Now something else is wrong with Skeeter...
According to the character Bio s/he is supposed to be a scholar with a starting karma of 3.09.
The post made in this thread is not only sub-default with an appauling 1.19, but the name is listed as a non-named (scholar/sage/guru) account.
I'm kinda scared of the power of the Skeeter.
EDIT-Skeeter is back to a scholar, but post is still sub-default.
EDIT-Skeeter lost scholar.
EDIT-Skeeter is back to scholar. I think Skeeter is a scholar when the post count is positive, but not when the post count is negative. Since it is random when you refresh, it messes with the name display.
I'm finding this fascinating.
Edited, Fri Jul 29 10:03:27 2005 by Lenonis
Edited, Fri Jul 29 10:04:12 2005 by Lenonis
Edited, Fri Jul 29 10:05:22 2005 by Lenonis