I guess I'd like to add my own suggestions here. It would be nice to have some kind of setting to still automatically upload profiles. I understood why they were made manual recently, but having an option to automatically upload them would be nice. In fact, if they could be uploaded at set time intervals that would be cool...for example, then those of us with traders who can't leave the bazaar because of the excessive weight of our items can see what is on our traders. Of course this would be by Alt-Tabbing out...I know that the contents of bags doesn't come to our profiles here. Although it would be cool if we could see if stuff gets sold while away from our computers.
Second, I remember someone wanted to be able to search Lucy by user name, to see all the items that he may have updated. That's kinda cool, in a narcissistic way, but an easier solution might be to have an option to save a log of only the items that get uploaded to Lucy. Then we could find them at our leisure to see if our names have been attached.
I'm sure there's lots of other neat things that could be done, but since it's a free program I'm not going to complain too much. And I would have added this to a normal "suggestion" sticky post but it seemed like the only ones were for bugs and general help, not for suggestions. If I missed it, my apologies.
Game on,