It looks like someone read "Common Source Theory for Dummies". You're isolating one tiny part of a theory and using it to try and discredit an entire line of thought.
I'm shocked. Shocked, I say.
Common Source Theory is really more about why all cultures seem to have consistenently simmilar myths and memes. Not that it's not all a pile of crap, but at least get what it is you think is crap straight. Pyramids and monoliths are an easy example, not the theory. Disproving the causal relationship of the easy example does nothing to discredit the theory.
While I personally think the theory is a load, the better arguments in favor of it are made around myths and tradtions. Why was sacrafice such a common theme. Why are the hero myths so simmilar.
Blah blah blah.
Oh, and in the 8 million or so years of human existance (or whatever million of years it turns out to be I picked that number arbitrarily) I think it fairly unlikely that no one figured out farming untill 8,000 years ago. More likely just any trace of tose "civilizations" is lost to time.
Edited, Wed Jun 16 07:47:12 2004 by Smasharoo