I am going to close this thread and Alatariel can make a new one.
edit: Just got your PM DF, thanks. I'll try that.
As I said in the locked thread, I PM'd Tamat early Monday morning, but as far as I know, he hasn't even read it. It just seems as if none of the people who might be able to help are talking (admins).
I hope I'm not coming off as negative, I'm just happy I won and would like to receive some feedback so the ball can start rolling. If that three-day period doesn't count, then I'll shut up and sit back patiently. I just don't want to miss out on the opportunity when I'm making attempts at contact.
Edited, Apr 29th 2009 12:24pm by Alatariel
Edited, Apr 29th 2009 12:05pm by Darqflame