I added the tooltips on my site and my phpbb board. The actual tooltips look nice, but still lacking some essential features. It will just appear as a plain link with no icon and no rarity color. So:
1) Customizing the tooltip. For example: At http://rift.yg.com/tooltips they have the option to customize the links, which is very handy. You can add a script like this (under the script link in overall_footer.html):
<script type="text/javascript">
YG.UserSettings.Syndication =
defaultClass: 'yg-iconsmall',
This will make it the default setting that the link appears with a small icon. You can of course also use the regular "<a class=" for HTML, but this is not possible on phpbb board, hence why this method is so nice. But not even th standard HTML "<a class=" is possible on ZAM, why is extremely odd.
2) And even more importantly: The link appear with the rarity color. This should be on by default, and rather have a option to disable this.
Don't get me wrong, this is the best rift database hands down, but the lack of features on the tooltip side is still making me keep the other alternative(s). I am hoping for something new in this area :)
Edited, Apr 16th 2011 10:07am by Frode789
Edited, Apr 16th 2011 10:08am by Frode789