I haven't been here for as long as some, but more than long enough for this site to make an impact on my life. And my Adventures In Allakhazam have been a hell of a roller-coaster ride. Sometimes one of those awesome sic new shiny ones that make your eyes bleed, your stomach void its contents and your brain leak out of your ears. Sometimes one of the ones at the county fair, held together with paperclips, rubber bands and chewing gum.
I started in =10. My LS was always telling me to: "Bun, go do that thing where you look stuff up." An *** slapping avatar lead to my sister's sock. That begot my journey through the server forums, pie eating zombies, "I'm in Hell," OoT intro, Jernal, illness, more oot, being baked on meds, detox, more baked, weddings, deaths, births of babies, thehusbandguy, thehasbeenguy, pariahdom, limbo, clarity, WoW, friendship, loss, bchan, not clicking on Hellboy's links, Cheese Revolution, filter breaking, more... On my worst days, I have almost always logged in, even when I wouldn't talk to my own mom on the phone.
Thank you.