So earlier tonight a friend and I were chatting on a TS server he runs and I help admin it. The topic turned to IP bans and how hard it was to ban people with dynamic ones. However then he brought up something I haddn't thought about... Namely MAC Address banning.
While in the end, gold sellers could probably get around this, this is a lot more personal then IP banning. It could at least toss them a new curve ball for a bit. Also, for some of the jerks who post things on the forums with additional accounts and such, this could be just the ticket. I doubt THEY could get around it.
Just thought I would toss this out there, maybe it could work. Don't know if its possible with the way the servers and such are set-up though.
Also (and I hate to do this) I don't think i'll be letting this die w/o an admin repsonse... If that means insane bumping... Well so be it I guess. Only reason i'm saying that is i'm always trying to make these forums better even though i'm not an admin... Look at how many posts I report and such. Alot of people just rate down the posts with gold sellers and such and move on from what I can tell.