San D'Oria rank 5
55 RDM/ 30 BLM/18 BRD/ 15 NIN/ 11 SMN
~ my faverite quote. {Casting Spell.}♪♪♪{Ballad } ⼯textarea>
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San D'Oria rank 5
55 RDM/ 30 BLM/18 BRD/ 15 NIN/ 11 SMN
Verras(i think), in a random argument in /say. wrote:
Just because i'm a white mage who wants to sub ninja, doesn't mean im a n00b!
someone i partied with, while i was rdm/brd wrote:
Silly Red Mage, songs are for bards!
~ my faverite quote. {Casting Spell.}♪♪♪{Ballad } ⼯textarea>
<tr><td valign=top><input type=button value='Save User Settings' onClick='CheckIt();'>
<input type=hidden name=action value=modify></td>
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<tr><td colspan="3" id=headerrow><form name=cp><input type=hidden name=action value=change>Change Password:</td></tr>
<tr><td>New Password:</td><td><input type=password name=pw></td></tr>
<tr><td>Confirm Password:</td><td><input type=password name=pw2></td><tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align=center><input type=submit value='Change Password' aonclick='document.cp.submit();'></form></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3" id=headerrow><form name=cm><a name=changemail></a><input type=hidden name=action value=changemail>Change Email Address:</td></tr>
<tr><td>New <b>Valid</b> Email:</td><td><input type=text name=newmail></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align=center><input type=button value='Change Email' onclick='WarnMail(document.cm.newmail.value);'></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"><i><b>Note:</b> In order to ensure that the email address is valid, clicking the change email button will log you out, and send a new password to the email address. This must be a valid email address.</i></td></tr></form></table>
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is what it said. and since the save setting sbutton isnt there i cant fix it myself. {Please} {Help me out!}