Since I am bored and have no shame, I shamelessly steal this from Slashdot.
Apparently, today, July 29th is System Administrataru Appreciation Day. I think it is Worldwide...sorta like Talk-Like-a-Pirate Day...
In any case, I thank all of Allakhazam's admins, especially:
1. Those who tirelessly bring us detailed updates on new stuff in games such as FFXI and WoW.
2. Those who sit all day watching the servers and miaking sure that they aren't runing too laggily for most of the time.
3. Those who make sure we are not being karma camped and ruthlessly punish all those who commit bad deeds such as spamming.
4. Those who have written this fine forum and keep it in good condition.
5. And those hidden ones who sit in front of their various machines and filter out all of those DoS and such packets out so that they don't bring Allakhazam down.
If you are an admin and I didn't mention your function, then assume that I did...or that I am a shameless newb who has not yet reached 300 posts.
Since I am only a wee little 17 year old taru and can't send you a gift such as a cake, ice cream party, a home theater system, a PSP, and any variety of Gift certificates, you will have to live with my praise and a virtual COOKIE to each of you. (Note that since I am not of Premium status, I am unable to post images or smilies...)
EDIT: Spelling errors before edit: 1. Spelling errors after edit: None so far.
Edited, Fri Jul 29 22:29:04 2005 by Bagira