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FFXI + FFXIV Forum question/feedbackFollow

#1 Feb 07 2010 at 5:10 AM Rating: Default
I've been meaning to bring this up but...well...ultimately it's not of earth shattering importance, but just something I've had in mind for a while.

Currently, the FFXIV boards are accessible from the FFXI forum sidebar. If someone comes to the boards for <game x> who does not play <game x> and are critical of said game, it's generally expected that they're going to be met with harsh criticism, flames, mockery, and the type of generally delicious behavior we know and love.

Unfortunately, when we're talking about a forum that exists right now to share news, speculate, and debate about a game that's not even in beta stages yet (at least, not as far as we know), it stands to reason that anyone interested in the game may want to come on over and share their thoughts regardless of what game(s) the currently play or have played in the past. Unfortunately, they are all too frequently met with responses from FFXI players that have the stink of, "These are OUR boards and thou shalt not speak critically of OUR game in OUR home." It doesn't help that people venturing to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI side of the rift see a URL and forum header that implies that they are in simply another subset of the FFXI boards.

Would it be possible to force a url/skin/header change when jumping from the FFXI boards -> FFXIV? I don't think it would be fair or beneficial to remove the link to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI sidebar, but something that makes it more clear that no, Toto, you aren't in FFXI land anymore might help to alleviate some of the snark and idiocy.

Edited, Feb 7th 2010 3:11am by AureliusSir
#2 Feb 07 2010 at 8:41 AM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
Honestly, I doubt an aesthetic change is going to affect the tenor of the board. The OOT and Asylum are also accessible from the sidebar and those don't suffer from the same things you're describing, mostly because those forums get a lot of other visitors aside from FFXI players.

The fact is that a large portion (if not the majority) of people interested in FFXIV and the FFXIV forums are going to be current and former FFXI players. Changing how the forum looks isn't going to change the people who are going to visit it.
#3 Feb 07 2010 at 1:43 PM Rating: Decent
Spoonless wrote:
Honestly, I doubt an aesthetic change is going to affect the tenor of the board. The OOT and Asylum are also accessible from the sidebar and those don't suffer from the same things you're describing, mostly because those forums get a lot of other visitors aside from FFXI players.

The fact is that a large portion (if not the majority) of people interested in FFXIV and the FFXIV forums are going to be current and former FFXI players. Changing how the forum looks isn't going to change the people who are going to visit it.

I'm a former FFXI player. I remember all too clearly how xenophobic and insecure the community is with regards to criticism of the game they play and comparisons of various different mechanics to other games. Throw in the skin that makes it seem like the FFXIV boards are ZAM's gift to FFXI players as opposed to a forum not directly associated with any other game and it doesn't help. If you go to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI sidebar, the ONLY that changes is the forum nest string...everything from the graphics to the screen color right down to the Vana'diel clock remains the same. If you jump from the FFXI boards to FFXIV from the Network Sites drop-down, you get the skin change and a more clear delineation between the two boards.
#4 Feb 07 2010 at 3:25 PM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
If you go to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI sidebar, the ONLY that changes is the forum nest string...everything from the graphics to the screen color right down to the Vana'diel clock remains the same.
It's the same thing if you visit the OOT or the Asylum from the FFXI skin sidebar, and those sites don't suffer the same problems you're describing. If you change the skin when you click on it, it's not going to change the actual people who are visiting the forum. The reason the FFXIV forum is overrun with snarky FFXI and former FFXI players is because the majority of people interested in FFXIV are FFXI and former FFXI players, not because it's the same color scheme if you visit it from the sidebar.

In fact, I can visit the EVE forums, the EQ2 forums, the WoW forums, all while under the FFXI skin, and retain the FFXI header and the FFXI sidebar. Forcing a skin change isn't all of a sudden going to make the people you don't like change their songs.
#5 Feb 07 2010 at 4:46 PM Rating: Decent
Spoonless wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
If you go to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI sidebar, the ONLY that changes is the forum nest string...everything from the graphics to the screen color right down to the Vana'diel clock remains the same.
It's the same thing if you visit the OOT or the Asylum from the FFXI skin sidebar, and those sites don't suffer the same problems you're describing. If you change the skin when you click on it, it's not going to change the actual people who are visiting the forum. The reason the FFXIV forum is overrun with snarky FFXI and former FFXI players is because the majority of people interested in FFXIV are FFXI and former FFXI players, not because it's the same color scheme if you visit it from the sidebar.

In fact, I can visit the EVE forums, the EQ2 forums, the WoW forums, all while under the FFXI skin, and retain the FFXI header and the FFXI sidebar. Forcing a skin change isn't all of a sudden going to make the people you don't like change their songs.

No, but when they get all snarky and uppity about THEIR game and THEIR forums and you point out to them that they aren't ON the FFXI boards, their response is more likely to be nothing, "....", or "but but <lame argument here" instead of, "YES IT IS YES IT IS NEENER NEENER GTFO."
#6 Feb 07 2010 at 11:23 PM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Forcing a skin change when switching between boards would be just plain annoying. I don't even play FFXI anymore and I use the FFXI skin because of the look and the fact that it has most of the links I use on the sidebar.


"These are OUR boards and thou shalt not speak critically of OUR game in OUR home." It doesn't help that people venturing to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI side of the rift see a URL and forum header that implies that they are in simply another subset of the FFXI boards.

The only time I've ever seen this happen is in (lol)=10, and then only when some random WoW player wanders in and starts bashing FFXI.

Edited, Feb 8th 2010 7:44am by Turin
#7 Feb 08 2010 at 1:18 AM Rating: Decent
Turin wrote:
Forcing a skin change when switching between boards would just plain annoying. I don't even play FFXI anymore and I use the FFXI skin because of the look and the fact that it has most of the links I use on the sidebar.


"These are OUR boards and thou shalt not speak critically of OUR game in OUR home." It doesn't help that people venturing to the FFXIV boards from the FFXI side of the rift see a URL and forum header that implies that they are in simply another subset of the FFXI boards.

The only time I've ever seen this happen is in (lol)=10, and then only when some random WoW player wanders in and starts bashing FFXI.

Pikko has already commented that there's too much snark from the FFXI folks on those boards directed at people who bring up concepts from other games. I'm not suggesting anything be taken away from people migrating over from the FFXI boards. I'm just suggesting that it be made more clear that they aren't visiting a sub-forum of the FFXI boards when they come over to the FFXIV side of things. I don't think it's asking much and I don't see any harm coming from it. I DO see a benefit coming from it. Nothing squashes reasonable debate and discussion like the feeling that a swarm of FFXI neophytes is waiting to immediately trash an idea that doesn't stem from an FFXI design philosophy. The sheer level of trolling and karma bombing aimed at people who present alternate points of view is disturbing. If FFXI players want their community to carry over to FFXIV, that's fine...they've got no right to do so to the exclusion of others.
#8 Feb 08 2010 at 6:50 AM Rating: Good
Keeper of the Shroud
13,632 posts
Seriously, how would this do anything but annoy people that prefer a certain skin (as in most people). The people that post in certain forums will still post there. Making the site look different won't change how people post.
#9 Feb 08 2010 at 9:03 AM Rating: Decent
2,010 posts
I have to agree with Turin on this one - I use the old EQ skin I believe (the blue and goldish one) and while I agree that the FFXIV skin is nice, I prefer this one and don't want to be forced to change.

But, Aurelius has a point, and a rather significant one at that. The general tone on the boards relating to FFXI and XIV is hostile and has been for a while.

But I think that the only thing that will reign in the current (and long-time) attitude among the FFXI players on those boards is more heavy moderation on the part of the admins. Lately I have been seeing more effort on their part (a post by Vlor comes to mind just a couple short weeks ago), but we could do with a little more and leaving it to the "karma system" just doesn't work when you are dealing with what essentially boils down to a pack of bullies.

Sometimes, the teacher does need to step in. A cosmetic change wouldn't be likely to alter anyone's behavior any more than the title of the forums being XIV rather than XI.
#10 Feb 08 2010 at 9:13 AM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Pikko has already commented that there's too much snark from the FFXI folks on those boards directed at people who bring up concepts from other games. I'm not suggesting anything be taken away from people migrating over from the FFXI boards. I'm just suggesting that it be made more clear that they aren't visiting a sub-forum of the FFXI boards when they come over to the FFXIV side of things. I don't think it's asking much and I don't see any harm coming from it. I DO see a benefit coming from it. Nothing squashes reasonable debate and discussion like the feeling that a swarm of FFXI neophytes is waiting to immediately trash an idea that doesn't stem from an FFXI design philosophy. The sheer level of trolling and karma bombing aimed at people who present alternate points of view is disturbing. If FFXI players want their community to carry over to FFXIV, that's fine...they've got no right to do so to the exclusion of others.
Except that it will change nothing about the forum community. The only thing you would accomplish through this would be to negate the whole point behind being able to choose what skin to visit the Zam forum under. If you pick the FFXIV site from the Games dropdown on the main page, it brings you to the FFXIV portal, skin and all. That's enough.

I don't get why you don't understand that changing the color scheme isn't going to change how people act on the board, because the same people are going to be visiting the FFXIV forum, regardless of what skin it has. Those who are dumb enough to think that the FFXIV site is "their" site aren't going to be magically, mystically changed by different colors.

#11 Feb 08 2010 at 11:03 AM Rating: Default
Spoonless wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
Pikko has already commented that there's too much snark from the FFXI folks on those boards directed at people who bring up concepts from other games. I'm not suggesting anything be taken away from people migrating over from the FFXI boards. I'm just suggesting that it be made more clear that they aren't visiting a sub-forum of the FFXI boards when they come over to the FFXIV side of things. I don't think it's asking much and I don't see any harm coming from it. I DO see a benefit coming from it. Nothing squashes reasonable debate and discussion like the feeling that a swarm of FFXI neophytes is waiting to immediately trash an idea that doesn't stem from an FFXI design philosophy. The sheer level of trolling and karma bombing aimed at people who present alternate points of view is disturbing. If FFXI players want their community to carry over to FFXIV, that's fine...they've got no right to do so to the exclusion of others.
Except that it will change nothing about the forum community. The only thing you would accomplish through this would be to negate the whole point behind being able to choose what skin to visit the Zam forum under. If you pick the FFXIV site from the Games dropdown on the main page, it brings you to the FFXIV portal, skin and all. That's enough.

I don't get why you don't understand that changing the color scheme isn't going to change how people act on the board, because the same people are going to be visiting the FFXIV forum, regardless of what skin it has. Those who are dumb enough to think that the FFXIV site is "their" site aren't going to be magically, mystically changed by different colors.

Because there are people who don't realize that the FFXIV boards are not the FFXI boards and they respond as such. It's one thing to go over to the FFXI boards and comment critically about FFXI. As I said in my first post, someone who was to do that is really just asking for it. That's not the case with the FFXIV boards. The way it is currently set up is misleading. If people want to preserve their skin from FFXI -> FFXIV, that's up to them just as it would be if they wanted to preserve their skin from FFXI -> EQ (or whatever). Territorialism is not healthy for communities.
#12 Feb 08 2010 at 11:47 AM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
If people want to preserve their skin from FFXI -> FFXIV, that's up to them just as it would be if they wanted to preserve their skin from FFXI -> EQ (or whatever). Territorialism is not healthy for communities.
Not if you force a skin change every time they click the FFXIV General link from the FFXI sidebar.

I also pointed out that the OOT and Asylum are both accessible from the sidebar, keeping the skin intact and having the header read " Final Fantasy XI: Out of Topic," yet that forum doesn't suffer from this perceived "territorialism" that you say the FFXIV forum suffers from. This is largely because the OOT and Asylum forums have a community made up of people who play other games than FFXI. FFXIV's community is going to inherently contain a large number of FFXI and former FFXI players. Regardless of whatever aesthetic changes you want to make, the same FFXI and former FFXI players are going to be a part of the FFXIV community.

I'll say it again: The same people are going to visit the FFXIV forum regardless of whether you change the skin or not on them. They're going to post the same way that they already do, regardless of whether you change the skin or not on them. If a skin change is going to make such a huge difference, why don't we just change the FFXI skin since it will make people change their posting personae?

Really, if you want to make these arguments, you should just argue that they should remove "FFXIV General" from the FFXI sidebar. It'd at least make more sense than arguing that there needs to be a skin change when you click on it.

Edited, Feb 8th 2010 12:54pm by Spoonless
#13 Feb 08 2010 at 11:59 AM Rating: Default
Spoonless wrote:
AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:
If people want to preserve their skin from FFXI -> FFXIV, that's up to them just as it would be if they wanted to preserve their skin from FFXI -> EQ (or whatever). Territorialism is not healthy for communities.
Not if you force a skin change every time they click the FFXIV General link from the FFXI sidebar.

I also pointed out that the OOT and Asylum are both accessible from the sidebar, keeping the skin intact and having the header read " Final Fantasy XI: Out of Topic," yet that forum doesn't suffer from this perceived "territorialism" that you say the FFXIV forum suffers from.

OOT and Asylum are not the same as forums for other games. I don't think anyone visiting either of those two forums thinks that it's a subforum for their game of choice. It has been made clear that there ARE people who think that the FFXIV forums are an FFXI sub-forum much the same as the FFXI job forums.

I'll say it again: The same people are going to visit the FFXIV forum regardless of whether you change the skin or not on them. They're going to post the same way that they already do, regardless of whether you change the skin or not on them. If a skin change is going to make such a huge difference, why don't we just change the FFXI skin since it will make people change their posting persona?

I didn't say changing the skin will change peoples' posting persona. I'm talking about people being overly territorial and acting like they have more right to be in a particular forum than certain others. If it weren't from the posts from people siting the skin as justification to believe that the FFXIV boards are part of the FFXI boards, I never would have brought it up. Of course there are still going to be people who bash people for whatever reason, but I'm not talking about those people so much as the people whose response is based largely on an erroneous assumption.

Really, if you want to make these arguments, you should just argue that they should remove "FFXIV General" from the FFXI sidebar. It'd at least make more sense than arguing that there needs to be a skin change when you click on it.

No, because that would be taking away from the FFXI forum users, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. It's not about a penalty or a, "you abused it so you lost it"'s just about clarity. Right now the distinction between the two boards is unclear. If you're hopping between network sites using the aptly named drop down, the skin changes. FFXI board users have been given a convenience in having FFXIV general placed on their sidebar. Unfortunately, the way it has been done is leading to confusion.

Don't believe me?

Example outlining the confusion.
#14 Feb 08 2010 at 12:11 PM Rating: Good
2,010 posts
No, because that would be taking away from the FFXI forum users, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. It's not about a penalty or a, "you abused it so you lost it"'s just about clarity. Right now the distinction between the two boards is unclear. If you're hopping between network sites using the aptly named drop down, the skin changes. FFXI board users have been given a convenience in having FFXIV general placed on their sidebar. Unfortunately, the way it has been done is leading to confusion.

He is saying that it still wouldn't work because what we are dealing with are the attitudes of specific people that transcend the boundaries between "this banner" and "that banner". When I browse the forums, I just scroll down to the XIV link and it takes me to those boards without changing my skin - so in order for what you are asking for to be implemented the admins would literally have change every single link to force everyone to use that particular skin on that particular board. It's not fair to the rest of us to have to use a skin we may not like just because there's a couple of bad apples over on those boards.

I also use the FFXI boards but I would probably slice my wrists and make snow angels if I was forced to use the default color scheme over there. I just don't like it.

In short - your intentions are the best - a friendly environment for all where we may have civilized discussions about games. However, this would probably cause more problems than it would solve.
#15 Feb 08 2010 at 12:30 PM Rating: Default
Torrence wrote:
No, because that would be taking away from the FFXI forum users, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. It's not about a penalty or a, "you abused it so you lost it"'s just about clarity. Right now the distinction between the two boards is unclear. If you're hopping between network sites using the aptly named drop down, the skin changes. FFXI board users have been given a convenience in having FFXIV general placed on their sidebar. Unfortunately, the way it has been done is leading to confusion.

He is saying that it still wouldn't work because what we are dealing with are the attitudes of specific people that transcend the boundaries between "this banner" and "that banner". When I browse the forums, I just scroll down to the XIV link and it takes me to those boards without changing my skin - so in order for what you are asking for to be implemented the admins would literally have change every single link to force everyone to use that particular skin on that particular board. It's not fair to the rest of us to have to use a skin we may not like just because there's a couple of bad apples over on those boards.

I also use the FFXI boards but I would probably slice my wrists and make snow angels if I was forced to use the default color scheme over there. I just don't like it.

In short - your intentions are the best - a friendly environment for all where we may have civilized discussions about games. However, this would probably cause more problems than it would solve.

Not every link. Just the FFXIV general link on the FFXI sidebar. As far as I know, the FFXI boards are the only boards that have a link to other ZAM game forums on their sidebar. I understand why it was done, and I also understand that it's creating confusion. The tone on the FFXIV boards right now is downright inhospitable to anyone who doesn't have a very high opinion of FFXI. It's fine for the FFXI players to make inflammatory comments about other games and the people who play them...put the shoe on the other foot and it's a swarm of FFXI players dancing around the interlopers complaining and flaming and carrying on. It's getting old.
#17 Feb 08 2010 at 1:08 PM Rating: Excellent
Mistress of Gardening
14,661 posts
I don't think it will make a difference either, since people are people and the color of the board isn't going to change their attitude. I do however, agree that it should go to the XIV skin because I feel it's got a more modern look to it. I realize this will upset some people, but those people can just bookmark those forums in the specific skin they prefer. You'd end up doing that anyway if we removed the link and I don't think it was put there intending to be permanent.

I'll discuss with the devs what we'll do. More moderation is necessary, yes, but we need your help with reporting problems.
Yum-Yum Bento Box | Pikko Pots | Adventures in Bentomaking


#18 Feb 08 2010 at 1:36 PM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
Pikko wrote:
I do however, agree that it should go to the XIV skin because I feel it's got a more modern look to it. I realize this will upset some people, but those people can just bookmark those forums in the specific skin they prefer.
This just doesn't make sense, though. If I click a link to another of Zam's forums while on one skin, it should stay on that skin when I click on it, just like I can go click through the WoW boards or the EQ boards while keeping the FFXI skin.

AureliusSir the Irrelevant wrote:

No, because that would be taking away from the FFXI forum users, and that's what I'm trying to avoid. It's not about a penalty or a, "you abused it so you lost it"'s just about clarity. Right now the distinction between the two boards is unclear. If you're hopping between network sites using the aptly named drop down, the skin changes. FFXI board users have been given a convenience in having FFXIV general placed on their sidebar. Unfortunately, the way it has been done is leading to confusion.

Removing the link from the sidebar would clarify that it's not a FFXI board far more effectively than changing the color scheme. Heck, replace the FFXIV General lnk in the forums section of the sidebar with a link to the Zam FFXIV homepage (maybe in a special section between Search and Forums) and have the skin change there. That'd at least be consistent with how the site works now.

Visiting the Network Sites changes the skins, yes. It brings you to the homepage of the specific game you clicked on. Visiting the other Forums directly does not. For example, click on the "Forums" link on the sidebar. It brings up all the forums on the site. Click around, and it does not change the skin. This is a convenience, allowing you to browse other forums without having to leave your default skin.

Honestly, I just think it's really dumb to change how the skins work for one link on the site. If this were to be implemented, it should change the links to the Site Feedback, Out of Topic, Cross Site, and Asylum forums to the default skin. I mean, for clarity's sake.

Edited, Feb 8th 2010 2:39pm by Spoonless
#19 Feb 08 2010 at 2:11 PM Rating: Excellent
13,251 posts
On a side note, I don't understand why there isn't a neutral skin (similar to the news skin) with a customizable sidebar. Four or five user-chosen links should suffice.
#20 Feb 08 2010 at 7:06 PM Rating: Default
Spoonless wrote:

Removing the link from the sidebar would clarify that it's not a FFXI board far more effectively than changing the color scheme.

I don't disagree with you. I just didn't want to approach it from the angle of taking something away from anyone. Quite frankly, if I still played FFXI, that little FFXIV link on the sidebar would seem very much to me like my last remaining glimmer of hope. Sort of a, "Don't worry, beleaguered adventurer. Your suffering is nearly at an end" kind of thing. That's why I haven't gone after Pikko or any other admins for having put it there in the first place. It's just about clarity and whether that comes from a site adjustment, a more aggressive approach to moderation or an admin blurb doesn't really matter to me. If Pikko had come back in this thread and said she didn't feel the atmosphere in the FFXIV boards were all that bad, I'd let it go, too.

And since two admins have now responded to the original post and I know that it has received their attention, I'm honestly no more interested in continuing to debate this as I am continuing to debate whether or not disliking xp loss as a penalty for death just means I want a WoW clone.
#22 Feb 09 2010 at 4:51 PM Rating: Good
50,767 posts
If anything, you should change the name from FFXIV General Discussion Forum to FFXIV Speculation Forum.
George Carlin wrote:
I think it’s the duty of the comedian to find out where the line is drawn and cross it deliberately.
#23 Feb 10 2010 at 6:55 AM Rating: Excellent
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
I don't see why you'd want this changed Aur. Once the beta/game is open, it's going to consist of mostly former FFXIers anyway, so whatever behaviours they have on FFXI boards will only move over to FFXIV. I mean, we could try and make it separate and keep that from happening, but it won't last.

Also, nice to see you're still around, Jackass.
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#24 Feb 11 2010 at 4:13 PM Rating: Decent
Uglysasquatch, Mercenary Major wrote:
I don't see why you'd want this changed Aur. Once the beta/game is open, it's going to consist of mostly former FFXIers anyway, so whatever behaviours they have on FFXI boards will only move over to FFXIV. I mean, we could try and make it separate and keep that from happening, but it won't last.

I expect that once FFXIV goes live, there will probably be a month or two (or three) of "told you so" and "wtf" referencing comparisons to this game or that where the easiest, most effective, and most appropriate answer will be, "It doesn't's done...shut up and play or gtfo." (Okay, maybe not most appropriate, but it's probably the one I'd favor.) During and after the post-release shenanigans, the majority of the discussion would likely shift to "which class is better?" and "which race should I play?". Then, in a flurry of red arrows and delicious salty tears things will settle down and people can get back to ******** about SE and ranting about horrible PUG party members. By that point, however, discussion will be focused on FFXIV, not FFXI vs. WoW vs. XBox vs. kittens.

Also, nice to see you're still around, Jackass.

Wanna make out?
#25 Feb 12 2010 at 7:21 AM Rating: Good
Soulless Internet Tiger
35,474 posts
It's not cheating since we're in separate time zones, right?
Donate. One day it could be your family.

An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo

#26 Mar 02 2010 at 5:01 PM Rating: Good
621 posts
Interesting thread. Didn't catch it before now as I don't often wander out of the FFXIV forum.

I agree with Aurelius that many of the people visiting the FFXIV forum are former/current FFXI players, and that Aurelius has met some resistance/hostility during his visits/raids on the XIV forum. Aurelius, however, isn't the diplomatic angel he displays himself as.

I would like to make some points;

1. XIV and XI are both made by Square-Enix and are parts of the long series of Final Fantasy games. This series (and XI in particular) has many loyal fans on these forums, of course mostly residing in the XI forum. Therefore, it is wrong to look at XIV as a totally independent game. It IS a part of the Final Fantasy series and naturally most of the people who follow its development in detail are current or former XI players or players of other games of the series.

2. When someone like Aurelius, who has a very direct and aggressive, some would say arrogant, writing style enters a forum with statements describing XI as living hell on earth, a complete failure and a suffering for all mankind, of course Final Fantasy fans get defensive. Just look at his previous post in this thread for an example, cited here:

Aurelius said: "Quite frankly, if I still played FFXI, that little FFXIV link on the sidebar would seem very much to me like my last remaining glimmer of hope. Sort of a, "Don't worry, beleaguered adventurer. Your suffering is nearly at an end" kind of thing."

These kinds of pointless statements have been thrown all over the XIV forum by Aurelius.

3. Now, one could ask oneself if this is a general problem, if other non-FF players/fans are treated badly on the XIV forum? I say no. Other people with a more diplomatic attitude can easily post critique or ideas without being attacked or rated down. Aurelius definitely is a case of his own.

So how can we solve this problem of Aurelius feeling attacked in the XIV forum? Only in one way, namely by Aurelius moderating his own, very aggressive, posts like everybody else does.

I would like to end my post in a more cheerful tone by acknowledging that in the last few weeks Aurelius has made some very good posts on the XIV forum, where he hasn't been treated with any form of hostility. Common for these posts are that he hasn't started them by saying that FFXI is the crappiest game ever made.

Sorry for any grammatical errors, English is not my native tongue.
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