I'm curious, how hard would it be to to make a portion of Zam restricted? Many times I've noticed unreleased games and some expansions have websites popping up that ignore the NDAs, especially for new games this puts established sites like Zam at a disadvantage as they obey the NDA.
Star Trek Online and The Old Republic are good examples of games where we struggled to compete once the NDA was lifted as we had to pretty much build everything from the ground up. The Old Republic wasn't as bad since Torhead swooped in somewhat ready, but there was still many things that could have been added if people in the beta could have posted (especially datacron and companion info). It is so much easier to update the information than to create it from scratch.
While NDAs say you can't talk about the games in public, they do allow other testers to talk. So a fix for this would be to get a beta section for Zam, (ie mop.betazam.com for for mists of pandaria). So if Zam could get a mod into future betas (or a willing user if Zam can't get anyone in) and have the testers send them a tell with their Zam username they could allow them access to that portion of the site while obeying the NDA. When the game lifts its NDA you move the files to the the live version, giving you a little headstart.