Ilia wrote:
found it!!!!!
It's a rounding error... ;) If your karma is 4.55 and you post, you rate your own message a 4.5 thus dropping the rating.
It's a rounding error... ;) If your karma is 4.55 and you post, you rate your own message a 4.5 thus dropping the rating.
It appears this bug still exists, though in a lesser form. If you'll view my most recent posts (in this forum, in fact), you'll see that the initial karma for each post alternates between 4.24 and 4.23. My guess is you're still using a single digit after the decimal somewhere, instead of a double digit, or else you're storing additional digits in the karma and using a trunctated version for posts.
In other words, my "actual" karma could be 4.23596583, but when I make a new post, it's auto-rated as 4.24000000 or some such. When factored into my karma rating, this causes the repeated variation of 0.01 per post, up and down. At least, that's my guess.
Side note: I extracted this post into its own thread rather than bump the old one because the old thread covered several other (and largely unrelated) issues.