Site seems really slow, and ping is timing out on
EDIT: To fix Subject type in site name. And it's not that, I typo'd it when pinging :( Definitely waiting on something, I'll check some more.
EDIT 2: Most of the error console messages are either:
Warning: Expected declaration but found '*'. Skipped to next declaration.
Source File:
Line: 366 (Line Number varies)
Warning: Unknown property 'zoom'. Declaration dropped.
Source File:
Line: 423
EDIT 3: Also some in but much fewer. Also only seems to be various versions of Firefox (3.6.15 and 11). IE8 and Chrome 18 both did pretty good. Maybe just a bit slower than normal but definitely not hanging like Firefox.
EDIT 4: Chrome is showing similar or same errors, just ignoring them faster it appears.
Yther Ore.
Edited, Apr 1st 2012 5:12pm by Yther
Edited, Apr 1st 2012 5:23pm by Yther