Tried a search for Abstruse with a class of Cleric - and excluding Prestige, no returns.
Here is the search Looks like all Abstruse items need to be tagged as NON-PRESTIGE, same would go for T2 VoA, and T1-3 SoD sets. I tried a few other classes. This seems to be a major problem with no effort applied to try and solve it.
This feature is the key reason for me to sub to ZAM, primarily for AUG's for F2P - now how can I trust the data? Whats the point of me being subscribed if the information cannot be trusted, at least for the fundamental items like HZ augs, expansion collection augs and major armor sets.
Felling cheated at the moment, but I will work around it. Not sure if I'll bother re subbing to premium though. I will however be running the lucy client from now on. I hope it can handle a multibox setup.
Edited, Sep 3rd 2012 9:12pm by sikko