Could you make it where people would have to post on a thread before they could rate on it?
Im so sick of stupid kids just playing with the pretty button:
I'm not even complaining about being scored, it's just the fact that people are too afraid to even post their thoughts in a thread and just use the rate button. This thread is a shining example of it. All I have ever asked is for people to just step up and stand by how they rate be it good or bad. But this "Silent All Knowing Jack of ***" mentality should be pu to an end.
Thank you for your consideration.
*Notice I am putting a thread up where my karma actually went up from it... Again, this is not a complaint about karma, but rather the endless throng of balless scholars who dont deserve to slow the server down with their stupid effin rate button.
Edited, Wed May 4 18:29:07 2005 by Lefein
Edited, Thu May 5 21:44:46 2005 by Railus