he's just a sockpuppet, ignore him
I know, but it's so hard when he sets himself up for it like this XD
My home ISP provider provides me with a dynamic ISP everytime I log on
I think you are confusing ISP (Internet Serice Provider)
with IP (Internet Protocol) address.
Perhaps what you really have is a dynamic IQ.
Well, sonny, I've been an IT , or the equiv, for twice that time! Have mommy wipe your butt now!
I don't even know how to properly respond to this.
You've worked in the field of Information Technology for sixteen years. Assuming you entered the workforce in that field at the age of twenty, that would make you 36 or older now.
You use an awful lot of exclamation marks for someone of that stature.
I just find that I'm having a really hard time believing it.
I'f I'm not twice your age, I'll eat my shorts (figuratively speaking).
because you can, just ban me! That will be the only way you can punish me, sure as hell won't be done on an intellectual footing!
That we "sure as hell [can't punish you] on an intellectual footing" is perhaps the most astute remark you've yet made.
I'm not sure we can even expect to relate to you on an intellectual footing.
Good luck, and try to stop shouting.