Thank you all so very much. It has been a trying time, and with the exception of one brother, we have all dealt with it well enough. Many tears have been shed, and lots of great memories shared. My mother was always a sarcastic, hilarious person to be around, so there has been some laughter through the tears as well. It is the harshest pain I have ever had emotionally, that is for certain, even more because I had not been in as regular contact as I really should have been. It just shows that you need to take and enjoy the precious, short time that you are given on this earth, and not put off for tomorrow what can be done today.
And I do hope people listen. My mother was no where near young, and the accident she had, per the doctors, regularly kill drivers a third her age. And she survived, and was actually mending far better than they ever hoped. But her heart was the problem. She had been having some issues and warning signs, so let it be a lesson to also listen to your body, and follow what it says. Had she gone to a doctor sooner, they would have discovered her heart issues, and she'd have not been on the road that night, and likely still with us today.
I am still in the final stages of dealing with it all. Her body has been cared for per her wishes, her financial issues are on the way to being resolved, but there will now be a gigantic hole in my life. No one will ever fill that void. My mother was one of a kind, and the stories of her larger than life personality will live on. So will a part of her in every life she touched.
Olorinus the Ludicrous wrote:
The idea of old school is way more interesting than the reality