This post lists some of the fastest 2HB for Monk, but the fastest listed is usable by most melee / hybrid that can use 2HB. Yea, I will see if I can do a quick Wiki page just for practice weapons. I don't see much use for it other than that, and I like to search for high delay two-handed weapons for riposte disc usage. Although, I used to use a 20 * Dmg / Dly / Dly formula personally to find higher ratio, lower delay weapons for duel wielding or even tanking with 2Hers for better quick dmg aggro, but really that was just not worth it either, unless the straight dmg / dly ratios were very similar when comparing two weapons. I used to use the Weapon Efficiency calculation alot when it was listed on the item pages, as it gave a more accurate dps rating than the straight ratios. I'm not sure if it still does at the higher levels, 'cause I haven't used it since 70 was the max level, but prior to that it gave similar rankings as dps parses.
Yther Ore.