Yes, something is horribly wrong! At first I thought it was the computer I use at work, but it's been doing it all day even on my home pc. Is there some voodoo ritual i can perform to fix this? Let me know, i'd be glad to help
Yes. there are several things apperently broken this morning, including everyone's favoriite database replication error that causes there to be 2 versions of the forum when there should only be one. Illia, if you read this, can you please give us a status update?
Huh. I wonder why it is doing that? It's probably trying to drive us all insane. Did you code evil sentiance into the forums? I did that once, took forever to remove the code. never program a Toaster for evil. Destroyed 4 city blocks before we stopped it.
Are there anymore servers on the way by any chance?