Ever been to Avidgamers.com? Any site that has an insanely large amount of users and low amount of revenue will try to gain the revenue it can. I can name very few sites that have worse loading times, but I can definitely give a lot more gaming sites that have approximately equal loading times.
Here are something Alla could do to alleviate that, all of which are much harder than implementing the premium system already in place:
1. Forge a partnership with some other gaming community, which may be worse for us users.
2. if it was a hosting/e-mail/etc. company like swirve.com which Runs Utopia and Earth2025, two very large text based browser games each of which has approximately 100K users, Alla could offer those services out and gain some more revenue.
3. Ask for donations, which will probably be very low because a large majority of the viewers of this site are those under the age of 18 years old, myself included though I am very close.
Sorry to say, friend Crux, but obviously you do not have much or any experience with the internet and finding revenue on the internet. It's not easy. You know why massively visted non-gaming sites such as
Wikipedia and
Slashdot(/.) can offer their services free of charge without any advertisement at all and with very fast connections? Because they get sponsors from large companies who give them money/capital to spend as such. If they do a good enough job and are innovative, people will support them. SO far out of gaming sites, I've seen only a handful which were solely supported by their users through donations, and they were very small. Around the area of 2K-5K users.
This website could not be what it is without its users. For Allakhazam to imply that its users should not get the best service the website has to offer without paying for it is not only naive, but insulting. To create a problem and then try to profit from its solution is, by definition, extortion.
Believe me, out of gaming sites, I can name you SO many which take the same approach. The policy is not there to insult people nor is it there to extort peoploe. It is to do business. It is common practice.
I dare you: Name me 10 gaming sites that are as large as Allakhazam and allow all users to have the same privileges and little advertising. Eh? I don't think you will find many.
Good job with eloquent speech and good vocab. I like that. But you have to learn the way the internet world works.