I think it's basically a spam-bot that posted the same thing in every forum.
Please nuke the post and/or the account.
For Dread Lord Kaolian, I understand your frustration- to get a 'buy gil' ad is a slap in the face of all who are against gil-selling / gil buying... but please be careful when referring to 'god damn @#%^ing chinese gil sellers'. There are plenty of chinese people who play that
aren't gilsellers, and plenty of people that are gil sellers that
aren't Chinese. Not that I think your intent was to lump everyone together, but words can easily be misconstrued on a forum.
Edit: Rated everyone up for their conscienscious effort, and D.L.K. for the excellent trace he did! Edited, Fri Mar 18 10:56:27 2005 by Wondroustremor