jamesmm is posting links offering free Bahamas holidays and thousands of free smiley icons. And if I'm not mistaken, peterj and jamianl are sockpuppets of his, since they've both posted the same "is that link real?" post in both of his threads.
So, he's spamming and then promoting his spamming with other accounts? I could be wrong, it just looks that way based on what the other two accounts had to say, their karma and their post counts.
Anyway, can he die please? I hate HATE spam posts like those. Pet peeve. -_-
Edit: OOT too.
And yes, peterj and jamianl are there too. Same posts, word for word. When you're done with them, can I eat what's left? Spammers taste better than trolls. =D
Edit 2: Dear god, FFXI Main as well. Same M.O.
Edited, Mon Jan 17 06:47:22 2005 by Saboruto
Edited, Mon Jan 17 07:09:23 2005 by Saboruto