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Alla Adware flood?Follow

#1 May 11 2005 at 12:44 PM Rating: Good
Just to be sure, I checked this 3 times to confirm it, and my system had just run adware sweeps, so it was clean, to the best of my knowledge.

I'm not sure how to word this but This site is hitting me with huge waves of adware, as soon as I load it. Cookies are cleared, spyware scan run, virus scan also run. As soon as I load up Allakhazam, I get a huge pile of Internet explorer pop ups flooding my screen. I cleared them out, and just to be sure, I closed out the site, and tried to load it again (two times, with the same results.

Is there any way I can prevent this, aside from what already appears in the sticky?
#2 May 11 2005 at 1:01 PM Rating: Excellent
The man who started it all!
1,635 posts
Can you copy the source of the page you are on when you get it and paste it here. If one of our advertisers is sending adware, I need to stop it. But I need to know which one.
#4 May 11 2005 at 1:59 PM Rating: Good
2,198 posts
I can't duplicate it either. Are you getting pop ups on every site you visit or just Alla's? Are they "true" pop ups or Microsoft messenger service messages (if they're messenger services, you need a firewall, or to turn on your XP firewall)? If none of this applies, try logging out of Alla's, then doing the other stuff you did (like clearing your cache) and logging back in. It's possible it's not reading your premium status (that's happened to me before when using someone elses PC).
#5 May 11 2005 at 5:38 PM Rating: Good
Sorry for the delay, in my reply. I had to go back to work...

When I left, I set up another set of scans, and upon my return, I had picked up 4 more bits of adware (in the brief 10 mins. I was online). The only site I had visited was this one.

As to my homepage, I don't have one specified. I use AOL (I know I know) for browsing and gaming.

I did test out your ideas, and when I logged in this evening, proceeded to try a bunch of other sites first, to see if I could generate the same results. Nothing. As soon as I started browsing this site, the pop ups began again. So far, I've only gotten one, but I've gotten as many as 7 at once.

For reference, Microsoft messenger is disabled.

The only other thing of note, is that once they began, unless I clear the adware out, I continue to get strings of popups over time, even after I've left the site. In the case of last night, they began to flow in, while I was ingame, pretty much lagging me to death ><

Jiggidyjay, I'll try your idea. That may do it. Thanks for your help.
#7 May 11 2005 at 7:20 PM Rating: Excellent
2,553 posts
TheWanderingShadow wrote:

I did test out your ideas, and when I logged in this evening, proceeded to try a bunch of other sites first, to see if I could generate the same results. Nothing. As soon as I started browsing this site, the pop ups began again. So far, I've only gotten one, but I've gotten as many as 7 at once.

I see your account is premium. This means you shouldn't ever see ads of any kind.

When you visit this site, do you see a "Welcome TheWanderingShadow" message?

if yes: you have adware on your computer, which is showing you popups.

if no: Clear your browser's cache, as your computer may have cached the non-premium versions of the pages. Also check your computer clock, because it shouldn't have cached them.

either way: take a look at Firefox, as a browser which allows you to turn off popups, is less susseptible to spyware and security issues, and generally plays nicer than IE.

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