Hello admins,
I was hoping that you could lend me your assistance with a minor situation in the gilgamesh server forums. It seems that someone posted a hateful message about homosexuals and signed the name of a new member of the linkshell that I inhabit. Currently, the linkshell member is saying that someone else is using his name in an attempt to ruin his reputation. It is extremely important to me that I ensure that I am not sharing a linkshell with a complete bigot so here is what I propose:
I know that the admins have the ability to check IP addresses. If an admin would be willing to check the IP address of the person that posted under the name BladeWarriorII, and compare the IP address to the IP address of the person that posted under the name therealcloudxii and then inform me whether they are the same IP, I would be extremely grateful.
I would be even more grateful if an admin could identify whether that person has previously posted under a different login name with an identifiable game character. This information would help those on this server to identify and avoid a bigot and a dishonest player.
I fully understand that the site administrators are extremely busy and this seems like a rather trivial matter: however I cannot begin to express how important it is to me that I do not associate with someone that would spread this hateful message.
The post was made on this page, roughly half-way down the page:
Thank you for your attention.