the server intrest a lot of people, this is a good way to recruit people that fit your LS too.

EDIT: In other words, BUMP.


Edited, Sun Sep 19 01:32:11 2004 by tweedius
#5 Sep 19 2004 at 9:49 AM Rating: Excellent
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#6 Sep 19 2004 at 10:53 AM Rating: Excellent
39 posts
LS Name: Aradorn
Website URL:
Allegiance: None
Number of Members: 60'ish
Level of Linkshell: 1-60
Recruiting: Yes
Requirements: To have read an accepted the LS Etiquette and Philosophy
Contact Info: website
About the Linkshell: Aradorn came into being after our previous LS Equinox had to disband in May 2004. We decided to found our own LS with two major principles in mind: we wanted Aradorn to be family/friends orientated and we wanted members, willing and happy to help each other out in the game. We have since that time grown considerably.

#7 Sep 21 2004 at 10:25 AM Rating: Excellent
bump. CO'MON PEOPLE, this is a chance for your ls to shine!
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#8 Sep 21 2004 at 10:49 AM Rating: Good
LS Name: End of Eternity
Website URL: {Private for now}
Allegiance: Windurst (primarily)
Number of Members: about 40
Average Level of Linkshell: 40s
Recruiting: Sporadically
Requirements: We usually invite people after partying with them, or if an LS member vouches for them
Contact Info: Mirrodin/Branthalas/Satine/Velthanis/Supasupe/Dingbat
About the Linkshell: EoE has been around since the NA release in November 2003 and despite some periods of stagnation has grown into the entertaining and helpful linkshell it is today. We're an easy-going, social bunch but we also take our jobs seriously and we love to party together.
Linkshell Color: Pale Blue

Edited, Tue Sep 21 11:51:26 2004 by Satine
#9 Sep 21 2004 at 2:17 PM Rating: Good
>LS Name: Myst Battalion
>Website URL:
>Allegiance: 3 nations - maybe 4 since I suspect Raynil being a beastmen spy
>Number of Members: 40-50
>Average Level of Linkshell: 45-60
>Recruiting: Maybe
>Requirements: Lay back, good players who drink on friday nights and like doing random stuff
>Contact Info: Garlandwatson ( LS creator ), Daymon, Raynil, Tesiax, Fylgia
>About the Linkshell: We kill demons, for free!

Edited, Tue Sep 21 15:21:42 2004 by dorobo
#10 Sep 21 2004 at 4:33 PM Rating: Good
LS Name: IntensityLS
Website URL: []Intensity LS[/link]
Allegiance: (Bastok, Windurst, San d'Oria)
Number of Members: (45)
Average Level of Linkshell: 65
Recruiting: (Maybe)
Requirements: No full time requirements necesary, we are an inspiring HNM LS, and if you agree to the rules and point system, then we can talk about a trial.
Contact Info: (Singular, Leeluu, Tsetsuo, Trizzoro)

About the Linkshell: Many people reach level 70+ and apply to already established HNM shells. What this means is you are welcome to tag along and kill gods or other HNM. With or without your help, they will succeed. Almost nothing you can do, or bring to the shell will be unique, it has all been done before.

IntensityLS is bringing its members throgh Sky as we speak. We have 40+ members most of whom have never fougnt a god, or an HNM. Everything we do together is new, fresh, and exciting. We spend plenty of time helping eachother and we all agree that this shell is a Friends shell first, and an HNM shell 2nd. At this rate, we will surely be a good name on the server in no time.

Together through the current point system, my LS strives to improve all the members in it through experience, equipment, and adventure.

Edited, Fri Apr 15 10:13:50 2005 by SingBismark
#11 Sep 22 2004 at 9:27 AM Rating: Excellent
bumpin' on up to the top...
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#12 Sep 23 2004 at 3:52 AM Rating: Excellent
LS Name: KnightsofRonfaure.
Website URL: (We're working on it ^^)
Allegiance: 3/4 San D'Orian, although Bastok and Windy are both represented.
Number of Members: 7 steadies, around 5 occasionals.
Average Level of Linkshell: 30 on a straight average. Highest member is level 50, lowest is level 18 no sub.
Recruiting: Not actively, but...well, see below ^^
Requirements: *~ahem~*
No active nemeses of current members.
Love triangles, conspiracy to commit mail fraud, and openly BDSM relationships are discouraged.
Appreciation for offcolor humor, a strong toleration for triple entendres, willingness to do odd things in the name of funny, and lack of love for The Man are solid strong points.
Robbing the Jerries of revenue is strongly encouraged.
Thou shalt not wear a subligar in public whilst leveling. Get thee to East Ron and hide at all times. KoR shall not be sullied by thy bronze underpants.
An unerring knowledge of when, where, how and why a particularly lucrative NM will pop is a plus. Sharing the proceeds will result in many thank yous.

more seriously, there are no requirements. No rules aside from ordinary social laws of don't spam 'pppppp' forty times, call GMs on other members, or ask people for gil. Especially not me. I'm broke.

Contact Info: Sioux (, Xanoxonax, Hitokiribatousi, Chibikaiser and Gailen are all pearlsack...ists.

About the Linkshell: This LS started as a method of giving those people whom we were often /t to an easier way to talk. Since then it's just expanded on that; if someone meets someone whom they're impressed by, the idea goes out to the LS in case there are objections, and if not that person is welcomed in.
We aren't a 'project' LS, because most LSes I've been in never followed through on projects anyway (I mean things like beach parties, races, etc), and we're all about freedom. Do your thing, go out and farm or exp or whatever you like. The LS is just there so you have people to chat/hang out with while you do it.
There are no 'obligations' to help members with anything, but we always help one another if we have the time and ability.
We've camped NMs together, done BCNM, farmed, and done Rank missions together in the past. Everything except the rank missions was for fun. heh.

I would like to see this become an endgame linkshell. We're not at quite the right size yet, so I thought I would post the resume up here and see if anyone is aroused.
I mean stimulated.
I mean...titillated?
Oh god, that's even worse, so sorry...

#13 Sep 23 2004 at 4:34 AM Rating: Good
103 posts
Sioux wins for best LS description ever. Rate up and tiny *bump*. ^^
#14 Sep 23 2004 at 4:48 AM Rating: Good
LS Name: BlueAbyss
Allegiance: Good and smart players
Number of members: ~40
Recuitment: We are always looking for good people who can play their jobs well.
Requirements: Lvl 50 and rank5 min, unless you're a RL friend of someone in the LS, or you totally blow one the sack holders away with your skill and intelligence.
Contact info: In game: Kurotatsu, Esina, Diogi, Draken, Nystan, Beleal, or Anubislg.
About the LS: [Hmmm...] We have no language rules at all, i want ppl to be themselves, the express themself in a fashion in which they feel comfortable. We are extremely helpful and will always do whatever we can to help our fellow adventurers. [Thank you]
#15 Sep 23 2004 at 8:24 AM Rating: Excellent
642 posts
That Linkshell went bai bai a long time ago

Edited, Thu Feb 10 12:56:01 2005 by Eleusynia
#16 Sep 23 2004 at 12:17 PM Rating: Good
183 posts
LS Name: Hotuken Knights
Website URL: Hotuken Knights Home Page
Allegiance: 2/3 Windurstian Mix and Match on the rest ^^
Number of Members: 25+ static, 10-15 non-static who come around to just have some fun.
Average Level of Linkshell: 25-68
Recruiting: Possibly
Requirements: Have a good personality, a good sense of humor, and an overall good knowledge of FFXI
Contact Info: Main Leaders: Kulganflame, Celestia, Xenocide
Linkshell Color: White
About the Linkshell: Hotuken is actually one of the earliest NA linkshell's made about a month after the NA release of the game back in November of 2003. Purchased by Kulganflame, and myself. Basically we're about one thing, and that's having fun. We don't discriminate against people who are "lower level" than us. Help is one thing our LS lacks thankfully. Even when some people can't really help all that much, they offer their services. Most of the time we're always ending up doing some wacky thing within the LS that ends up getting people killed, but all in good fun. =P

Edited, Thu Sep 23 17:11:01 2004 by SneakyWeaky
#17 Sep 23 2004 at 4:03 PM Rating: Good
34 posts
ls name- TwinHarpReborn
Website- Currently none but might have one in the future.
Allegiance- A majority of us are sandorian however we do have some windurstians and bastokians
# of members- I say about a good 20
Average lvl- in the high 30s
Contact info- Dibrila, Mikansei
Info- Not the biggest ls but its a lot of fun, we have a lvl 58 who helps a lot and several 30-50 ppl there too. Our original ls fel apart because our leader ditched us. So i made a new one and everyone is happy.^^Anywho enough history. I just have to say im glad im in this ls for it is very enjoyable and the ppl can answer ur questions 9/10 times at least.
#18 Sep 24 2004 at 5:52 AM Rating: Good
59 posts
LS Name: UseOfWeapons
Website URL:
Allegiance: Mostly Windhurst
Number of Members: 20 ish
Level of Linkshell: 50-60 mostly but we all lvl are other jobs
Recruiting: Always welcome friendly like minded people
Requirements: none really, umm no psycho's ?
Contact Info: website, Xiaran, Ivwri, Daitsuke, Merodi, Shadowbuni, Majestica
#19 Sep 24 2004 at 1:10 PM Rating: Good
Boo @ Celestia
I was just about to post here about the LS.

#20 Sep 25 2004 at 5:49 PM Rating: Excellent
Proud citizen of Miranda.

-Currently on Pochacco Server of Hello Kitty Online.
#21 Oct 02 2004 at 12:06 PM Rating: Decent
103 posts
Ok, I'll take the liberty of putting my usual LS here:

LS Name: Apocalypse Incorporated (ApocInc, A*I)
Website URL:
Allegiance: Mostly Bastok, some Windurst, a few San d'Orians
Number of Members: Regulars are usually 12-20, overall about 30+
Average Level of Linkshell: 50-60, we have two set PTs, one 57, one 62, and several members anywhere from 20-54.
Recruiting: Maybe
Requirements: Quote:"The minimum requirements to be accepted into ApocInc. are to have at least one level 20 job and a subjob, unless a member of ApocInc. can vouch for you. We have no job or race restriction. We won’t deny you membership to ApocInc. based on age, gender, race, religion, sexual preference, political preference, etc. We will respect the different opinions of our linkshell members as long as they express those opinions in a respectful manner. When you are recruited, there will be a process by which we will judge your fit with ApocInc. We reserve the right to remove members who are a cause of friction in the linkshell, but we will communicate our thoughts and actions along the way."
Contact Info: Begil, Femme, Mokus, Ixaera, Zyrin, Houston, Nyellili, Sindl (sack and shell holder/s)
About the Linkshell: Generally it's a chat linkshell that happens to house two set PTs which were created within the shell itself. The sets are mainly focused on AF, genkai, rare item, semi-end game things but a lot of us train alternate jobs and often do so together. We have several crafters or beginner crafters who occasionally help each other out sharing recipes, selling or giving crystals. We're an LS mostly dedicated to being there for one another and the shell has a very casual and relaxed atmosphere.

To quote the website: "Apocalypse Incorporated was originally founded by Apocgold in 1996 during the game UO. It was a small guild that made a name for itself through PvP on the Lake Superior shard in UO’s early days. It’s members have since participated in games such as DAoC, Earth and Beyond, SWG, and have now made their home on FFXI. Many of us know each other outside of a game setting and we come from all over the globe. We are not power-gamers, we are not power-levelers, we are casual players who have things going on in our lives like school, jobs, kids, husbands/wives. If you are looking for a power-gamer linkshell with members who are on 16 hours a day 7 days a week you will be disappointed with us, you may as well know up front."
Linkshell Color: Salmon Pink? :S

Did I leave anything out? >.>

Edited, Sat Oct 2 13:07:24 2004 by endsville

Edited, Sat Oct 2 13:08:04 2004 by endsville
#22 Nov 16 2004 at 7:55 PM Rating: Excellent
LINKSHELL NAME: The Company of Nightfall's Favor (NightfallsFavor)

WEBSITE: Currently none

ALLEGIANCE: Any, predominantly Windurstian

NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 5 regular members, 5-10 part-time members (who either don't play often, or have other Linkshells)

AVERAGE LEVEL: (Mid-upper level) with a lot of members on new jobs.

RECRUITING: By scout, but not actively

REQUIREMENTS: good overall attitude, good game ethics, Roleplayer (not necessary, but enjoyed), team player (but we respect those who prefer to solo), all levels welcome.

A forwarning: In case it offends you, we DO use profanity, not heavily, but we do. S/E was nice enough to include a chat filter (albeit a flawed one) if needed.

This linkshell is, for the most part, very casual. We do level grind, occasionally, but not to the point of being insane. Certain times are heavy, on chat, while we're crafting, or farming, or whatever. We have many members (and allies) who are glad to lend a hand, doing missions, escorts, or teaching stuff, but we are not babysitters or a powerleveling service. A few of us have also begun a kind of "crafting support group", where we'll help each other out, gathering or crafting needed materials or items.

As for linkshell activities, we don't do as many, as we would like, mostly due to timing issues. Often times we will run in small groups of 2 or 3 doing various quests, or missions. We do BCNMs, ENMs, Nyzul Isle, and occasionally NM hunting. As our schedules stabilize more, we will take more time to do random things. In addition, we are working on getting some of our members finished with CoP, and a second group through the early parts of CoP. We have active people doing various points of all the expansions, if anybody wants to jump in at a point.

Dishonorable practices WILL NOT be tolerated! (including MPK, Gil buying/selling, casinos, or malicious treatment of another player. We had enough issues with our "Tarutaru mischief squad" trying to take over the world (again!). If I, or any of my co-founders catch you doing any of that stuff, with OUR pearl up, I'm gonna shatter it... period! Though it happens rarely, we prefer not to see prejudice or racial remarks used. It's bad enough it still exists, in real life, lets not drag it into here, too.

Contact Info: Send a /tell to Kestra (Berselius, Morlenkheren, Heartfire, Crystaljohn), Lunaria, or Nuni.


This linkshell was originally created, by me, as a personal shell, for myself, and my real-life friends. Its name is sentimental, for a few of us, who play D&D together, as it was the name of our adventuring company, which included, among its roster, Crystal John, the Bard.

My shell stayed pretty much dormant, for a long time, since we were all part of a much larger linkshell. I made lots of friends, while in that linkshell. Eventually, however, subtle drama, and dissention began to creep into its ranks, ultimately leading to its demise (PerfectEssence: rest in peace)

I logged in one day, to find over half the people gone from the linkshell, discovering that a large portion of them had broken off, and formed their own. In an act, of what I can only call desperation, I mobilized, and salvaged what few people I could gather, still in PerfectEssence, and brought them over to NighfallsFavor. I made a lot of friends, and didn't want to lose more of them. Sadly, several people left in the wake of "the split" all but vanished, afterward. Our linkshell was given life! It was now bustling with activity, and new hope, as we began to add members, old and new, and friendships and alliances were forged. In time, Fionchadd and Duells began scouting out new members, here and there, adding some fantastic additions to our group.

Then, something amazing happened! The "other linkshell" dissolved. Drama seemed to have followed them, unfortunately. It was to our advantage, though. While a few of their members left the group, and eventually, the game, the rest of them came home, to Nightfalls. We were united, once again! All our friends had come back together.

In its current form, NightfallsFavor is flourishing, nicely. Our various members have gotten some interesting reputations, here and there. We're like a family, here, and this shell is our home. Some of us have formed a static group, and have begun Artifact hunting, recently. We have players in every job, craft, and Race, so lots of variety. NightfallsFavor seemed to have, over the months, formed a loose alliance with a few other social shells. Some of our members had pearls, for them, and some of theirs, for us. We often wound up doing various group activities together. We have also formed alliances with a lot of freelancers, who have been a major driving force in our progress. I, personally, owe them many thanks for all they've done for this linkshell.

Sure, we're not the biggest, the most elite, or even the most recognized linkshell out there, but we ARE out there. We're coming up, in this world, and you'll be seeing a lot of us around. Keep an eye out, for the dark purple linkpearl.

Edit: Updated some stuff
Edit: Had to correct a lot of punctuation errors, because some gremlin decided it would be funny to replace all my apostrophes, and quotation marks with question marks. ><

Edited, Thu Feb 10 13:39:28 2005 by TheWanderingShadow

Edited, Mon Jun 6 18:43:04 2005 by TheWanderingShadow

Edited, Mon Jun 6 22:51:26 2005 by TheWanderingShadow

Edited, Apr 1st 2008 10:57am by TheWanderingShadow
#23 Nov 16 2004 at 11:06 PM Rating: Decent
LS Name: Bubugary
Website URL:
Allegiance: All
Number of Members: around 25~30
Average Level of Linkshell: lv20~75
Recruiting: Yes, always
Requirements: Welcome any nice ppls and not only ask for help.
Contact Info: bubugary, bobbychan, chisatoli, ericcm
About the Linkshell:

We have event almost every week.
ZM, PM, CM, camp NM, LS PT etc

This coming weekend, we will have ZM4 on Sat and kill eye king on Sunday.

We are busy with camp NM in sky, camp eyes, PM1 and Bastok mission recently (most Windurst R10 and changed to Bastok).

We will help LS for LB, AF, WSNM etc.

Around 60% of us from HK. The rest from other country(US, UK, JP, AUS etc)

We are welcome anyone to have our LS and dont have to stay in LS all the time. We dont mind anyone who not stay in LS everyday.
However, we are not welcome ppls only ask for help in LS and dont help other ppls.

#24 Feb 08 2005 at 11:04 PM Rating: Decent
LS Name: Eternal Downfall
Website URL: [] [/link]
Allegiance: All welcome.
Number of Members: ?? Growing
Average Level of Linkshell: 50
Recruiting: YES
Requirements: lvl 30 rank 3+ (wishy-washy)
Contact Info: Thore, Xiphoid, Blackchaos, or ny the website
About the Linkshell: As of now we are a new LS that is gonna have at least one event a week and try to do some LS events on a regular basis.
#25 Feb 10 2005 at 12:51 PM Rating: Good
610 posts
LS Name: StercusApperuit
Website URL:
Allegiance: Everyone is welcome! ^^
Number of Members: Hmm we grow a bit every day.. but I would have to say over 40
Average Level of Linkshell: 50's
Recruiting: We take in friends of other members right now to make sure we aren't too large
Requirements: A good sense of humor and enjoys helping others
Contact Info: Yekan, Ishido, Theophany, Awias, Noxx, Vimes, Camazarin
About the Linkshell: We've gone through three stages of a Linkshell before I was put in charge of SA. We love helping people out and have AF Sundays where we help to get some AF armor for our members. We are a generally carefree LS who just hang out and have a good time together plus we have some interesting chats too. ^^;

<3 My Linkshell
#26 Feb 10 2005 at 1:30 PM Rating: Good
353 posts
Umm.. Thore... you are aware that your board's advertising includes gil-selling companies, yes? I know advertisement boards suck but maybe you can change what your board is related to to get rid of that type of advertising.
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